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张*** 23-02-11 总结

















Years of growth rings in Flying rotated, 20xx hula suddenly has passed six months, the past six months, now to a review of all aspects of the work. Summarized as follows:

First of all, thank you very much the company gave me this platform for growth, so I continue to hone slowly upgrade their quality and ability. Over the past year, under the leadership and colleagues of careful care and guidance, through their tireless efforts in working on the basis of growth in a lot of technical knowledge but also learned a lot of work experience, but there are still many deficiencies.

First, work experience

There are special effort to work together, so there is an input, maybe everyone has this feeling, is not clear when they encounter problems, my heart will not stop wondering. Admission which I have done quite good, do not understand or when faced with difficult times, full attention will themselves find a way from the cause. Until the problem so far. Work also to think, to think, to learn, to ask, to increase their capacity in many of the basics there, play to their talents in all aspects of the work, do a better job.

Second, the lack of write at

20xx is a year full of vitality, but also self-challenging year, I will try to correct deficiencies in the work of the past year, learn from each other to do their best work in the new year. To sum up, as a way to their jobs have more understanding, beating its own guidance and better in the new year work use their talents to make their own little contribution to the company's development.

In the days ahead, I will continue my fine style of play initiative, make up, struggling to move forward.


In short, the campus life, so that my own overall quality, self-cultivation, human ability and communication skills have a qualitative leap; let me know in addition to learning the importance of personal ability and the ability to communicate the necessity.

Four years of college life, although there are tears of success, but also the bitterness of failure, but the increasingly fierce social competition also makes me fully aware of the overall development of a moral and intellectual development of the importance of outstanding college students. In any case, the past is my constant struggle, and constantly improve the self of a process.

University life like a snap of it, from the time when you entered the secondary school lost and confused, and now will soon embark on the work of calm, calm. I know that this is a major challenge in life, the role of conversion. Which in addition to a strong adaptability and optimistic attitude to life, but more importantly, thanks to the accumulation of university studies and skills development.

Life, I respect the teachers have added, and students love each other, live in harmony. Collective life so that they know to take the initiative to understand others and care for others, but also to make themselves more strong and independent. I feel that their own things should be responsible for their own, others can only give you some advice.Things to calmly think, do not impatient. Not easily committed to the commitment to the efforts to fulfill. Life needs

To sketch their own, not the same way there is not the same life.

In the study, I successfully completed the professional courses. On the office office software, dreamweaver production software and other popular software to skilled operation. Has been admitted to the "computer grade certificate"; "office software applications senior operator"; "Statistical Card" and other professional certificates. I believe in the future theory and the actual combination of them, can have greater improvement! Three years of campus life and social practice I continue to challenge themselves, enrich themselves, to achieve the value of life and lay a solid foundation. Has always believed that people should be old to learn their own knowledge of the old, the meticulous of the professional, which has been affirmed in the results have been scholarships each academic year.


In July 20XX, I joined Baosteel Group BaGang , , and in the past year and a half I have been enthusiastic about my work, I have been strict with myself and my work I always keep my "modest", "prudent" The attitude of leadership in the cultivation of care and the help of colleagues to support, and always diligent study, proactive, and strive to improve themselves, and always work hard and earnestly complete the task, perform good job duties, outstanding performance in all aspects, has been the leadership and colleagues We are Through their own continuous efforts, whether ideological, learning or work, have made considerable development and tremendous Through this year's work and study, I realized that the growth of a qualified technician is a bright future, full of hope at the same time need to pay efforts and effort of the process, but also a need to constantly improve the continuous development of the long-term The following is a summary of my work in this year and self-identification:

Strict self-discipline, consciously strengthen party spirit, political consciousness has been improved

Thought is the guide to action, a person if you want to do a good job, we must first establish their own work As a non-party member, I actively asked to join the party organization, in August 20XX turned over to join the party application, is now a party In my daily work, I have strict demands on myself, consciously accepting the supervision and assistance of Party members and colleagues, persistently overcome my own shortcomings and make up for my own adhere to the Marxist-Leninist position, viewpoint and methodology, adhere to the correct world outlook, outlook on life, values, and to guide their own learning, work and life As a member of the company, I seriously study and penetrate the company's mainstream cultural thinking, the company's core business philosophy, and actively promote the party spirit, And apply it to the actual work, consistent with the

Second, thirst for knowledge, with an open mind to learn

As the 20XX session of a new employee, and only continue to upgrade their knowledge and technical level, in order to better complete their Work encountered problems do not understand, the humbly to the master and other colleagues for Daily work in the operating area in the morning software work in the afternoon into the scene to see more equipment to see more, and constantly increase their field the same time a serious study of the company's various documents on the management system and norms have a certain understanding of the work of the company to standardize the management of the standard to strict demands on

Third, work hard, conscientiously complete the work tasks

I start from doing my own work and daily work, starting from me, from now on, I have always believed that a hard work, a harvest, so I have been working hard to continuously study and work From the small things around and perseverance, love their own work to be able to take seriously each and every job, work, on time, effective use of working hours, stick to their Equipment failure repair, no matter when they can do the first time to the field attendant operations, and put forward their own programs involved in repair, to ensure the normal operation of equipment as soon as In February 20XX I was employed as a field professional engineer in the I followed the pace of the company to strengthen the theoretical knowledge of learning, and strive to achieve a new understanding of the use of new gains, to guide the practice of theory , To promote the work, improve the level of the purpose of the work, and constantly improve their technical level to guide their Through the theoretical study summary in the classroom, combined with practical problems in the work, "120T converter meters platform operating instructions" were modified, and verify the operating standards have been prepared to apply the applicable standards have been revised, and the monthly new 2 standard operating standards to improve the standardization of Through the dedication in their own work, tirelessly to make achievements, I want to constantly improve their job skills, and strive to master their job knowledge, to do their own work and the backbone of the experts, down to earth to do their

