爱问知识人 爱问教育 医院库



I*** 21-10-29 求职自我评价

Over the past year, I am responsible for # 1 to the work environment, leadership support in the company under the leadership of the company in accordance with the work requirements, in line with the intentions of the purpose of service, "service first, customers first" as every employee Through the joint efforts of all staff, we launched a series of services working in this for xx years of work to do with a brief Sum up experience and lessons learned, identify shortcomings, to lay the foundation xx years of

First, xx years concentrating on tasks: a good grasp of the overall quality of construction cleaning team to strengthen ideological education of Pay close attention to employee service awareness, and establish "owner first, service first" and "customer is God," so that each employee in the service can put ourselves for the sake of tenants - "would like to think tenants, the owners of the worry worry "before opening the owners satisfied with the owners, tenants deeply feel the warmth of Also focus on training some professional skills and knowledge, because only in continuous learning and strive to forge ahead in So that every employee always summon the strength to keep the

Second, to further build the whole of the rules and With relevant rules and regulations to strictly regulate the daily work of each employee code of conduct, so that "people given posts of responsibility to the people" so that each employee can recognize their shortcomings, and actively seek to improve and

Third, pay close attention to the instrument, appearance and image building cleaning staff, pay close attention to the staff's courtesy management, and uniform dress code, always check the staff of the instrument appearance, inspection staff courtesy, so that the cleaning team did dress neatly, have courtesy courteous, full of energy, so that service with a

Fourth, it is people, posts, positioning, responsibility to the According to the actual situation of the park, based on each employee's ability to work and expertise, dash-dot, dicing, zoning, building planning, set people, posts, positioning, so that everyone something to do, personal responsibility area, according to the division area of responsibility, the daily inspection and found the problem immediately noted immediately corrected, and always maintain the district, each building sanitation clean and

Second, there is the question:

1, professional skills to master is not comprehensive With an endless stream of high-tech materials, we can not conduct a comprehensive knowledge on methods to clean thoroughly cleaning work for future work that may cause errors leaving a hidden danger, we have to continue to learn in the future work, efforts to enrich their knowledge for the smooth working of the future expansion paved

2, all kinds of records are not standardized, Lack of professionalism of the various systems of records, imperfect, no professional record forms, records lack uniformity,

Third, the corrective measures:

For at least the shortcomings, I will be in the coming year to focus on learning and training in professional skills and knowledge on the strengthening of each employee's service standards, so that our "personalized service" to develop better go out, adapt to different needs, so the owners satisfaction, satisfaction Party, a strong professional performance culture, warm and thoughtful service, to fight tough cleaning team to return the company to our cultivation, let us continue the family's prosperity, continue to

In xx years, some cleaning work on improving overall, but details of the work, there are still insufficient cleaning costs as well as Under the guidance of the company's leadership, under the direct leadership of the Fund Manager, in all the efforts of the cleaning staff, we will have a better performance in

Fourth, xx-year work plan and standards,

According to the work of xx years, according to the company's requirements, root out detailed work content, work plan xx years, standards,

First, the cleaning work

1, standardized training Efforts to cultivate and foster a strong technical expertise, work style, high-quality It is to do the cleaning work of premise, only professionally trained team to adapt to the modern Czech special company management and specialized cleaning To establish good working order, and improve staff quality and efficiency, we will have a comprehensive plan of organization staff Implementation classes for new employees more reality speaks theory, training in the process of post Monitor taught; older employees pass, to help with play monitor business skills, mobilize the enthusiasm of older Such new employees easy to accept and That improves employee skills and shortened the distance between Off strict training, operating essentials clarifying points, so deft eye ground (namely: the eye ground look deft do); fine after the first rough, step, people walking was clear (ie: time to do a thorough, people walking garbage, miscellaneous material, tools, took it all). The training of employees as an indicator of daily work tasks, using appropriate time once a week, every intensive training, training includes: "Clean basic skills", "job responsibilities", "operational safety" Performance "and detergents use "," use of equipment "and so At the same time in their daily work ongoing guidance and training, training xx throughout the year, finished training to conduct the assessment, evaluation criteria: assessment of the actual operation of 100 percent qualified, 95% of the theoretical examination

