爱问知识人 爱问教育 医院库



朱*** 22-11-09 题库


Describe something important that you lost丢失的重要东西(新题)

Describe some useful skills you learned in a math class from your primary/high school数学课上习得的技能(新题)

Describe something you own and want to 想替换的东西(新题)

Describe one magazine that you like喜欢的杂志(新题)

Describe a sport you have only watched and you would like to try in the future看过且想要尝试的运动(新题)

Describe an occasion when someone visited your home(新)家庭访客

Describe a situation when you have to be (新)礼貌

Describe a time when you saved money for something存钱(新)

Describe an important event to (新)重要的庆祝

Describe a time you had an unforgettable meal特殊的一餐

Describe a special day out which didn't cost you much特殊外出

Describe an experience when you pleased with you moblile 用手机的开心时刻

Describe something or activity you do to keep 保健方法

Describe a time when you received a good service from a shop or a company优质服务

Describe a (long) car journey you went 汽车旅行

Describe a time when someone said something positive about your work工作上的积极建议(新)

Describe an experience that you taught someone 教他人

Describe a time when you enjoyed doing something (activities) with an old 和老人锻炼


Describe a good photo you 好照片

Describe a TV series or drama you enjoy 电视节目

Describe an advertisement (that you saw or heard or liked).广告

Describe a holiday you would like to have in the 未来假期

Describe a rule at your school that you agree or 校规

Describe an important skill which not be learned at school校外技能

Describe a subject of science that you learned in high school科学课

Describe a season or a period of the year you enjoy喜爱的季节

Describe a period in history历史时期

Describe a(good)decision someone 一个决定

Describe a story someone told you that you remember 故事

Describe an achievement that you are proud 骄傲的成绩


替换 think of

Suddenly i had an idea that someone had broken into my house→

An idea occurred to me that someone had broken into my house→

It occurred to me that someone had broken into my house

替换 spend

He spends all his spare time in reading→

He devotes all his spare time to reading

替换 want/ look for

They sought( wanted )to hide themselves behind the


I'm an average( ordinary )

替换 very

The Film we saw last night was very interesting→

The film we saw last night was nothing but interesting→

The film we saw last night was anything but

替换 sit

On his way to school,he found an old lady seated(sitting) by the road, looking

替换 should

He is supposed to( should )have driven more

替换 thank

Thank you very much for your help→

We appreciate your help very /Your help is much

case 替换 true

I don't think it is the case(true)

替换 as soon as

As soon as he arrived,he began his research→

On his arrival,he began his

to 替换 because of

He arrived late due to( because of) the

替换 walk/read

After covering(walking)70 miles, we all Felt

to 替换 be helpful/ useful

Plenty or memory work is undoubtedly helpful to English study →

Plenty of memory work will undoubtedly contribute to English

the corner 替换 coming soon/ nearby

The summer vacation is round the corner( coming)

Do you have any plans?

Li Ming studies in a school round the corner(nearby)

to light 替换 discover

The Family were so pleased when they discovered the lost →

The Family were so pleased when the lost jewels came to

a ball 替换 have a good time/enjoy oneself

After visiting the workshop, we went back to

Every one of us had a ball(had a good time).

up with 替换 think of

Jack is very clever, he often comes up with(thinks of) new

aside 替换 save

Some students think that they should set aside some of their pocket money for

of + 替换 adj

The products are of high quality(very good) and are sold everywhere in

to 替换 talk about/of, mention

The professor you referred to(talked about )is very

not but/ can not help but 替换 have to do

I could not but(had to) go

often than not 替换 usually

More often than not(Usually), the meaning of many words can be easily

替换 so that/ in order that

I wrote down his telephone number so that I would not forget →

I wrote down his telephone number lest I(should) forget

long for sth/ be long to do sth替换

want to do sth/wish for

I want to see you very →I am long to see

caught up in/be crazy about/be absorbed

in/ be addicted to 替换 be interested in

He is caught up in( very interested in )collecting

than 替换 very

I'm very glad to learn that you are coming in →

I'm more than glad to learn that you are coming in

(ly) 替换 good/ very well

He speaks perfect( good) speaks English perfectly( very well )

sb a/the favor 替换 help

Would you please do me the favor(help me) to turn down the radio?

other day 替换 a few days ago

The other day my brother and I went to the cinema by

the course of 替换 during

In the course of ( during) the mountain climbing,please help each other and pay special attention to your

majority of 替换 most

The majority of (Most of)the interviewees prefer watching TV at home to going to the

of 替换 be made up of

Our class consists of (is made up or )50

worn out 替换 be tired/ broken

After five hours'non-stop work, we were all worn out(tired).