Fourth, work to promote team spirit, to overcome the work of one after another problem

In the usual work, first of all do the daily work, I and other colleagues in the work area both division of labor and cooperation, insist on regular and other technical personnel exchanges, and fully carry forward the democracy, never arbitrary, and thus a more successful completion of the maintenance department The work The first quarter of 20XX in the work area colleagues and the leadership of the strong support of the lead by me to complete the smooth completion of the "alloy material in the position of the bin material electroplating push rod flap card material solution" QC information released to solve the The Material Problem of Electro - hydraulic Push - rod Flap Valve of the 3 - position 120 - ton Converter of Platform The design for the company's annual savings of about 21 And through this activity to enhance the cohesion between colleagues to improve the ability to participate in the program designers to analyze issues and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the staff, the use of existing technical strength for enterprises Taqian In the fourth quarter of 20XX, the QC team was set up in the sub-assembly operation area to improve the alloy chute for the 120-ton The QC data for the "alloy chute increasing life plan" is scheduled to be released in

Summary of eight years of work in the steel, I work on the ideas have made great Of course, the results represent the past, in the future work, I will redouble our efforts to strive to do Because the technology continues to progress and update, only through continuous learning, down-to-earth style, can be competent for their At the same time in the accumulation of future work experience, and gradually develop their own predictability, and constantly in the on-site inspection, supervision at any time to identify problems and solve problems, so that their on-site comprehensive processing capacity continue to get exercise and


Four years of college life, so that my organization coordination, management capacity, adaptability greatly improved, so I have a good psychological quality, so I have a greater competitive advantage, let me walk in the cause of life more High Won the "outstanding college students" and "outstanding graduates" of the

Do things always adhere to the beginning and end, never give up halfway; willing to learn, there is a problem not to escape, willing to learn from others; self-confidence, but not conceited, not self-confidence, not self-confidence, do not Self-centered; willing to admire the modest attitude to accept the superior, authoritative; will use 100% of the enthusiasm and energy into the work; Honest, cheerful, proactive, adaptable, studious, down-to-earth, a strong team spirit, work proactive, serious attitude

I am cheerful, sincere, optimistic, broad interest, has a strong organizational capacity and adaptability, and has a strong management planning and organization and management


High the next semester of life has officially opened the I want to combine the recent situation in the development of a learning goal: first, reasonable time, adjust the schedule, assign good learning, work, entertainment Second, the quality and quantity to complete the assignment of the teacher, the teacher assignments are generally her years of teaching experience in the summary, with high value, earnestly take the exam, exam carefully In addition, actively read the books and information, to expand their knowledge; often ask questions, discuss with students, to seize the time to learn some other areas of professional knowledge, knowledge is always

I am in this semester, has been to comply with the rules and regulations of the school, has a good ideological and moral qualities, all aspects of outstanding performance, a strong sense of collective honor and sense of responsibility, adhere to the principle of seeking truth from

In learning, I study the correct attitude, good use of reference and use of scientific learning methods, while focusing on independent thinking, the courage to

On the moral character, I have a good moral cultivation, and a firm political I love the motherland, love the people, firmly support the leadership of the Communist Party and the socialist system, abide by the law, love public property, unite students, helpful and pragmatic spirit, enthusiastic participation in school public service and patriotic

In my spare time, I actively participate in physical exercise, dedicated to the construction of class services, and conscientiously perform the duties of the student union cadres, school life for the rich and colorful, pay attention to personal all-round


Time flies, a semester is soon over, look back six months can say hectic and gain a Thanks for all school leaders and teachers care and help to make progress and I have to improve in all Next, I work for the past six months to do a brief review and summary of the following

Ability to work

In the teaching process has always been implementing the concept of the new education curriculum Accurate understanding and firmly grasp the core concept of the new curriculum, so that the classroom to life, for students living in the world and social To independence, cooperation and explore ways of learning to enable students to participate in the teaching, so that the classroom is full of new

The stringent requirements of students, respect for students, promote the teaching of democracy, so that students learning anything, and continuously improve, so as to continuously improve their teaching and ideological consciousness, successfully completed the task of

The teaching process as teachers and cooperation, interaction and common development, to achieve the integration of Teachers' Role Shifting, curriculum and instruction, effectively improve the teaching

Business learning

Strengthen theoretical, empirical articles, and the outline of More learning, extensive learning education teaching theoretical knowledge, efforts to form a more complete theoretical knowledge structure,

Participate seriously in every teaching and research activities, and seriously make a

Outstanding teachers to observe school curriculum, and do a good job recording and Problems in the teaching process involved should take the initiative to consult an experienced and excellent teachers learn from each

More specifically research, done carefully prepare each lesson, and study materials, and strive to better each In the preparation process of careful analysis of materials, design lesson plans based on the actual situation of teaching materials and student In the classroom, trying to mobilize the enthusiasm of the students, as much as possible so that each student participate in the

