爱问知识人 爱问教育 医院库







    2018-04-08 04:13:37
  •   8b-U3-20      pass      pass on 传达 pass by  走过 pass the time 打发时间  pass over 越过 pass water 小便 pass for  冒充        8b-U5-38      passage      passage way 通路 take one's passage 订购船票  sea passage 海上航道 underground passage 地下道        8b-U1-3      passenger      passenger car 轿车 passenger ticket 车票   passenger seat 乘客座 passenger ship 客船        8b-U9-67      peaceful      peaceful life 安宁平静的生活 peaceful use 和平利用          8b-U9-67      perfect      perfect for 对……是完美的 perfect day 天气极好  perfect  man 完美无缺的人 perfect market 完全市场        8b-U9-47      performance      working performance 工作性能 high performance 高性能  performance test 特性试验 good performance 良好绩效        8b-U4-32        perhaps        perhaps  = maybe          8b-U8-61      pop      pop can  易拉罐 pop art 流行艺术 pop star  歌星  pop music 流行音乐 pop out  弹出 soda pop 汽水        8b-u7-50        population        population  size 人口数量 large population 庞大的人口  general  population 母体 population control 种群控制          8b-u4-29        pressure        blood  pressure 血压 high pressure 高度紧张  under  pressure 面临压力 low pressure 松懈          8b-u6-44        prince        crown  prince 皇太子 merchant prince 富商              8b-u9-67      progress      progress in 在……有进展 in progress 正在进行  social progress 社会进步 progress report 进度报告        8b-u4-27      proper      proper for 适合 in the proper way 用适当的方法 proper time 适当的时候 proper handling 适当操作        8b-u7-50      protect      protect from 保护 protect against 使免受  protect the environment 环境保护        8b-u7-55      protection      environmental protection = environment  protection 环境保护    lightning protection 防雷法 fire protection 消防        8b-u3-22      provide      provide for 供养 provide service 提供服务  provide with 供给 provide against 预防  。
      provide sb。 with sth。 = provide sth。 for sb。
       给某人提供某物 8b-u9-68 province 8b-u5-38 pupil 8b-u4-30 push push for 奋力争取 push up 增加 push on 推进 push through 完成 push off 推迟 push in 闯入 8b-u4-30 quick quick action 快动的 quick fix 权宜之计 quick eye 慧眼 quick at 敏捷 quick test 快速测验 8b-u10-75 railway railway station 火车站 railway bridge 铁路桥 railway car 铁道车辆 light railway 轻便铁路 补充: 8b-u5-33 rainstorm Heavy rainstorm 大暴雨 Black Rainstorm 黑风暴雨 8b-u2-12 raise raise hell 破口大骂 raise up 举起 leg raise 举腿 raise money 募捐 get a raise 得到加薪 8b-u9-67 rapid rapid development 迅速发展 rapid test 速测法 rapid fire 速射 rapid cooling 快冷 rapid drying 快速干燥 8b-u5-37 realize realize on 变卖产业 come to realize 认识到 Realize path 实现途径 realize suddenly 原来是这样 8b-u5-38 recently until recently 直到最近 Recently used 最近使用 Abroad recently 最近国外 Recently Closed 最近关闭的 8b-u8-62 record world record 世界纪录 of record 有案可查的 no record 无记录 in record = in record 记录在案 8b-u10-78 regard in regard to 关于 regard as 把…认作 in regard of 关于…… pay regard to 重视 8b-u4-27 relation Social relation 社会关系 in relation to 涉及 public relation 公共关系 human relation 人际关系 8b-u7-54 remaining remaining time 剩余时间 remaining needle 留置针 remaining stress 残余应力 8b-u6-42 