My shoes are worn out(broken). Please buy me a new

of 替换 happen

What do think has become of(happened to)him?

one's satisfaction with 替换 be satisfied with

The majority of(Most of ) the interviewees prefer watching TV at home to going to the



Describe a beautiful city you

You should say:

where it was;

what it was famous for;what are the attractive places of this city

how you got to know about the city;

and explain how you felt about this








Well, I have visited plenty of attractive cities from different countries, such as Toronto, Vancouver, New York just to name However, the most attractive town which enticed me is It is an island city-state off southern It is also a global financial centre with a multicultural population and a tropical


Singapore is a leader in several economic sectors, including foreign exchange centre, financial centre, oil-refining and trading It is also one of the biggest hubs for ship repair It is renowned for the cleanliness, you will never find a small litter anywhere in It's Universal Studio is well known among the traveller as it has the plethora of activities for an outdoor theme park, all rides are exceptional and


Concerning about travelling there is depends on your source For example, if you are in Bangkok you have four options; first is by direct flights, second by road with your own transport, third by train which passes from Malaysia and lastly by If you are in Australia, then you have only two options, by flights and Air travel is always preferable no matter where you


I have been there for a couple of times and I felt like living there is like living a luxuries life, but of course, you will also feel you are expensing like anything because of its expensive living



Sydney is my favourite city among the cities I have visited so Sydney is the state capital of New South Wales of This city is situated on the bank of Tasman Sea and has around million I have visited this city in 20XX after I finished my graduation and loved my stay Sydney had many attractive natural areas, botanic gardens, parks, and high rising This city has many heritage listed buildings that attract the tourists and The Sydney Opera House is one of the most recognised landmarks in Australia and is a great place to


This city is known for the dynamic cultural hub and it has many famous museums, galleries and art galleries as Because of the great architecture, warm weather and hundreds of tourists attraction more than 11 million international and domestic tourists visit this city each I had been there for about 15 days and I really enjoyed everything about this I stayed at a 20 storied hotel that offered a really amusing sight The transportation system of the city is better than many other cities and I could have been maintaining the track and time of my schedule because of I loved being at open & wide spaces in the gardens and People are welcoming and friendly A tourist can get necessary help both from people and the authority and can roam easily without any I saw 2/3 art museum and some cultural festivals and those were


There are so many places to be, so many things to do in Some of the attractive places are Royal Botanic Garden, Hyde Park, Queen Victoria Building, Sydney Town hall, Macquarie Lighthouse, Australia Square, Sydney Opera House and so


I had a tremendous vacation in Sydney and I liked most of the places there and I enjoyed so much that I did not even notice how quickly the 2 weeks scheduled time has



Describe a city or country you most want to live in the future

You should say:

What is it

Where is it located

Why do you like it

雅思口语part2高分话题范文:未来居住的城市( a city or country you most want to live in the future)

The city I most want to live in the future is It is located in Guangdong Province, southern It's not far away from Hong

I like to live in this city for several First of all, it's warm in I personally don't like cold I can still wear sweaters or shirts in December in Secondly, Guangzhou has a great job Career planning is one of the most important things for When I consider the city is livable or not, I pay more attention to the job market of the Guangzhou is one of the most developed cities in In the future, it will need all kinds of professionals to build the city I believe this will be a good The last reason is the delicious food in Guangzhou is famous for dim sum, and dim sum is my favorite


雅思口语Part 2话题参考答案

Describe an important invention (before the age of computers) that has influenced human


what the invention is

when and where it was invented

how it is used

and explain how this invention has influenced _


What the invention is

The phone After the great invention of telephone by Bell, another American inventor Greg William invented the coin public telephone in

When and where it was invented

Inventor William Gray invented the phone booth after realizing the difficulty of placing a phone call from outside the

How it is used

A telephone booth is a small structure furnished with a payphone and designed for a telephone user's The user of the booth pays for the call by depositing coins into a slot on the telephone or by using a telephone

and explain how this invention has influenced

More than a century has passed and now the telephone booth is seen almost It has even become the art in some However, with the rapid growth of the Internet the use of mobile telephone, the traditional telephone booth will probably fade And nowadays more and more cities are building the high-tech telephone booth that serves both as an ordinary phone and an information Maybe we will only see the old ones in the museum show in the near

Part 3 Electrical Appliances

What kinds of electrical appliances are most used in the home besides the telephone and computer?

