爱问知识人 爱问教育 医院库







    2010-08-20 23:45:34
  •   Silk Market plan regain the right to speak 
    National Silk Industry in August Sichuan swordfight 
    Silk industry that goes: "Chinese Pi Chou, Italian technology, the French product。
      " China's annual contribution to the global raw silk production Qicheng, but with Italy, France, dozens of corporate profits or even a hundredfold difference。
       Recently, this reporter learned from the Department of Commerce, the Ministry of Commerce sponsored the work of the National Cocoon and Silk will be held in August in Nanchong, 13 well-known silk processing enterprises along the coast representative, will focus on issues such as industrial transformation and upgrading, and plan to recapture market discourse of Chinese silk right。
       Silk prices soaring boost industry transfer Nanchoverg City of Merchants who found that coastal silk processing industry is to accelerate the transfer to the mainland。
       Fuse wire since the price is soaring this year。 Wire the lowest price from 180,000 yuan last year,t shirt for toddlers, a ton, up to 300,000 yuan / ton。
       The first half of this year rose 75%。 Production costs rise, many domestic filature, weaving factory, silk factory has been unprofitable products, and even loss。
       Recently, the reporter interviewed in Chengdu city discabovey of silk, the silk largest distributiover center in Chengdu now wants to come。
       Fine silk store owner, Ms。 Ye Minxia sad face said, silk prices soaring to Chengdu market price of silk products pushed up around 2 to 3 percent。
       A kind of crepe satin nightdress, one day last year sold 23 this year, selling prices are not a few days。 Pavement last year earned her a 5 million profit this year yet。
       For cocoon farmers, reeling enterprises, wire price per ton of 230 thousand yuan of profit equilibrium。 Coastal silk processing industry to speed up the transfer to the mainland, is to close to the origin of raw materials to reduce production costs。
       After initial contact, Anna Fu, Meng Jie, rollei other 13 come from Shenzhen, Zhejiang, well-known textile, clothing and apparel companies will work at the national meeting of Silk, collective settled in Nanchong, with a total investment of nearly 2 billion yuan。
       Nanchong is the major supplier of raw materials, reeling in sericulture - processing - printing - Embroidery - Clothing - scientific research, has formed a complete industry chain, many companies still long for the local coastal OEM business。
       Undertake to promote transformation and upgrading of the transfer At present, the Ministry of Commerce is developing measures to encourage and support the silk enterprises technological innovation, brand building, expanding international and domestic markets, and promote industrial development。
       Department of Commerce, said the lack of well-known brand, long-term lack of positive brand management, Sichuan Silk far from achieving its economic value should be。
       Sichuan Silk industrial upgrading, more than any place, any time pressing。 View from the industrial division of labor, cocoon production accounts for 1 / 3 of Sichuan, a large number of silk annually and sold to Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces Pichou processing enterprises in the global industrial chain division of labor in the end。
       Trends from the industry perspective, has been from the traditional silk fabrics, clothing to the clothing, textile and other areas of rapid advance,pocket polo shirts, silk neckties, scarves, silk quilt, bed and a few sets of silk, and many other high-end brand loved by consumers。
       However, in these dazzling array of commodities, the real draw for coversumers called "Sichuan-made" brands is not common。
       13 transfer of coastal companies will bring Nanchong silk brand, technology and sales channels, promote industrial upgrading。
       Department of Commerce said the next step in our province will promote the silk industry to the garment, apparel extension of high value-added end products, silk apparel industry to actively undertake the transfer, thus raising the level of province's silk industry processing。


    2010-08-20 23:45:34


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