2, according to standardized do, posts, will be people, fixed floor, responsibility to the people, jobs to people, sign posts of Let the hearts of the staff standard, are arranged on the order sheet date, the operation The entire work area no dead ends, no

3, according to standardized to check, supervisor, team leader is not going through the motions in the inspection work, we must adhere to the standard examination, self-examination, peer review, monitor inspection, the competent inspection, sampling and other inspection system combined with the test results effectively linked to wages and salaries . Adhere to daily inspections, supervise cleaning work, identify problems promptly

Second, the implementation of elements of management normalization

1, infrastructure management Usually double-check facilities, identify problems and Times repair the fault but the

2, materials management Picking process and procedures are complete, strict implementation of approval system, root out potential cleaning costs, eliminate waste, for companies to save costs and improve

3, the working methods of Develop various positions working standards and processes, and constantly improve vulnerable place to ensure proper use of the methods of work to guide employees so that all work in a controlled Develop various positions according to the actual situation, "Post Practice" and "inspection procedures", "training regulations," "Language Code of Conduct" and the relevant work And let the cleaning staff to

4, occupational health and safety management and For each cleaning job at risk to identify, develop measures against hazards, and employees work in self-protection High-profile, 3 high windows, outdoor, electrical equipment, machinery and equipment as a key educational content and tips to ensure safe and accident, so security

5, monthly, weekly commentary, week, the attendance Various reports in a timely manner, and to formalize





