Do a good job teaching reflection, so that learning - practice exchange --- --- Serious reflection and good record, record your own shortcomings to be improved and part of correct and timely, so that I can do in the teaching process weaknesses, for every time there is progress, to reinforce the

Increased reading time, more books, more After school, I insist often read books and newspapers, such as "young teachers", "new education", "moral education" and other magazines and Multi-capture all aspects of information, constantly filling and make up their own to improve their own gold comprehensive cultural To understand the dynamic information of teaching, often the Internet to find some excellent lesson plans courseware learning, strive to improve their teaching level, so I gain a lot, both on the students and interpersonal skills, or arrange classroom teaching, I there had been substantial

Improve courseware making skills, and take advantage of the school's multimedia teaching equipment, widely used in

Aspects of personal qualities

Continuous learning and thinking, improve their professional and ethical

Hands, according to the direction of professional ethics to do to promote further improve the quality of self and

Introspective self-test, the importance of personal language, instruments, and other aspects of the specification and correct, and constant self-reflection, to better fulfill a teacher

The above is my summary of self-improvement of the semester, this semester's work, although coming to an end, but in the future of education and teaching, I will continue to work hard to true love and true heart to fulfill my educational




















Since participating in the work unit, as __x duties during the leadership has been unanimously approved and I firmly adhere to the Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thinking of the 'Three Represents' and the party and the principles and policies, with the lofty ideal of communism and socialism with Chinese characteristics, firm confidence in the ideological, organizational , The action has always been consistent with the Party Central

Learning, I can do since the increase in pressure, serious study, diligent thinking, Adhere to the theory with practice, and actively participate in party branch organization of learning and various training activities, and constantly improve their own

Work, I am serious and responsible, pragmatic work hard, pragmatic, and strengthen the sense of purpose of serving the people, correct work attitude, do their work, make full use of their knowledge and broaden their business knowledge and play to their And strive to learn knowledge, keep up with the pace of progress of the times, learning with the combination, can work effectively solve problems for the masses, and continuously enhance the ability to serve the people, to better serve the

Style, I can consciously abide by the party discipline and integrity and integrity of the provisions of the guidelines, in the work life, self-discipline, act in an open and aboveboard, life Qingqingbaibai, life Tanzania swing, do the self-respect,

I know their own shortcomings and the direction of the effort, is now engaged in the flow of the industry, but also with the steel, iron, drawings, to Jinzhou Port, I know their own shortcomings and the direction of the effort,Mechanical Now I really like my job, but I know that their experience and experience are inadequate, practice is also very flawed, but do not know I asked, and more access to information, colleagues in the office and leadership of the Help, feel that they learn a lot these days, every day is Now the work of these days to do a

First, the attitude in the professional, everyone has a motivated heart, I not only work for the company, I work for themselves, I believe I can do a good job, there is a very hot heart, a pair of very hard-working On the one hand I should not rigidly adhere to some things, to be good at breakthroughs, creative ideas, but also to the overall situation, the team as the most important, can not be too And then later in the process of doing things to pay attention to the method, so as to make work more efficient, reduce unnecessary overtime, things will do

In the professional field, I have been working in Jinzhou since the beginning of my With the help of my colleagues, I have gained more and more knowledge through professional efforts and work

3, review these days, I seriously study the port machinery expertise, and actively participate in job training, and wholeheartedly, courteous, warm, patiently answer the problems in the work, and in practice continue to improve their quality and professional standards, And strive to grow into a qualified These days, let me on their own jobs and the company's advantages of resources, have a more profound understanding and understanding, which can be more quickly adapt to their jobs, give full play to their

In the future work and life, I believe that through their own efforts, in the future work, I will grow into a professional and responsible staff, and strive to become the object of learning others, to contribute to the Jinzhou With the increase in their working days, but also want to work as a formal staff in the work here, to achieve their goals, reflect their value in life, and the company grow I will use the humble attitude and full of enthusiasm to do my job, create value for the company, with the company to look forward to a better future!




As we all know, Taiwan belongs to Taiwan, as we all know, belongs to Taiwan belongs to China, as we all 注意下面的习惯用法:

as is well discussed 正如已讨论过的

as is often said 正如通常所说 as is often the case 通常就是这样 as has been pointed 正如所指出的那样 as has been said before 如上所述 as often happens 如同经常所发生的那样 as might be expected正如所料 as is well known to all众所周知

在多数情况下,从句中的谓语助动词可以省略 as explained before 如前面所解释的 as mentioned above 如前面所提到的 as shown in the figure 如图所示 as seen from the table 从表中可以看出 as already discussed 正如已讨论过的


Time flies, a flash of the new semester is about to begin, and slowly away from us in 20XX, the first semester of university life is officially announced the end, but the year 20XX, which will always have our beautiful This year we for our own goals, dreams, we cried we laughed, we also experienced the University of study and life, and here to get to know a lot of good students together, good friends, good

20XX was a very important and memorable year for me because there was a big change in my life both in my studies and in my University of the time day, week, month in the past, we met each other new students, together with military training, learning together, their choice of favorite University life is very rich and very free, some people are busy, leisurely you can 24 hours at the computer game, but some people are busy, can be busy to the day without even the rest of time, I think the University has Two kinds of people, play dead and busy dead people, in fact, this is like an endless ladder on both sides, we are beginning to set sail in the middle, forward and backward are in an I like the latter, so tired though, but

