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一 .嫁给我,做我的妻子。虽然你不是一个漂亮的女孩子,但是我可以向你保证,在我眼里,你将是这个世界上最美丽的新娘。而且在结婚以后,你在我眼里,依然是这个世界上最美丽的妇人。我希望在你八十岁的时候,俯在你的耳边,告诉你:“感谢上帝,他赐给我一个世界上最美丽最可爱只是没有了牙齿的老太婆。 

二 .结婚以后,如果你依然希望做你的事业,我将尽我的全力去支持你,并且承担我应做的家务,我向你坦白,我分不清黄豆芽和绿豆芽,而且我会把厨房搞的一塌糊涂,但是我将尽力照着《厨房美食》上的话去做,努力把自己培养成为一个伟大的厨子。 

三. 如果你渴望避开尘世的喧嚣和烦扰,渴望做一个安安静静的小妇人,那么,我将尽我的全力去工作,去挣更多的钱来维持这个家庭,只是,只是我的臭袜子要归你洗。 

四. 我向你保证,我将推开一些不必要的应酬而早些回家,因为我知道你会在家里很寂寞,而且会为我担惊受怕。而且,我向你保证,无论我回家有多累,都会认真的听你倾诉你一天所经历的事情,因为我知道你需要理解与支持,我是你的丈夫,这是我的职责。 

五. 和我生一个孩子。我希望可以和我们的孩子一起在你四十岁生日时在你的生日蛋糕上只插三十六根蜡烛。而且,我相信咱们的孩子会一改往日的调皮,一脸庄严象个小大人似的对你说:“天啊,老妈,你看上去只有三十岁,我的同学们都说你更象我的姐姐!” 

六 .我会忠诚于你,忠诚于我们的家庭。因为我知道,这是一个男人应尽的责任。而且我知道如果我一旦背叛了你和别的女人有了不干净的来往,我会愧疚,愧疚使我自责,自责使我无颜面对你,无颜面对你会使我想要逃避你依然纯洁的眼睛,想要离开你,而离开你,是我这辈子最不愿做的事。 

七. 如果有一天你厌了倦了,你渴望离开我去自由的飞,我会为你饯行,虽然我固执的认为在你臂弯的甜美远胜于世界上任何的自由,但是我没有权力去希望你也这样认为,我想我会对你说:累了,回家;倦了,回家;受伤害了,回家。我是你的丈夫,会守侯你的归来,这个家是你的家,这个家的灯将永远为你而燃。 

八. 如果有一天你爱上别的男人要离开我,我向你承认,我会吃醋会勃然大怒会伤心会痛苦,但是最终还是会选择分手,我只是希望那个男人能如同我对你一样善待你,呵护你,照顾好你的今生今世,我会依然如同以往向上帝祝福你,而且因为你不在我身边,我无法亲自照顾你,所以,我会祈求上帝一千倍的祝福你。 

九. 我不知道前生前世我们有没有在一起,但那已经是过去式了已经不重要;我不知道来生来世我们会不会在一起但那太遥远了我无法去把握。我只在意今生今世,我希望在我有生之年,可以尽我最大的努力,让你在我的怀里,不惊风,不受雨,健康,平安,快乐。 