I would have to say washing machine, vacuum cleaner, rice cooker, coffee maker, electric kettle, air conditioner, Those would be the ones I couldn't live without or I mean wouldn't want to do

What are some advantages and disadvantages of using electrical equipment?

Firstly, it saves our time but, one the other hand, people will become totally dependent on equipment and not to do things they could do Lastly, people could get electrocuted if using them carelessly, which happens every

Do you think we can now live without electrical appliances?

Well, it’s hard to Electricity has truly become the lifeblood of our Right now we can’t live without electrical devices because we rely on them to make our life Many of us have become addicted to what can be done with indoor plumbing, the Internet and cell Actually, It is difficult but not

Modern Technology & Human Progress

What changes have taken place in society as a result of the use of modern technology such as the television and the computer?

No doubt to say that modern technology has made our life easier and Invention of the tools like stapler, Hoover and ATM is the milestone of technology as well as human being's Take the Internet for instance; people can communicate with friends all over the world Only by clicking, you will gain what you

Do you think people rely too much on machines and modern technology nowadays?

Yes most people Most people like looking for the easy way to get certain things done like: cooking with microwave, weeding with lawn mower and so I think maybe we rely on conveniences too much that we should actually get away from it all and back to

How do you think modern technology will change the way people work in the future?

It has already changed the way people work in every field and it will For instance, my mom studied to be a graphic designer when she was in She did everything by hand 20 years Now, her field grew with the use of Internet and new technology as she’s drawing by computer, bidding work online, and submitting work In the future, more work can be done automatically, and all we need to do is just to press the button or to check the jobs if they are ready for





Well, the most courteous man I know is my uncle, who’s my father’s little We are pretty He’s only 10 years older than me and we always hang out He’s well educated, I mean, he just got his doctoral He’s been to a bunch of formal occasions, and he’s quite familiar with social

Here are some few examples:

Whenever he’s out with someone, he’s always properly I didn’t get why he would go through so much trouble to “impress” others, but he explained, the whole point was not to impress, but to show

And he’s super modest when talking to Besides, he’s a good He never cuts others It always feels good when I have a conversation with

And he’s extremely polite when interacting with waiters and taxi He would say thank you many times after he’s been

On top of that, he pays attention to small details in our daily life, like knocking on doors before entering a room, holding the door for others behind him, and holding the elevator when he sees someone rushing to the

So you see, he’s really a nice person, and he’s a good influence on Spending time with him has helped me become a better



Courteous = polite, especially in a way that shows respect此处就是为了替换一下polite,例如:

a courteous young man

The hotel staff are friendly and

Etiquette = the formal rules of correct or polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession如果感觉记忆有难度的话,说social manners也

A good listener = somebody who you can rely on to listen with attention or sympathy就是我们常说的“很好的聆听者”。

Cut somebody/something off = to interrupt somebody and stop them from speaking,例如:

My explanation was cut off by loud

On top of that = also, additionally, (Wiktionary) 不过也有一种用法是强调用于列举一堆不好的事情的,例如The Free Dictionary给出的解释:in addition to the bad thing already mentioned,例如We missed the bus, and on top of that it started

高分句型:He’s been to a bunch of formal occasions, and he’s quite familiar with social

Whenever he’s out with someone, he’s always properly

On top of that, he pays attention to small details in our daily life, like knocking on doors before entering a room, holding the door for others behind him, and holding the elevator when he sees someone rushing to the





When I was in my college, I decided to start a coffee shop at the street where the college was My childhood friend, Jonny was my I always seek advice from him for his extraordinary intellectual level and ability to judge the

