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w*** 23-02-22 英语作文


living in a city has both advantages and it is often easier to find there are always many choices of public besides, there are a lot of interesting things to do and places to you can eat in good restaurants, visit museums, go to cinemas and go to parks whenever you want to however, living in a city is often very

you must find a well-paid job, otherwise, you will not be able to afford the things you will what's more, the city is always crowded, noisy and it is very difficult to find a good place where people can enjoy peace and fresh air as in the





Motto—New Beijing, Great Olympics 口号——新北京,新奥运

Reform and opening up to the outside world have brought about great changes in Beijing, a city with a 3,000-year The city has taken on a co mpletely new look as it enters the new It will embrace the athletes and friends from the rest of the world attending the Olympic Games with great

The great modern Olympic Movement has gone through many changes in the past 100 The Olympic Games should be held in China, the most populous nation in the world, the Olympic spirit will be even further disseminated and a new page will be turned in the Olympic history; and the Olympic Movement will show its unique splendor to the world in the new



亲爱的同学们,课余时间、周末、假期,你们通常都是怎样度过的呢?请以“My Free Time”为题,写一篇短文。

信息提示: 参加运动,强身健体; 娱乐活动,放松心情; 做家务,帮助父母;


要点: 根据信息提示,把握要点,适当发挥,不逐字翻译。



My Free Time

I have lots of things to do in my free _____________



My Free Time

I have lots of things to do in my free

Usually I take exercise after school so that I can keep healthy and study Sometimes I listen to the music for a while, which is a good way to relax Of course, I help my parents with the housework at the weekends When I get tired, I would like to sit by the balcony and read books such as a novel, a science fiction, or even a Reading calms my heart down and SATisfies my hunger for

I love my free time because I enjoy the


Dear Mike,

I am writing to ask you to lend me a This September, I am going to Canada for further education for half a I wonder if you could help me find a proper flat and a

As for the flat, I would really like to rent one with a kitchen, since I am not quite used to Western food and I love Internet access is a As you know, some assignments will require students to search for information on the

I would prefer a roommate who is friendly and respects others’ If he/she is easy-going, it would be much

I am extremely grateful for all your Looking forward to your early


Dear Terry,

How are you doing? In your last letter, you asked me about being a guest to a Chinese friend’s Now, I am writing to inform you of some relevant

To begin with, according to our tradition, you are supposed to arrive early, so that you can help the family prepare the dinner, which is meaningful and Besides, you’d better bring some gifts, like a book or a Chinese What’s more, when you are enjoying the meal, you need to avoid making noises while chewing

Hopefully, these suggestions would be helpful for I have the confidence that you will have a great

Best wishes!




16th Asian Games in 20XX 12-27 November in Guangzhou, China, Guangzhou is the second Chinese city to obtain the right to host the Asian Beijing in 1990 held the 11th Asian Guangzhou Asian Games will be 41 events in the history of the Asian Games is the largest event of the Guangzhou Asian Games will be held after the 10th Asian Games with March 20XX following a total of four cities hosting the Asian Games: Guangzhou, Kuala Lumpur, Seoul (Seoul), Amman; but the other three bidding cities have been decided to withdraw from the July 1, 20XX, the Olympic Council of Asia announced that Guangzhou was the right to host the 16th Asian emblem of the Asian Games in November 17, 20XX Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall in Guangzhou announced a grand to the symbol of Guangzhou - "Wuyang statue" as the main contours of this pattern designed to become the emblem of the 20XX Guangzhou Asian Games


The electric door guard has replaced the traditional "door lady" in a dormitory at Shanghai Songjiang University City, within the range of many

In the future, more electric door guards will take the place of "door "

The electric door guard operates under an IC card system, with students using IC cards to Each resident student is issued an IC card with his/her personal information stored on Information like the card-holding student's name, major, grade, and even time of entry will be stored on their IC The door has also been equipped with a "digital eye" to take video 24 hours a day 7 days a

With the new "door guard" already on duty, students began to discuss the pros and cons of the latest renovation to their dorm in community

Some complained that having to take their IC card everywhere is inconvenient, adding that the system is not always They noted times when the system failed to recognize them and they had to call repair workers to fix

Others say the former "door lady" was more flexible and gave them a sense of "" Sometimes when a student had to stay out late, to study or for other business, the door lady would wait for them and let them in if they told her Or when students' parents came to visit, the door lady would let them But now, all of these conveniences seem

Still, students admit that the electric door guard is much safer, as it prevents thieves as well as unwelcome salesmen from entering their In this way, the electric door guard has its own