Recalling the freshman, I also have a lot of things to do in many ways is not good In view of the lack of last semester, I feel we should try to start from the following aspects, and strive to do: 1 learning

(1) the study of specialized courses, should be clear objectives, take the initiative to overcome various learning difficulties, and constantly improve their interest in

(2) to treat public courses, to recognize its practical value, and strive to indirect interest in public courses into direct learning

(3) the study of elective courses, attention should be paid to only stay in the shallow understanding and understanding of the

(4) adjust the learning

After entering the university, the teacher-led teaching model has become a student-led self-learning Teachers teach knowledge in the classroom, the students not only to digest the understanding of classroom learning content, but also a lot of reading the relevant books and It can be said that the level of self-learning ability to become the most important factors affecting academic In college, the content of teaching content, including more and more large, sitting alone in the classroom hard to read is difficult to We must learn to use modern high-tech teaching methods to master and enhance the knowledge Such as the Internet, libraries, to get a lot of information to improve their Of course, college freshmen have to change some of the original concept: in the university, the test scores are not the most important indicators to measure people, people pay more attention to the comprehensive ability of the cultivation and overall quality Here, the competition is potential,

Interpersonal relations

Communication is the most important part of interpersonal relationships, is between people to pass emotions, attitudes, facts, beliefs and ideas of the process, so good communication refers to a two-way communication process, not a person in speech, Or play the other side to sing a one-man show, so in the study of life we should listen to each other's heart to say what? To understand each other thinking? The other side feel? And their own ideas back to each So I build good interpersonal relationships, we should start from the following aspects: the depth of self-awareness and acceptance; often sincere attitude; humble and gentle heart; moderate self-expression; respect and appreciate others; seek common values partner . 3 reasonable time arrangements

Students learning time is limited, reasonable time, great I feel that we should make full use of the study time during the day because of good mental state during the day, memory, active thinking, daytime learning efficiency is equivalent to one and a half hours of the Every day before the class we are in the mind to do a simple learning plan, set yourself a small goal, to prevent unintended Pre-school supplies ready to learn what to do a simple preview, focus on lectures in Also, do not just focus on the whole Second, to co-ordinate arrangements for extra-curricular learning time, to deal with things for the priorities, you can use the "ABC" time classification, according to prioritized tasks are divided into A (important), B (minor), C (general) Important things to do first; secondary things, then deal with; flexible handling of the general In doing homework to adjust their state, as far as possible to make the brain, physical, emotional state in the best, the pursuit of higher

Time flies, in a blink of an eye we in the beautiful campus of Agricultural University ushered in the sophomore of the second semester, each new start is a challenge, I believe that in this new semester, we can continue to Challenge yourself, continuous progress, the pursuit of a more exciting life!


High the next semester of life has officially opened the I want to combine the recent situation in the development of a learning goal: first, reasonable time, adjust the schedule, assign good learning, work, entertainment Second, the quality and quantity to complete the assignment of the teacher, the teacher assignments are generally her years of teaching experience in the summary, with high value, earnestly take the exam, exam carefully In addition, actively read the books and information, to expand their knowledge; often ask questions, discuss with students, to seize the time to learn some other areas of professional knowledge, knowledge is always

I am in this semester, has been to comply with the rules and regulations of the school, has a good ideological and moral qualities, all aspects of outstanding performance, a strong sense of collective honor and sense of responsibility, adhere to the principle of seeking truth from

In learning, I study the correct attitude, good use of reference and use of scientific learning methods, while focusing on independent thinking, the courage to

On the moral character, I have a good moral cultivation, and a firm political I love the motherland, love the people, firmly support the leadership of the Communist Party and the socialist system, abide by the law, love public property, unite students, helpful and pragmatic spirit, enthusiastic participation in school public service and patriotic

In my spare time, I actively participate in physical exercise, dedicated to the construction of class services, and conscientiously perform the duties of the student union cadres, school life for the rich and colorful, pay attention to personal all-round




Hi, everyone! On behalf of the 75 employees of the production department, I will summarize the work of xx in this department. Please consider:

Time flies like an arrow. With the festive spirit of Christmas, we are approaching a New Year. In the past year the production department in the superior leadership support and close cooperation with various departments department smoothly under the joint efforts of all staff to complete the company issued all tasks, here, I on production for one year work summary, also wish our company a better next year.

1. Work review

1. Equipment management

In the past year, all equipment is in good condition, not because the device problems affect the larger work, under the regular inspection and maintenance to ensure the normal operation of the equipment, to ensure the stability of the production.

2. Personnel management

At early and late year, changes in personnel and employees of production line of unstable cases, this will give production management brought great pressure, but the pressure of our department or stick in the pre-service hillock training for new employees, ensure smooth new employees into the positions and roles, do basic work rotation position, in this I want to thank the administration department for staff education and engineering technical training and workshops each monitor, support to the beginning of my department has a good situation now.

3. Safety production

In the past year, I division will into production daily administration of production safety work, ready to do the workshop staff safety knowledge education, supervision, and eliminate the security hidden trouble of the workshops. Ensure the orderly operation of the workshop. No major human injury or equipment damage occurred in the whole year.

In terms of the overall company, I have the following Suggestions:

1. Establish a sound work quality responsibility system. Each department of company and staff are specified departments and individuals in the work of specific tasks, responsibilities and rights, in order to do quality work everything someone tube, layer upon layer, everyone has a dedicated, handle affairs have standard, inspection work, so you can put the quality on the work and the enthusiasm of staff combine to form a strict control system.