When I described the intention to open up a small business, like a coffee shop, at the college street, Jonny suggested me not to open the Besides, he advised me to keep patience and continue the Hearing the suggestion, I was astonished and thought that he might be jealous of my potential earning and So, I wanted to avoid him and his He also said that my partner was not a trustworthy Moreover, the partner I selected was not insincere and I might not be able to continue the partnership for a long, he Jonny asked me to think about the issue again and again, and then to decide either I will continue or

The advice was extremely useful to me for several I followed the advice and did not open the Jonny told me that there is a skyrocketed competition among the existing coffee shops, and actually, there are a substantial number of small coffee shops in the college So, if I opened a new one, I would have to struggle a lot to survive in the Moreover, I was wrong in partner Three months later, the man I teamed up with chose another partner, a friend of mine, and opened a new coffee shop at the same place where I intended to run my But unfortunately, they failed to attract new customers and keep pace with the immense

There were some other internal business issues between them, told my friend, like lack of transparency and The advice was beneficial for me as if I started the business with that man, I had to suffer a huge amount of financial


地道用词:open up a small business

continue the study

a skyrocketed competition

team up with

keep pace with

So, if I opened a new one, I would have to struggle a lot to survive in the

高分句型: I always seek advice from him for his extraordinary intellectual level and ability to judge the

Jonny asked me to think about the issue again and again, and then to decide either I will continue or

Hearing the suggestion, I was astonished and thought that he might be jealous of my potential earning and

There were some other internal business issues between them, told my friend, like lack of transparency and


Event 事件

Describe something you enjoy doing after work or study

You should say:

What it is

Who you usually do it with

How long you usually spend doing this

And explain what you get from doing this

Describe a time that something made you

You should say:

What made you

Where you were when it happened

Who you were with

And explain why it made you

Describe a time you needed to used you

You should say:

What the situation was

Why you needed to use

What the difficulties were

And explain how you felt about

Describe a journey you would like to go on by car, motorbike or

You should say:

Where you would like to go

How you would like to go there

Who you would like to go with

And explain why you would like to go there by car, motorbike or

Describe a time you missed an

You should say:

When and where it happened

What the appointment was

What happened when you missed

And explain how you felt about missing the appointment

Describe a time when you were very

You should say:

When it was

What you had to during that

How you managed

And explain how you felt about being

Describe a special meal that you would like to

You should say:

Where you would like to have

Who you would like to have it

What you would like to

And explain how you would feel about the

Describe You did with a group of people

You should say:

What the activity was

When and where you did it

Who you were with

And explain how you felt about being part of this

Describe an important skill you learnt when you were a child

You should say:

What this skill was

When you learned it

How you learnt it

And explain why you think it was

Describe an occasion you got up extremely early

You should say:

When this happened

What you needed to do that day

Who you were with

And explain how you felt about getting up early that

Describe a piece of good news that you received

You should say:

What this news was

When and where you heard it

How you heard it

And explain why you think it was good news

Describe a situation that you got a little angry

You should say:

Where it happened

When it happened

Who you were with

And why you felt angry

Describe a mistake that you once made

You should say:

What the mistake was

When, where you made it

Who was with you

And how the mistake affected

Describe a happy family event when you were a child

You should say:

What the event was

What and where it happened

Who was with you

And explain why feel it was happy

Describe a special trip you would like to go on in the future

You should say:

Where this place is

Who you would like to go with

What would you do there

And explain why this would be a special

Describe a short trip that you disliked

You should say:

Where you went

Who you went with

What you did

And explain why you disliked this journey /trip

Describe a wedding you have been to

You should say :

Where it was

Who you went with

What you saw

And explain how you felt the wedding

Describe a situation ( or a time) when you helped someone

You should say:

What the situation was

Who the person was

How you helped them

And explain how you felt after helping them

Describe a method that helps save money

You should say:

What the method is

When you started to use it

How you knew it

And explain why it is

Describe a positive change in your life

You should say:

What the change was

When it happened

How it happened

And explain why it was a positive


Describe a good decision made by the people around you

Who made it?

Why did she/he made this decision?

What happened after this decision?

