爱问知识人 爱问教育 医院库







    2019-06-18 10:40:18
  •   随着社会的快速发展,人类已经进入了信息爆炸的时代. 
    With the rapid social development, human race has entered information exploration age。   
    In order to further advance, more and more students choose to study aboard。
       出国留学给学生带来了诸多的好处,能够扩展学生的知识和视野,同时也可以培养一个人的独立性. Studying overseas will benefit students in terms of broadening their knowledge arena and raise their independence。
       首先,学生可以在国外学到先进的知识和经验. First of all, students can learn advanced subjects and experience while they are overseas。 改革开放以来,中国同世界上很多国家加强了技术合作,我国的科学技术水平得到了很快的发展. Since the Chinese Reform and Open Policy, China has cooperated with a lot of countries to strengthen technological cooperation, and Chinese scientific technological skills have improved dramatically。
       然而,跟世界上的发达国家相比,仍然存在着很大的差距. However, comparing with other developed countries, China still has a long way to go。 出国留学为学生提供了继续学习的机会,学生可以在国外学到先进的知识和管理经验,从而提高我们国家的科学技术水平. Studying overseas provides good opportunities for students to learn advanced knowledge and management experience, improving Chinese standards potentially。
       其次,学生可以在国外锻炼独立生活的能力,培养学生的性格. Moreover, students will learn to be independent, raising individual personalities。 学生在国外学习需要独立处理很多问题. Thus, they also encounter a lot of problems when they are aboard。
       他们要学会如何适应新的环境,如何与老师和同学相处. They first need to adapt in the new environment and get along with professors and classmates。
       在这个过程中,他们可以获得人际关系的技巧. During this process, they can gain personal communication skills。 最后,出国留学还可以为学生提供一个良好的语言环境,使学生掌握一门外语. Lastly, studying overseas will give students excellent language environment to master a foreign language。
       外语是一个沟通工具,它可以消除语言障碍,使国际间的交流更加容易. Foreign language is a communication tool to eliminate language barriers to make communication easier globally。
       然而,出国留学也带来一些负面影响. However, studying aboard also poses negative effects。 首先,学生面临很多的心理问题. Firstly, students will face a lot of psychological issues。
       在新环境中,他们经常感到孤独,无助. In a strange environment, they usually feel lonely and helpless。 其次,出国留学的费用昂贵,这对于普通家庭来说是一个很大的经济负担. In addition, expensive tuitions bring huge financial burdens to average families。
       总的来说,出国留学的好处远远大于坏处. In general, the advantages of studying aboard are far more than the faults。 我们鼓励大学生出国留学. We encourage all college students to study aboard。
       当他们完成国外大学的课程之后,可以为我们国家的建设做出更多的贡献. After they finished their study, they will be able to make more contributions toward our countries development and growth。


    2019-06-18 10:40:18




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  • 1-20
  • 21-40
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  • 1-20
  • 21-40
  • 41-60
  • 61-80
  • 81-100
  • 101-120
  • 121-140
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  • 181-200
  • 1-20
  • 21-40
  • 41-60
  • 61-80
  • 81-100
  • 101-120
  • 121-140
  • 141-160
  • 161-180
  • 181-200
  • 1-20
  • 21-40
  • 41-60
  • 61-80
  • 81-100
  • 101-120
  • 121-140
  • 141-160
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  • 181-200


  • 1-20
  • 21-40
  • 41-60
  • 61-80
  • 81-100
  • 101-120
  • 121-140
  • 141-160
  • 161-180
  • 181-200
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