remind remind of 提醒 to remind 提醒 that reminds me 我想起来了 8b-u2-13 repair repair time 修理时间 repair work 修改作业 in good repair 维修良好 under repair 修理中 8b-u5-35 report report of ……的报告 report on 就……作报告 report form 报告式 report for 为……做报道 8b-u6-54 research research results 研究结果 research work 调查研究工作 research center 研究中心 research into 探究 8b-u1-2 rest have a rest = have rests 休息 rest on 依靠 rest stop 休息停车点 rest day 休息日 8b-u4-28 return return home 回家 return from 从……回来 return to innocence 洗净铅华 return of goods 退货 8b-u9-68 ride ride up 缩上去 ride bike 骑车 ride time 乘坐时间 ride height 车身高度 8b-u5-35 rise rise up 上升 rise from 从……升起 rise to 升迁 rise again 死而复生 8b-u1-6 risk risk management 风险管理 risk neutral 风险中立 risk exposure 风险暴露 risk appetite 风险胃口 8b-u1-6 rock rock phosphate 磷矿石 rock climbing 攀岩运动 rock sugar 冰糖 coarse clastic rock 粗碎屑岩 8b-u7-61 rock rock band 摇滚乐队 soft rock 慢摇滚 Garage rock 车库摇滚 hard rock 重摇滚 8b-u3-17 rubbish rubbish bin 垃圾筒 rubbish dump 垃圾堆 Rubbish Shoot 垃圾筒 yard rubbish 庭院垃圾 8b-u9-70 safe safe house 安全屋 safe area 安全区 safe harbor 安全港 safe and sound 安然无恙 补充: 8b-u8-59 sand Sand castle 沙雕 sand paper 砂纸 Fine sand 细沙 oil sand 油纸 8b-u2-11 satisfaction Satisfaction rate 满意率 need satisfaction 需求满足 intrinsic satisfaction 满意度 giving satisfaction 值得 8b-u10-74 scarf scarf joint 嵌接 scarf bandage 三角绷带 scarf pin 围巾夹针 Red scarf 红领巾 8b-u6-46 scene scene blur 场景模糊 scene identification 景物确认 night scene 夜景 on the scene 在场 8b-u10-78 search search me 我可不知道 search algorithm 搜算法 binary search 对分查找 auto search 自动搜索 8b-u4-27 secondly secondly revision 与在修正 secondly member 中级会员 Secondly The 通过对 Secondly Instinct 第二本能 8b-u2-11 several several times 几次 several people 几个人 several liability 个别责任 several years 几年 8b-u10-78 shame shame culture 耻感文化 shame on you 你太无耻 feel shame 感到羞耻 unbearable shame 颜面何存 8b-u6-46 shine shine down 照耀下来 shine at 干得出色 shine on 发光 shine in 出众 shine out 照射出去 8b-u8-59 ship by ship 乘船 ship building 造船 ship out 运出 jump ship 弃船而逃 ship repair 船舶修理 8b-u3-19 shirt sweat shirt= sports shirt 运动衫 white shirt 白衬衫 dress shirt 礼服衬衫 keep your shirt on 别激动 8b-u5-38 shocked in shock 休克 oil shock 石油危机 shock pressure 冲击压力 shock test 冲击试验 8b-u6-41 shoot shoot at 向……射击 bamboo shoot 竹笋 photo shoot 摄影 shoot off 发射 shoot for 争取 8b-u1-5 sick sick bed 病床 get sick 生病 feel sick 觉得要呕吐 sick of 对……厌恶 sick with 生……病 so sick 如此厌倦 8b-u2-10 sign sign for 签收 sign in 签到 shop sign 牌号 sign on 开始广播 sign language 手语 8b-u5-38 silence in silence 沉默 silence is gold 沉默是金 keep silence 保持沉默 break the silence 打破沉静 8b-u6-45 silk silk road 丝绸之路 silk goods 丝绸 silk ribbon 丝带 silk flower 丝绢花 8b-u6-42 silly silly ho 真傻 silly billy 傻瓜 silly idea 愚蠢的想法 silly girl 傻女孩 silly money 来路不明的钱 8b-u9-70 simply simply put 简单地说 8b-u3-22 since ever since 自从 long since 从前 since then 从那时起来 since yesterday 从昨天起 8b-u2-16 sir 8b-u1-6 situation market situation 市场行情 recent situation 近况 international situation 国际形势。


    2018-04-08 04:13:37


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