个人未来职业规划模板 有关大学生自我鉴定范文 客房经理岗位职责(优质19篇) 文员个人简历自我评价 销售自我评价优势 小学生怎么写综合素质自我评价 员工工作情况自我鉴定 教师个人简历范文简洁模板 岗位工作上个人评价 关于医院护士求职信 学生四年级自我介绍作文 电子商务求职自荐信 客服专员面试自我介绍范文 少儿自我介绍 客服专员求职信 关于护理专业的自我鉴定 最新大学生自我介绍模板 小学生自我评价范文 酒店个人原因辞职信 领导干部德能勤绩廉个人总结(通用4篇) 毕业生工作实习鉴定 英语自我介绍带翻译 毕业生求职信 有关法律专业的大学生求职信的优秀范文 大学生志愿者面试自我介绍 大学生自我介绍3分钟 最标准个人简历范文样本2022年 会计面试自我介绍范文 班长的自我鉴定范文 优秀求职自荐信 办公室主任工作自我鉴定范文 学校面试自我介绍范文 工作态度自我评价范文 实习单位鉴定评语 团员教育评议表自我评价600字 实习自我鉴定范文 大三学生学年自我鉴定 求职简单自荐书300字 小学教师个人工作自我鉴定 高中毕业自我鉴定 护士岗位职责 电话销售个人工作总结范文 小学生自我介绍的范文200字 新员工自我介绍简短范文 关于护理求职的自荐信范文 大学生个人心理素质自我评价范文 社区党员自我评定 成人教育自我鉴定范文 护士个人年度考核自我鉴定 护士个人工作自我鉴定范文 仓管员自我评价 学校图书室管理制度(甄选3篇) 试用期员工转正自我鉴定 管理学个人自荐信范文 学生学业自我评价 村主任辞职报告书 英语教师面试的自我介绍 员工自我鉴定 医学毕业生个人简历优秀模板范文 学校物业专业求职自荐信 护士毕业生登记表自我鉴定 九年级班主任教学工作鉴定 【精】实习自我鉴定 实习自我鉴定 个人工作简历 应届生个人求职自荐信 关于大学的英语自我介绍范文 有关单位求职信 员工辞职报告书个人 高中学生素质综合的自我评价 团员自我评议表个人总结 会计专业的简单求职信 教师求职信模板范文 医生进修介绍信 旅游专业毕业生自荐书 学前教育自我鉴定 餐饮运营岗位职责 节能宣传周活动自我评价大全 中药学毕业生自我鉴定500字 钳工实习日记 小区物业岗位职责(推荐18篇) 大学社团招新自我介绍 初级职称自我鉴定800字 有关函授毕业生的自我鉴定范文 新生儿科实习自我鉴定 关于教师面试的自我介绍范文 给排水工程师自我评价 证券客户经理年终总结(实用6篇) 社会求职自荐信范文 会计系毕业生自荐信范文 关于实习生自我鉴定 实用的医生求职信 临床医学毕业自我鉴定范文 成功应聘自我介绍 工作月自我评价模板1000字 1-2分钟自我介绍 自我鉴定工作方面 中学生综合素质自我评价 新闻采编与制作专业大学生求职简历模板 建设银行转正自我鉴定 大三自我鉴定 公司招聘总结(热门12篇) 大学生自我介绍 学生会自荐书范文 毕业求职简历自我介绍模板 学生会辞职信样本 物流管理专业求职信范文 应届大学生的求职信范文 求职面试自我介绍模板 护士离职报告参考范文 自考自我鉴定 业务员求职信 机械工程师的自我评价1 销售总结报告怎么写(必备15篇) 医学影像自我鉴定范文 学校图书馆总结(精编16篇) 出纳试用期总结(汇编16篇) 护士自我介绍的开场白面试 高中毕业自我鉴定 护理函授毕业生自我鉴定300字 面试时简短的自我介绍模板 2022幼儿教师辞职信 医学生求职自荐书 就业求职自荐信300字 毕业应届生求职信 幼儿园教师辞职申请书格式 临床医学求职自荐信范文素材推荐 中考自荐信 员工考勤管理制度范本(优质18篇) 员工自我鉴定 面试护理面试自我介绍 电气工程求职信 面试自我介绍 师范类面试自我介绍 个人面试自我介绍 公务员年度个人职业规划 有关实习自我鉴定 护理大学生自荐信 大学毕业自我评价 建行初面试自我介绍 2022年班主任自我鉴定范文 消防演习自我评价800字 大四学年鉴定表自我鉴定 教师师德师风自我鉴定 求职自荐信【热门】 大学生求职自荐信 国际贸易毕业生求职信 用英语自我介绍 医学生实习的自我鉴定 会计应聘自我介绍范文 个人师德自我评价 舞蹈系专业学生毕业自我鉴定范文 英文简历中不能出现的语句 行政助理自我介绍 业务成果和自我评价 个人工作自我鉴定汇编 在校自我鉴定模板 会计学专业求职信范文 酒店前台员工辞职信 it应届生自我评价 入职时的自我介绍 简历自我介绍 转正定级表自我鉴定 银行转正自我鉴定700字 员工转正自我鉴定【荐】 总结开头(集合19篇) 新闻学实习鉴定 药学专业的求职信范文 文员面试自我介绍300字 行政部外联岗位职责(合集3篇) 公司员工的自我鉴定 简短的员工辞职信 营业员实习自我鉴定 食品车间主任岗位职责 简短的求职信 教师师德表现自我评价范文 个性简历自我介绍 大学生自我鉴定范文 学生自我鉴定 测绘专业求职自荐信 九年级学生自我评价 排长个人鉴定范文 2021护士长竞聘自荐书 医院面试的自我介绍 法学毕业生自我鉴定范文 教师的英文自我介绍 大学生社会实践自我鉴定 市场年终总结范文大全(优质7篇) 应届医学生求职信优秀范文 综合素质优秀自我评价范文300字 高考自我评价 医师的实习自我鉴定范文 员工自我鉴定范文 函授自我鉴定 实习个人自我鉴定 暑假社会实践总结(实用19篇) 高中毕业生自我评价 简短个人自我介绍范文 总经办主任岗位职责 导游个人求职自荐信范文