十. 我爱你。 

  • 2007-11-17 10:02:35
      一 。嫁给我,做我的妻子。虽然你不是一个漂亮的女孩子,但是我可以向你保证,在我眼里,你将是这个世界上最美丽的新娘。而且在结婚以后,你在我眼里,依然是这个世界上最美丽的妇人。我希望在你八十岁的时候,俯在你的耳边,告诉你:“感谢上帝,他赐给我一个世界上最美丽最可爱只是没有了牙齿的老太婆。
       1。 Marry me and be my wife。 Although you have no perfect looking, I can guarantee to you。 In my eyes, you will be the most beautiful bride all over the world。
      And after our wedding,you will still be the most beautiful woman in my eyes。 I hope when you are eighty, I can still tell you beside your ear " Thank God for giving me such a most beautiful and cutest woman without teeth as a gift。
      "   二 。结婚以后,如果你依然希望做你的事业,我将尽我的全力去支持你,并且承担我应做的家务,我向你坦白,我分不清黄豆芽和 绿豆芽,而且我会把厨房搞的一塌糊涂,但是我将尽力照着《厨房 美食》上的话去做,努力把自己培养成为一个伟大的厨子。
       2。 When we have got married, if you still hope to continue your career, I will support you by doing my part of housework。
       To be frank with you, I can't tell soybean sprout from mungbean sprout。 And what's more, I will make the kitchen in a mess。
       But I still will try my best to follow what the and make myself a great chef。   三。 如果你渴望避开尘世的喧嚣和烦扰,渴望做一个安安静静的小妇人,那么,我将尽我的全力去工作,去挣更多的钱来维持这个家庭,只是,只是我的臭袜子要归你洗。
       3。 If you long to avoid the uproar and bother from the outside world and become a quiet ladykin, then, I will do my best to work and earn more money to support our family。
       But just one thing----you have to wash my dirty socks。   四。 我向你保证,我将推开一些不必要的应酬而早些回家,因为我知道你会在家里很寂寞,而且会为我担惊受怕。而且,我向你保证,无论我回家有多累,都会认真的听你倾诉你一天所经历的事情,因为我知道你需要理解与支持,我是你的丈夫,这是我的职责。
       I promise that I will put down some unnecessary party and come home as early as possible, because I know that you may feel lonly at home and you will worry about me。
       Besides, I promise that I will listen to you talk about what happened every day no matter how tired I am, because I know you need my understanding and support。
       I am your husband and this is my responsibility。   五。 和我生一个孩子。我希望可以和我们的孩子一起在你四十岁生日时在你的生日蛋糕上只插三十六根蜡烛。而且,我相信咱们的孩子会一改往日的调皮,一脸庄严象个小大人似的对你说:“天啊,老妈,你看上去只有三十岁,我的同学们都说你更象我的姐姐!” 5。
       Give birth to a child for me。 I hope to stick 36 candles in your cake when you are 40 with our kid。 And I believe then our kid not be naughty as usual。
       He will say to you with a solemn expression like a small adult" God, Mum, you seem just to be 30 years old。 My classmates said that you look like my sister。
      " 六 。我会忠诚于你,忠诚于我们的家庭。因为我知道,这是一个男人应尽的责任。而且我知道如果我一旦背叛了你和别的女人有了不干净的来往,我会愧疚,愧疚使我自责,自责使我无颜面对你,无颜面对你会使我想要逃避你依然纯洁的眼睛,想要离开你,而离开你,是我这辈子最不愿做的事。
       I will be loyal to you and our family, because I know this is a man's responsibility。 And I also know if I betray you and have any affair with another woman, I will feel ashamed, which make me blame myself till I dare not face you。
       And this will make me avoid your pure eyes and want to leave you, which is the last thing I am willing to do in my life。
         七。 如果有一天你厌了倦了,你渴望离开我去自由的飞,我会为你饯行,虽然我固执的认为在你臂弯的甜美远胜于世界上任何的自由,但是我没有权力去希望你也这样认为,我想我会对你说:累了,回家;倦了,回家;受伤害了,回家。我是你的丈夫,会守侯你的归来,这个家是你的家,这个家的灯将永远为你而燃。
       If one day, you feel bored and long to leave me to fly freely, I will see you off。 Although I insist that your sweet arms is far better than any freedom in the world。
       If you feel tired, just come home; If you get hurt, come home。 I am your husband, who will wait for your returning。 This is your home, whose lights will shine for you。
         八。 如果有一天你爱上别的男人要离开我,我向你承认,我会吃醋会勃然大怒会伤心会痛苦,但是最终还是会选择分手,我只是希望那个男人能如同我对你一样善待你,呵护你,照顾好你的今生今世,我会依然如同以往向上帝祝福你,而且因为你不在我身边,我无法亲自照顾你,所以,我会祈求上帝一千倍的祝福你。
       也许几年后我会有新的妻子,也许我将孑然一身独孤终老,无论是那种情况,如果你有了困难,请你一定要告诉我,在不违背道德的情况下,我将竭尽所能来帮助你。 If one day you fall in love with another man,I admit that I will envy, get angry, upset and painful。
       But I will choose to break up with you, hoping that man will be kind to you and love you and care for your whole life like me。
      I will still pray for you like before。 And as you are not beside me, I can't take care of you in the flesh, so I will pray one thousand times for you。
       Maybe a few years later, I will have a new wife, and may be I will be alone till I die。Anyway, if you meet any trouble, let me know。
       If not betraying the moral, I will try to help you。   九。 我不知道前生前世没有在一起,但那已经是过去式了已经不重要;我不知道来生来世我们会不会在一起但那太遥远了我无法去把握。我只在意今生今世,我希望在我有生之年,可以尽我最大的努力,让你在我的怀里,不惊风,不受雨,健康,平安,快乐。
       I don't know whether we were together in prelife, but that has been past and it's not important at all。 I don't know whethr we will be together aftertime, but it's too far away and I can't decide it。
       I just care about this life and I hope as long as I am living, I can try to make you healthy, safe and happy in my arms without worrying about anything。
         十。 我爱你。 I love you。 。