2, because of the company staff flow, team cohesion and sense of belonging of the individual, for a long time will affect the product quality, working efficiency, it is recommended that companies in the corporate culture and employees to strengthen the sense of belonging and team cohesion and training.

Xx annual work plan

1. Strengthen learning and practice and continue to improve.

The focus is on learning about intelligent transportation related business and researching and developing relevant knowledge to improve the ability to solve problems.

Do your best to complete production tasks

In the process of production, full communication, process control, greater strength in production, bearing in mind the speed and perfect execution, and actively completing production tasks with a healthy and happy attitude.

Improve your own quality.

In the New Year, we should not waver in our efforts to become a wise man who has good moral character, high quality, strong ability, diligent study, good thinking and work.

Work to maintain long-term enthusiasm and enthusiasm, more need to have not to wait for the whip. In the spirit. So this year I always insist on doing what I can do well, keep doing the accumulation, one step at a time firmly to my goal move forward.

Finally, I want to say that no matter where I work, do what work, attitude and mentality is very important, he put the heart to relax, can better handle and solve the problem of face, calm in the face of challenge, constantly enriching themselves, objectively in the face of my own shortcomings, to improve better, everyone will have a better tomorrow!

Continuously developing in the company, my work ability and individual ability have been greatly improved, the growth of this is I have been to get results, and also the leadership of the company, colleagues help is inseparable, believe in yourself in the later work will be the best. The development of the company and its development is closely linked, I still have this consciousness, so I will always stick to work hard, I believe I will be able to smoothly complete company to my work. Although there is no great victory, but also experienced an extraordinary test and honing.

The work plan for next year will be as follows:

1. Strengthen the work of this position, and the ability to work in the skills should be further enhanced.

2. Establish the concept of lifelong learning, strengthen the study of the cultural quality of oneself, and improve its own quality constantly.

3. Be proactive in the work, unite colleagues, combine different working environment and personal temper and personality to work together to make all kinds of interpersonal relationships more harmonious.

I see road, I will search up and down, in the coming year, I will to strengthen the management of autonomous consciousness, have the courage to blaze new trails, strengthen theoretical study and business, continuously improve the level of business technology. Also will encounter many difficulties, I believe, with the help of the leadership concern under cultivation, colleagues, and his own efforts, I will continue to improve their working skills and personal culture quality, construction make due contribution to the company.







2、 人员管理方面

在每年的年初和年末,在人员变动和产线员工极不稳定的时候情况下,这无疑给生产管理带了了极大的压力,但在这压力的推动下本部门还是坚持对新近员工的'岗前岗中培训,确保新进员工的顺利进入岗位角色,做到基本胜任轮换岗位工作,在这我要感谢  行政部 对员工的教育和 工程部 的技术培训和车间的各班长,的鼎力支持才始的我部门有了如今的良好局面。



二、从公司整体方面,我有以下几点建议 :



xx 年度工作规划



2.竭尽全力完成 生产任务

在生产过程中充分沟通,过程受控,在生产上 更大的力度,牢记速度、完美的执行,以健康愉快的心态积极主动地完成 生产任务。



工作保持长久的热情和积极性,更需要有 不待扬鞭自奋蹄 ” 的精神。所以这 今年  来我一直坚持做好自己能做好的事,一直做积累,一步一个脚印坚定的向着我的目标前行。




1、 加强本职工作,技能学习使自己本职工作能力得进一步提高于加强。

2、 树立终身学习的观念,加强自身文化素质学习,不断提高自身素质。

3、 工作中做到积极主动,团结同事,结合不同的工作环境及个人脾气、性格做好一线工作配合,使各种人际关系更加融洽和谐。

路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索,在来年中,我将加强自主管理的意识,勇于开拓创新,加强理论和业务学习,不断提高业务技术水平。也将会遇到很多困难,我相信,在领导关心培养下、同事的帮助下、自己的努力下,我将不断提升自己的工作技能水平和个人文化素质,  为公司建设作应有的贡献。





At the end of the year, summed up the work of the past year, self-evaluation. Evaluation of their own situation over the past year, for next year can be better, more targeted development to prepare themselves for self-evaluation is also very necessary.

Time flies, and then spent a blink of an eye for a year. Looking back this year, I am very happy to be able to make progress with my colleagues. I have also learned a lot of knowledge and skills in my colleague. Thank you for helping me in the past year. In the past year, I can evaluate myself as a qualified employee, on time and quantity to complete the company's work. But think of when a company's outstanding employees but there is still some distance. I think that when the company's outstanding staff, not only in the work to do well, the business should be excellent. Moreover, in the person, the need for integrity, modesty, cohesion, can drive the company's colleagues work hard for the company, the cause of recognition, business capabilities continue to strengthen. In the past year's performance, self-evaluation of their own or a lot of problems, need to learn and improve things there are many.

These are my year-end summary of my work in the self-evaluation. I know I have a lot of problems, but I will continue to work hard to improve their self-cultivation, improve their own quality, improve operational capacity and improve themselves. For the company's development and struggle.


First, moral and civic literacy

I abide by the law and abide by social morality. Respecting teachers, respecting the teachers, the elderly, the elderly, the elderly, the elderly, the elderly, the elderly and the elderly, Unity of students, love the collective, love public property, help each other, concerned about the students. At home, filial piety elders, so that "will tell, back will face", often help parents do housework, such as washing dishes, wipe, and do some simple meals. The initiative in the car to the elderly and sick people need seats, at any time within their power to help people in need.

