爱问知识人 爱问教育 医院库




21.We’ll soon have a person ____ with us.
a. to work b. working c. worked d. works
22.A wind is a current of air ____ near the surface of the earth.
a. moves b. moving c. moved d. to move
23.The charm of life was ____ for Tom Sawyer.
a. going b. go c. went d. gone
24.____ the largest source of energy in the solar system, the sun sends out vast amounts of energy.
a. Because b. Be c. Being d. Having
25.Can you get the clock ____ again?
a. gone b. going c. go d. to go
26.____ by his spirit, we waged another struggle.
a. Inspired b. Inspiring c. Inspire d. Having inspired
27.The teacher came into the classroom, ____ by a group of pupils.
a. to follow b. following c. be followed d. followed
28.I saw that old man ____ down by a truck.
a. knocking b. knock c. knocked d. to knocking
29.____ from the hill, the town looks magnificent.
a. Seen b. Seeing c. To see d. Be seen
30.Anyone who has seen a great locomotive ____ a long train realizes that heat can do work.
a. pulled b. being pulled c. pulling d. pulls
31.He soon made his presence ____ and his wishes ____.
a. feel...know b. feeling...knowing c. felt...known d. felt...knowing
32.____ the position as a whole, they are better off now than before.
a. Considering b. Considered c. To consider d. For considering
33.I have to have my radio ____ so that I can listen to the radio English course.
a. repair b. repairing c. repaired d. to repair
34.What did the teacher want ____ to the noisy children?
a. done b. to do c. doing d. did
35.I asked for help, ____, however, whether anyone would volunteer.
a. doubted b. being doubting c. doubting d. was doubting
36.Once ____, the machines may be put into service.
a. testing b. to test c. tests d. tested
37.____, we listened very attentively to the professor.
a. Deeply moved b. Moved deeply by
c. By deeply moved d. Deeply moved
38.This program will examine the writer’s books in detail, ____ an introduction to her life.
a. following b. having followed c. being followed d. to be followed
39.____ a Party member, he is ready to do anything for the Party.
a. Being b. To be c. For being d. Be
40.The party was taken out to see a film ____ on location in the desert.
a. being shot b. being now shot c. while being shot d. that being shot



    2018-11-05 01:41:06
  • 保证准确率,楼主要解释就补充问题吧!
    21. A
    22. B
    23. D
    24. C
    25. D
    26. A
    27. D
    28. C
    29. A
    30. C
    31. C
    32. A
    33. C
    34. B
    35. B
    36. D
    37. A/D 打得一样啊
    38. A
    39. A
    40. A


    2018-11-05 01:41:06


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