    2007-11-17 10:02:35


    2007-11-17 09:42:21
  • 机器翻译,无用


    2007-11-17 09:42:21

  • 2007-11-17 09:08:16
  •   一 。
    Get married to me, BE my wife。
    Although you are not a beautiful girl's son, I can guarantee toward you, in my eyes, you will be this is in the world the most beautiful bride。
       而且在结婚以后,你在我眼里,依然是这个世界上最美丽的妇人。 And at get married hereafter, you are in my eyes, still is this is in the world the most beautiful women。
       我希望在你八十岁的时候,俯在你的耳边,告诉你: I hope to be at the time of you 80 years old, the fu is in your ear, telling you: “感谢上帝,他赐给我一个世界上最美丽最可爱只是没有了牙齿的老太婆。
       " Thankful God, he gives me a the most beautiful and the most lovely just had no old woman of the tooth in the world。 二 。
       The two。Get m 结婚以后,如果你依然希望做你的事业,我将尽我的全力去支持你,并且承担我应做的家务,我向你坦白,我分不清黄豆芽和绿豆芽,而且我会把厨房搞的一塌糊涂,但是我将尽力照着《厨房美食》上的话去做,努力把自己培养成为一个伟大的厨子。
       arried hereafter, if you hope to do your business still, I will exhausted I go to support you with all strength, and undertake the household chores that I should do, I are frank toward you, I can not distinguish the soybean bud and the green lentil buds, and I make the kitchen in a great mess, but I will make an effort to shine on 《 the kitchen delicacies 》 last do, work hard to make the oneself become a great cook development。
       The three。 If you ho 三。 如果你渴望避开尘世的喧嚣和烦扰,渴望做一个安安静静的小妇人,那么,我将尽我的全力去工作,去挣更多的钱来维持这个家庭,只是,只是我的臭袜子要归你洗。 pe earnestly to avert from the material life disturbingly noisy and bothersome, hope earnestly to do a peaceful and serene small women, so, I will exhausted I go to work with all strength, going to more money of zhen to maintain this family, just, just my smelly socks want to return you wash。
       The four。 I guarantee 四。 我向你保证,我将推开一些不必要的应酬而早些回家,因为我知道你会在家里很寂寞,而且会为我担惊受怕。 toward you, I will push away some otiose social partieses but some go home early, because I know that you would be very lonesome at home, and will be surprised for my load to be subjected to fear。
      And, I guara 而且,我向你保证,无论我回家有多累,都会认真的听你倾诉你一天所经历的事情,因为我知道你需要理解与支持,我是你的丈夫,这是我的职责。 ntee toward you, regardless I go home much tired, will hear hard you get off the heart your a day experience of affair, because I know you need comprehension with the support, I am your husband, this is my job。
       The five。 Give birth to a 五。 和我生一个孩子。 child with me。I hope can and ou 我希望可以和我们的孩子一起在你四十岁生日时在你的生日蛋糕上只插三十六根蜡烛。 r child together at you 40 years old birthday put 36 candles only on your birthday cake。
      And, the child me 而且,我相信咱们的孩子会一改往日的调皮,一脸庄严象个小大人似的对你说: eting that I believe us on change in the past of very naughty, a small adult of a face of solemn elephant say to you:" Good heavens, o “天啊,老妈,你看上去只有三十岁,我的同学们都说你更象我的姐姐! ld mama, you have a liking for to only have 30 years old, my the classmates all say you are more my elder sister of elephant!" Six。
      I would be ho 六 。 nest 我会忠诚于你,忠诚于我们的家庭。 in you, loyalty in our family。Because I know, t 因为我知道,这是一个男人应尽的责任。 his is the responsibility that a man should fulfil。