I love the motherland, concerned about national affairs, to oneself is a Chinese and feel proud. Every time the national anthem is played and the national flag is raised, my heart is always very excited. Like every Chinese person who loves the motherland, for the arrival of that momentAnd cheered!

Actively participate in various activities. Participate in and organize classes and schools in a variety of extra-curricular activities, activities and students to live in harmony, concern for the collective, has a strong sense of collective honor. Willing to help others, in a variety of labor actively work hard, not afraid of dirty, not afraid of tired. Actively participate in social practice, often consult the teacher of various economic organizations, as well as the economic structure of the rights and obligations of the staff for the future into the community in preparation.

Second, learning attitude and innovation

Ability to learn can become useful to society. I have been studying hard, learning attitude is correct, purpose clear. Class to listen carefully, take the initiative to participate in the discussion, after school hours to complete the job. Has a strong independent learning ability, like and students to discuss issues. Can take the initiative to complete the learning tasks, good grades.

Can reasonably arrange after-school time, get up on time, rest on time.Learning online at home to find information to take the initiative off the assembly line, not on the bad site to browse, never been to Internet cafes, no addiction. To control their own watching TV, finishing their own room and clothing, make up classes do not have parental transfer, self-management and self-reliance.

I like a wide range, with curiosity, like to explore and think about the problem, like to see "I love the invention", with a certain sense of innovation.

Cooperation and Exchange

I am lively and cheerful, optimistic attitude towards life, positive, strong communication skills, with a strong team spirit, and actively participate in the collective activities of useful, care for the collective honor, work seriously responsible, with certain organizational skills. Can take the initiative to help teachers organize a variety of activities, teachers have regarded me as a good helper.

I am good at communication and cooperation with others, whenever I have a happy thing, I will share with friends. I love life, I like to observe life, in order to develop my practical ability, I will participate in some activities, not only to know some friends, you can also open up horizons.

Work in a serious and responsible, in the work, students can unite together, good at synergy with others "combat", social practice ability, the ability to accept new things fast, optimistic, hobbies, and can do a good job every one thing. Be able to actively make progress and take the initiative to challenge some difficulties.

Fourth, exercise and health

Actively participate in physical exercise, a good physical education class, the results qualified. Usually pay attention to exercise, like playing badminton and cycling, will take advantage of free time and holiday to play badminton and cycling. Good health, focusing on personal and environmental hygiene. Mental health, emotional stability, to control their complex in a variety of environments to play their roles.

Fifth, the aesthetic and performance

I like music, movies and art, dress neat. Have a healthy aesthetic taste, appreciate and listen to, do not pursue and accept low-level, vulgar things.


In July 20xx, I joined Baosteel Group BaGang Co., Ltd., and in the past year and a half I have been enthusiastic about my work, I have been strict with myself and my work position. I always keep my "modest", "prudent" The attitude of leadership in the cultivation of care and the help of colleagues to support, and always diligent study, proactive, and strive to improve themselves, and always work hard and earnestly complete the task, perform good job duties, outstanding performance in all aspects, has been the leadership and colleagues We are sure. Through their own continuous efforts, whether ideological, learning or work, have made considerable development and tremendous gains. Through this year's work and study, I realized that the growth of a qualified technician is a bright future, full of hope at the same time need to pay efforts and effort of the process, but also a need to constantly improve the continuous development of the long-term process. The following is a summary of my work in this year and self-identification:

1. Strict self-discipline, consciously strengthen party spirit, political consciousness has been improved

Thought is the guide to action, a person if you want to do a good job, we must first establish their own work thinking. As a non-party member, I actively asked to join the party organization, in August 20xx turned over to join the party application, is now a party activists. In my daily work, I have strict demands on myself, consciously accepting the supervision and assistance of Party members and colleagues, persistently overcome my own shortcomings and make up for my own shortcomings.Always adhere to the Marxist-Leninist position, viewpoint and methodology, adhere to the correct world outlook, outlook on life, values, and to guide their own learning, work and life practice. As a member of the company, I seriously study and penetrate the company's mainstream cultural thinking, the company's core business philosophy, and actively promote the party spirit, And apply it to the actual work, consistent with the company.

Second, thirst for knowledge, with an open mind to learn

As the 20xx session of a new employee, and only continue to upgrade their knowledge and technical level, in order to better complete their work. Work encountered problems do not understand, the humbly to the master and other colleagues for advice. Daily work in the operating area in the morning software work in the afternoon into the scene to see more equipment to see more, and constantly increase their field experience.At the same time a serious study of the company's various documents on the management system and norms have a certain understanding of the work of the company to standardize the management of the standard to strict demands on themselves.