Why you think it is a good




This topic reminds me of a decision I made a year ago when I decided to drop out of college and follow my own path, not the After I told my decision to my parents, they just freaked out, and they were strongly against They told me the importance of a decent degree when it comes to hunting for jobs in China, and they insisted that I should finish college no matter

But the thing is, my college is located in a remote area, I mean, an underdeveloped I couldn't see my future in this I want to work in a vibrant city, you know, like Shanghai or But the city I was studying in was nothing like that and it couldn't offer me what I

If I stayed there for four years, I would end up being an ordinary person, with no dreams, no ambition and no bright Well, I understand my parents' decision and I can't blame them, 'cause they are pretty traditional and In their opinion, a girl is supposed to follow a certain For example, graduate from college, find a steady job, get married and start a But to me, that is not living, that is just not I want to lead a life that's worth living, you

So I just ignored my parents' strong objection, and went ahead with my I took a gap year trying to figure out what I truly want to do with my life, and now I started to apply to universities abroad, so here I

This topic reminds me of a decision I made a year ago when I decided to drop out of college and follow my own path, not the After I told my decision to my parents, they just freaked out, and they were strongly against They told me the importance of a decent degree when it comes to hunting for jobs in China, and they insisted that I should finish college no matter

But the thing is, my college is located in a remote area, I mean, an underdeveloped I couldn't see my future in this I want to work in a vibrant city, you know, like Shanghai or But the city I was studying in was nothing like that and it couldn't offer me what I

If I stayed there for four years, I would end up being an ordinary person, with no dreams, no ambition and no bright Well, I understand my parents' decision and I can't blame them, 'cause they are pretty traditional and In their opinion, a girl is supposed to follow a certain For example, graduate from college, find a steady job, get married and start a But to me, that is not living, that is just not I want to lead a life that's worth living, you

So I just ignored my parents' strong objection, and went ahead with my I took a gap year trying to figure out what I truly want to do with my life, and now I started to apply to universities abroad, so here I



drop out of college

follow my own path, not the crowd

freak out

高分句型:They told me the importance of a decent degree when it comes to hunting for jobs in China, and they insisted that I should finish college no matter

In their opinion, a girl is supposed to follow a certain For example, graduate from college, find a steady job, get married and start a






3000词汇当然除了基本的在国内小学,初中学习的词汇外,还主要包含两个方面: 口语常用表达:比如说for what is worth; totally;pretty much等; 专业的话题词汇。 首先,第一类的词汇可以简单的称之为万能词汇,具有以下特点:1。在外国人的对话里会经常的用到。这些词汇可能考生早已熟知,但是并没有有意识的去应用;所以,如果想要雅思考7,考生们需要通过与外教的交流或者是看一些国外的剧来积累至少50-70个这样的口语高频词组。而且这些词组非常地道,能够让考官眼前一亮。2。所谓的专业词汇,并不是多么的难。这些词汇主要指的是雅思具体的某个话题下所需要考生掌握的一些词汇。比如说,环境话题下,考生就必须知道释放二氧化碳怎么说,生物可降解塑料袋怎么用英文表达等。这些词汇数量比不多,只要考生稍加掌握即可。




再比如,雅思考试的一道口语真题“a member of your family you like most”,北京外国语大学高考保送生考试的一道真题“Which of your teachers do you like most? Why?”这些题目看似是考题,实则是口语练习的绝好素材,说白了就是用英语描述一个人。而多数同学也只会用“beautiful”、“handsome”、“kind”这样的词进行空洞地描述,素不知像“bushy eyebrows”(浓眉)、“reliable”(可靠)、“oversensitive”(敏感)这样的词语会让口语更加精准、真实和生动。毕竟好的口语并不是滔滔不绝,而是能够准确表达自我真实感受。

托福一道口语真题“Some people prefer having meals at home while others prefer eating out in places like Which do you prefer and explain ”则是一个典型的思辨式口语话题。在表明观点时,许多同学会说“I think”或“in my opinion”。但有更好的说法如“Frankly I think…”、“I mean…”等。表明肯定和否定未必就只有“yes”和“no”,还可以用“I’m with you on ”、“I’m not so sure ”来更好地表达。



题目:What part do you enjoy most in your study? 翻译成中文就是:“你最喜欢你学习中的哪一个部分?”


Question: What part of your study do you enjoy most?