      And I know if I o 而且我知道如果我一旦背叛了你和别的女人有了不干净的来往,我会愧疚,愧疚使我自责,自责使我无颜面对你,无颜面对你会使我想要逃避你依然纯洁的眼睛,想要离开你,而离开你,是我这辈子最不愿做的事。 nce betrayed you to have the not clean friendly intercourse with another woman, I would be sorry and ashamed, sorry and ashamed make me self-reproach, self-reproach make me have no face to you, have no face and will make me want to evade the your still clean and pure eye to you, want to leave you, but leave you, is the matter that my whole life do not wish most to do。
       The seven。 If one 七。 day you was di 如果有一天你厌了倦了,你渴望离开我去自由的飞,我会为你饯行,虽然我固执的认为在你臂弯的甜美远胜于世界上任何的自由,但是我没有权力去希望你也这样认为,我想我会对你说: sgusted with tired, you hope earnestly to leave I go to the freedom to fly, I will go for your 饯 , although I am stubborn of think in the freedom that your arm bends sweet and by long odds to take a post in the world, I have no right to hope you to also think thus, I think that I would say to you:Tired, go home;Tired, 累了,回家; go home;Got hur 倦了,回家; t to harm, go h 受伤害了,回家。
       ome。I am your husband, wil 我是你的丈夫,会守侯你的归来,这个家是你的家,这个家的灯将永远为你而燃。 l guard the hou you return, this is your house, this light will forever is you but ran 。
       The eight。 If one da 八。 y you be in lov 如果有一天你爱上别的男人要离开我,我向你承认,我会吃醋会勃然大怒会伤心会痛苦,但是最终还是会选择分手,我只是希望那个男人能如同我对你一样善待你,呵护你,照顾好你的今生今世,我会依然如同以往向上帝祝福你,而且因为你不在我身边,我无法亲自照顾你,所以,我会祈求上帝一千倍的祝福你。
       e with the another man to want to leave me, I admit toward you, I can eat the vinegar to will explode with rage and would feel sad would painful, but end still will choose to break up, I just hope that man the ability am similar to you to treat kindly you like me, protecting you, looking after good your this present life present life, I would still like former bless you toward God, and because you do not am nearby at me, I can't look after you in person, so, I will pray to god 1,000 times bless you。
       Perhaps several I there w 也许几年后我会有新的妻子,也许我将孑然一身独孤终老,无论是那种情况,如果你有了困难,请你一定要告诉我,在不违背道德的情况下,我将竭尽所能来帮助你。 ill be the new wife after year, perhaps I please must tell me zi however whole bodies only hu is eventually old, regardless is that kind of circumstance, if you had the difficulty,, under the condition of not disobey the morals, I will spare no effort can help you。
       The nine。 I do not know 九。 the previous i 我不知道前生前世我们有没有在一起,但那已经是过去式了已经不重要; ncarnation previous incarnation that we have together, but that was already the past tense already of no account;I do not know the future life 我不知道来生来世我们会不会在一起但那太遥远了我无法去把握。
       future life we can together but that is too faraway I can't go to hold。I care the this present life 我只在意今生今世,我希望在我有生之年,可以尽我最大的努力,让你在我的怀里,不惊风,不受雨,健康,平安,快乐。
       present life only, I hope to be at the year that I living, can offer my biggest effort, let you are in my bosom, not surprised breeze, be free from rain, health, peaceful, happiness。
       十。我爱你。 The ten。 I love you。 。


    2007-11-17 09:08:16


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