Third, work hard, conscientiously complete the work tasks

I start from doing my own work and daily work, starting from me, from now on, I have always believed that a hard work, a harvest, so I have been working hard to continuously study and work hard. From the small things around and perseverance, love their own work to be able to take seriously each and every job, work, on time, effective use of working hours, stick to their posts. Equipment failure repair, no matter when they can do the first time to the field attendant operations, and put forward their own programs involved in repair, to ensure the normal operation of equipment as soon as possible. In February 20xx I was employed as a field professional engineer in the area. I followed the pace of the company to strengthen the theoretical knowledge of learning, and strive to achieve a new understanding of the use of new gains, to guide the practice of theory , To promote the work, improve the level of the purpose of the work, and constantly improve their technical level to guide their work. Through the theoretical study summary in the classroom, combined with practical problems in the work, "120T converter 9.1 meters platform operating instructions" were modified, and verify the operating standards have been prepared to apply the applicable standards have been revised, and the monthly new 2 standard operating standards to improve the standardization of operations. Through the dedication in their own work, tirelessly to make achievements, I want to constantly improve their job skills, and strive to master their job knowledge, to do their own work and the backbone of the experts, down to earth to do their jobs.

Fourth, work to promote team spirit, to overcome the work of one after another problem

In the usual work, first of all do the daily work, I and other colleagues in the work area both division of labor and cooperation, insist on regular and other technical personnel exchanges, and fully carry forward the democracy, never arbitrary, and thus a more successful completion of the maintenance department The work tasks. The first quarter of 20xx in the work area colleagues and the leadership of the strong support of the lead by me to complete the smooth completion of the "alloy material in the position of the bin material electroplating push rod flap card material solution" QC information released to solve the The Material Problem of Electro - hydraulic Push - rod Flap Valve of the 3 - position 120 - ton Converter of 9.1m Platform Alloy. The design for the company's annual savings of about 21 million. And through this activity to enhance the cohesion between colleagues to improve the ability to participate in the program designers to analyze issues and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the staff, the use of existing technical strength for enterprises Taqian efficiency. In the fourth quarter of 20xx, the QC team was set up in the sub-assembly operation area to improve the alloy chute for the 120-ton converter. The QC data for the "alloy chute increasing life plan" is scheduled to be released in mid-December.

Summary of eight years of work in the steel, I work on the ideas have made great progress. Of course, the results represent the past, in the future work, I will redouble our efforts to strive to do better. Because the technology continues to progress and update, only through continuous learning, down-to-earth style, can be competent for their jobs. At the same time in the accumulation of future work experience, and gradually develop their own predictability, and constantly in the on-site inspection, supervision at any time to identify problems and solve problems, so that their on-site comprehensive processing capacity continue to get exercise and improve.





20xx years will be history. Looking back, the heart can not help but be filled with emotion. Throughout the year, I have made great progress in all aspects through my own efforts and with the care and leadership of the project supervision department of the Company and my colleagues, and have been able to complete my own job well. I work diligently and hard at work. To sum up experience, reflect on their own deficiencies, to improve their supervision of the business level, a better and faster development of the company, now on this year's supervision is summarized as follows:

First, obey the leadership arrangements, conscientiously perform their jobs

1, to receive the relevant departments of higher authorities issued a variety of information, documents, the timely registration, archiving, and distributed to the relevant units or individuals.

2, on time to complete the transmission of engineering information, when the construction unit received a variety of information submitted, the timely classification and preliminary review of the qualified information in a timely manner distributed to the project director and the professional supervision engineers to sign; For the unqualified materials, timely return to the construction unit requires its complement, modify, improve and re-report to the Ministry of Supervision, according to the procedures for the processing of documents; documents have been sent and received registration, and the establishment of a complete account.

3, the completion of the Ministry of Supervision of the word processing, sorting the minutes, to participate in supervision of monthly, details of the preparation work.

4, to assist the supervisory engineer to the scene acceptance of each process, if not meet the design, specification requirements, supervise the construction site staff timely rectification and related inspection work.

Second, regulate their own words and deeds, improve project management level. The project director arranged for me to go to the construction site

Line supervision work, and arranged a professional knowledge of the engineers take me. Mainly to assist civil engineers to supervise the construction process, project acceptance and is responsible for the next station. At the beginning of the construction site, I actively approached the owners and communicated with the construction unit, carefully studied the relevant specification requirements and viewed the engineering drawings. With the careful supervision of the professional supervision engineers, I became familiar with the relevant regulations and requirements of some design drawings.

In the civil construction of concrete pouring construction, the project involves a number of key parts of the process, once negligence may cause engineering quality accident, so in the next station construction, strengthen the monitoring, strict supervision of various parts of the construction, strengthen the construction process control, Construction units in strict accordance with the design requirements, construction plans and acceptance criteria for construction, to ensure the quality of the project.Supervision records are an indispensable link in project supervision, in the field inspection, parallel inspection process, I do a detailed record every day, have a complete supervision of the log, as well as next to the station records.

In the construction of the bypass station, it is necessary to clarify the location of the casting components, the strength of the concrete grade and the mixing method of the concrete, whether the management personnel of the construction unit are in place, the construction machinery and raw material reserve status, the pouring start time and the end time. Quantity, concrete test block production group, the slump of the design requirements and the actual sampling results. In the construction of key parts of the project, to arrive ahead of time to arrive at the station location, check the construction preparation work, the whole process of station supervision, timely and real written written record of the station; the construction of the procedures to do daily operations Of the supervision, inspection work. Timely notify the construction unit or the supervising engineer to discover the problem and report the matter to the supervisor in time. And urge the construction unit to implement the rectification and compliance, the re-examination to confirm again. In the construction site, due to the lack of professional knowledge and work experience, although I encountered many problems, but I still stick to their posts, do the due diligence should do the work, with an open mind to learn, and gradually improve themselves and continuously improve business management.

Third, strengthen the daily learning, and strive to improve the quality of their business. The professional quality is the basic condition for the supervisor to fulfill his duty.