Sample answer:

We do loads of things in And I suppose the most enjoyable and pleasant part is group discussions, especially like in We have this sort of discussions normally in major subjects During communications with classmates about something difficult or important to comprehend, we can have a better understanding of what we are studying and our efficiency is largely Also, through frequent discussions in a group, we have become closer to each We do not only get academic benefits but also That’s why I think I love group

Key words:group discussion 小组讨论efficiency /??f??(?)nsi/ 效率frequent /?fri?kw(?)nt/ 经常的comprehend / k?mpr??h?nd/ 理解academic /ak??d?m?k/ 学术的



you ever had an unhappy haircut experience?

long have you had your current haircut?

often do you have a haircut?

you like having your hair cut?


you ever had an unhappy haircut experience?

That’s more like(更像是,不如说是) every time, ha-ha! You see, I just have this feeling that I have a very different understanding of concepts like ‘a LITTLE bit shorter’, from, say, ninety-nine percent of They almost always get my fringe(刘海) way too short making me look pretty To be honest, I don’t know what their problem

long have you had your current haircut?

I don’t really like to change my haircut style too often, and I think I’ve kept it this way for the last three or four years . I mean, yeah, there are new hair trends almost every season, but I just don’t see the point of(不理解为什么) following It’s too tiring for

often do you have a haircut?

Well, about once a month, sometimes even My hair doesn’t grow very fast, compared to my He goes to the barber’s every two weeks cuz otherwise, he’d look like a rock star – I meant no offence(无意冒犯) to them, but, you know what I mean(你懂的). I, however, don’t have that

you like having your hair cut?

If you mean ‘do I enjoy having a haircut’, then I’m not that keen on polishing(抛光,修饰) my I think it has to be neat and clean, and that’s I don’t really enjoy sitting there for at least half an hour waiting to get my hair cut, as I can’t even see anything clearly without my

’s your last haircut?

It was like really short, and that was during my high school, when I found that having short hair could be so much more It indeed was a bit too boyish(男孩子气的), I guess, my relatives sometimes called me ‘tomboy’. But I’m fine with Then I decided to have a change and

Let’s say, a bit more And that’s when I changed to my current



your voice sound similar to your parents?

you enjoy recording your voice and listening to it?

your voice ever changed?

you like your own voice?


your voice sound similar to your parents?

No, not at My mother speaks with an accent, but it still sounds clear and If she was a saleswoman, I suppose she would get the best sales figures amongst One can’t say NO to such a pleasant My father has such a low and deep He never barks to show he is unhappy, but he simply clears his Interestingly, my voice is neither sweet nor persuasive, just the middle

you enjoy recording your voice and listening to it?

That could be a bit narcissistic(自恋的), from my point of As I’ve mentioned, I don’t find my voice especially But I do, sometimes, listen to my voice messages to others in WeChat, just making sure, you know, that there wasn’t any mistake or disturbing(令人不适的)

your voice ever changed?

Yeah, I think so, but I assume basically everybody goes through this period when their voices change dramatically(剧烈地), like, for boys the pitch goes down, and for girls quite the That happens around adolescence(青春期), I was 13 when my voice broke,. But nothing has changed ever

you like your own voice?

I don’t know, I mean, I don’t think I dislike it(否定转移,我也没有不喜欢), it’s just that I don’t think there is anything special about my Normally, we would describe a great voice as ‘magnetic’, or ‘three-dimensional’, as if it comes from a high-end acoustic device(声学设备), like a I don’t really think my voice has those



Describe a toy you had in your childhood

You should say:

When you had the toy

Who gave you the toy

What it was like

And explain how you felt about the toy



Lego brick (乐高积木) is an amazing It helped to recall everyone’s I remembermy first Lego brick was a gift my parents gave me on my 7th birthday According to myparents' description, I was quite I was always shouting and crying, and it seemed likeeverywhere I passed became a disaster I could get totally out of control when I could not getsome So my parents bought this Lego brick for What happened then might be called As soon as I saw the colorful plastic bricks, I just stopped crying and even started smilingat my I sat on the carpet in the living room and started my plan of building a , I even called other childhood playmates (儿时玩伴friends) to my place to play with might not be very modest but (不谦虚地说) I think I was quite clever at building with those always made small houses, with a pool and some trees around Sometimes my parents left meplay alone at I remember when they arrived home once, I just ran to them, bouncing andhappy, pointing at the small garden with a big smile on my And my parents gave me a biground of I think this childhood game; Lego brick has been beneficial to my growth as itenhanced my intelligence and gave me infinite





















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