The school's authorities say the new system needs some time to improve and that students need time to get used to The school has said it will consider the inconveniences brought along with the new door guard and attempt to solve them by other On the whole, the new system seems to be good for students living in the dorm


I have a It is big and There are eight rooms in They are a living-room, a kitchen, three bedrooms, one study and two I watch TV in the I do my homework in the I have dinner in the This is my I like


I like playing guitar,so my father buys me a guitar for is very my mother asks me to have guitar thinks to learn more skill is good for start to have guitar is really funny at later on,I feel very is not easy to get want to giveup,but I insist at I can pay several feel proud of


I have a friend in the His name is Don I know him very well, but I have never met We write to each other all the My letters are very It is still hard for me to write in I received a letter from Don It makes me very He is coming to my country for a visit next We are going to see each other for the first


Today, my mother and I went to the

I saw a lot of items and I saw some of the delicious, like in the past, but my mother to buy eggs, I do not think that in the past, otherwise it will get After a while, my mother has bought

So next time myself delicious!


As a child, when people give me the things to play or eat, I will be very happy and then accept But recently, as there are so much news about the children being cheated, my mother starts to worry about me, she tells me that I should not accept the strangers’ things, or I will be I listen to her words and I take care of myself


High school is very important in one’s Nowadays, the movies about the high school time are so popular, but the stories are exaggerated, my memories about high school life are so different from the During the three years, study occupied most of my I fought for the future with my We studied together and shared our opinion about the difficult When I made great progress, I was so happy, but when I fell behind, I would not give I grew up and became patient, I was not the little girl In the part-time, I would go to play basketball with my friends, it became the most exciting thing at that Though the high school life was simple, I gained a I would never forget the classmates who worked with me


I went to Beijing Zoo on Saturday 星期六早上我去了北京动物园。

I went there with my teachers by It took us half an hour to get There were many kinds of First, we went to see They were my favorite How lovely they were! Then we watched the elephant The elephants were so clever that they were able to answer some math At last, I took some photos of I had a great I stayed in Beijing Zoo for 2


Get up this morning, our family is happy New Year to each finished the accumulation, I went out to play to out of the door, I saw thousands of sunshine like a sword, Pierce the atmosphere, shine on the earth, I think maybe because today is New Year's day, the sky grandpa make the weather is sunny at the sky, blue, bright and clean, like a transparent mirror thick, white clouds, the clouds like cotton, like waves, hung on the day side, compose the day over there, the sky is decorated ahead, both sides stood door lifelike stone lions, a big mouth, staring at two pair of big eyes, power and grandeur, like two soldiers on guard, they are one male, one female, male feet standing on a ball, like to play there, female foot stepped on a small lion, like to look after their children , mother asked me to take a bath, I can't help but ask: "why the Chinese New Year will take a shower?"Mother said: "New Year's day to wash them clean, can have a good year, next year there will be a good one "Finished washing bath, I looked out of the window, multicolored fireworks straight up into the sky, blossom in mid air, like a peacock, such as split moment is in red, like peach apricot flowers rained, for a while, and all over the sky, golden like the harvest rice is scattered all over the

Finished watching the fireworks, I fell


The end of the year, on New Year's eve is the reunion night, every household is decorated, celebrate the end of a year of peace, a good start in the New

On New Year's eve, every family is busy to stick couplets on the Spring Festival, our family is no exception, and each year couplet still stick by me at this stick couplet learning also pretty big, when you last as long as a look at this couplet you will know the family in the New Year's hope and plan, also know that in the past year what has happened to the family home wedding, you look at the couplet is not

On this day the most happy or children, they cried to early adult years, because after taking the year can , several children beside, hopping, forget about the overjoyed when, even adults were infected with the the fireworks family around the table to eat the family reunion dinner, the most interesting is to eat dumplings, and it can eat dumplings eat money, who eat money the luck in the New Year will be the best, so everyone scrambled to eat, who also rob to that rich of dumplings, but whether to eat or not to eat, the atmosphere of rob to eat the dumpling is the most

On New Year's eve is the most unforgettable night!


Hi,everyone!I'm XXX(姓名),I'm a student at XXX(学校名) School,and I'm in Class X ,Grade school is very beatiful!! I like XXX(运动) best ,because it is very like all the lessons at I often do some exercises after school,and I like helping the other I'm very polite and I have short hair(嘻嘻,根据你名字猜你是个男生吧) I am Our teachers are all very Do you like me?



I choseasmallislandcountryonthePacificThisoptionisnottonot elected,sohadtochooseaVeryearlytogoabroad


















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