As a young supervisor, I love my profession, often familiar with the specification, the standard atlas, and a lot of reading the professional books, keen on the accumulation of work experience.

Fourth, dedicated performance, and serve as a good staff as a supervisor, there is no interest to seek

And the right to enjoy the treatment, only the responsibility to take the lead in the work of the obligation. In the usual work, the work assigned by the leadership, the quality and quantity to complete; of their own work within the can also be actively treated, and strive to complete, do not offside, but also in place, but not dereliction of duty. Always adhere to the standards of a qualified supervision staff requirements of their own, love their own work; a good work style and hard-working spirit; work attitude, The completion of the supervision department to the various tasks. In the work of the high standards of their own, strict compliance with their duties, found that the problem in accordance with the situation and make timely reports to the leadership. In daily life, to respect the leadership, unity of colleagues, to help difficult colleagues to solve life and work problems.


As a graduating student this year, I am honored to join this company, and today my probationary period has been over 3 months, and in the past three months, I initially worried about graduating as a new member of societyStudents can not get along well with people, how to do their own work, but in this company, where the leadership, where my colleagues gave me great help in the company harmonious working atmosphere, solidarity in the corporate culture , So I am very easy to change from a student into a qualified social professional. Thank you, colleagues and leadership here.

Since joining the company in September of this year, my practical work experience is basically zero, only the theoretical knowledge of the school professor, when I first came into contact with the supervision work, I was not surprised, because the actual work and There is a big difference between the textbooks. I have been very confused, but some of my colleagues under the guidance of patience, I quickly adapted to the site of the work environment, but also understand the work of a project supervisor responsibilities.

In the work of the site supervision, I am strict with myself, do not let any details of the project, so that everything must personally check the principle of access to the company colleagues and leaders of the recognition, but also access to the construction unit recognition, Professional knowledge and practical aspects of the work, the problems encountered, humbly ask colleagues to continue to enrich themselves, to contribute to the company.

In the supervision of the work, as a new graduate into the community, there are a lot of small difference, these experiences make me continue to grow, in dealing with various problems at the same time, so that their knowledge of the surface continue to expand, Consider the issue more comprehensive, to avoid the same problem in the future. I would like to thank my colleagues who have contributed to the mistakes and reminders and guidance of my work.

After three months of work, I now have to be able to independently deal with some of the engineering problems, the normative work drawings are also very familiar with, you can draw their own drawings and analysis drawings.Make judgment on the engineering procedure. Of course, I have a lot of problems, in dealing with the relationship between the construction unit needs to be further improved, the group cooperation is relatively poor, need to work in the future to further improve their ability.

After three months of work, I am in this company to work pride and pride, more hope to become a member of the company, to achieve their goals in life, reflect their value in life. I will be humble attitude and full of enthusiasm to do my own work for the company to create value, with the company to show a better future!


Unconsciously, 20xx years has been in the mature and confused intertwined, quietly passed. In my eyes, the design room is also a no smoke of the battlefield, it can temper people's will, indifferent to the soul, the quality of business can be rapidly improved, people can quickly mature the psychological, which all condensed with each leader English name decision and correct guidance.

End of the year when the end of the year, people are always lamenting the life of the waste, look back and look forward to two eternal theme will be unchanged. Here I will from the quality of business, external communication and internal cooperation in two major aspects to analyze their gains and losses over the past year.

As a professional architectural design staff, the improvement of business ability is the most important.

20xx years of six months, drawing through a large number of construction drawings, architectural design of the process, methods have a deeper understanding of the building code also has a certain understanding. At the beginning of this year, I set myself the goal of having the ability to operate a general project independently, including its overall planning, program design, renderings, and post-construction drawings. Ability comes from practice, practice test ability; in the fourth quarter, I follow their established goals step by step to come down to earth, some may be achieved, and some may be away from the target there is a certain gap, specifically in the following aspects.

First, the overall planning capacity:

20xx in the second half of the year, through a residential district of Pixian total planning, Nanchong a fund-raising room of the total flat design, Zhengxing a commercial center of the total flat adjustment and a downtown commercial and residential area of the overall plan, The knowledge has a more profound understanding, have a certain ability. In order to facilitate communication with Party A, I strive to learn more about the real estate development trends and trends, intentions speculation developers business purposes, and strive to find the perfect combination of designers and developers point. As a designer, mainly through the national norms and the local government departments to determine the volume rate, building density, green rate, building height and spacing to macro control; Secondly, the basic column network to determine the fire channel and residential road network through building Style selection is also a mature designer must be skilled to solve several problems. I pay special attention to these issues at work, and properly handle the problems encountered on the modest leadership and senior experts to consult, and achieved good results, and accumulated a lot of valuable experience.

Second, the performance of the map:

The effect diagram as a means of expression, is the most intuitive expression of architectural design work, which determines the overall style of the building, but also decided to choose the package of developers a very important reason, so I think the performance of the performance of architectural design The early very important components also make me a basic skill that must be mastered. Over the past year, through the garrison of the guest house, a building attached to flyovers, forgetting Valley Hotel and a villa renderings renderings, I am able to master the 3dmax, ps / 'target = blanks> photoshop and other design software to be Their understanding of the building form, to make the general effect of single map, for large commercial buildings and the production of bird's eye view of the plot is still lacking, but also the need for continuous learning and practice.

Third, the program capacity:

Program capability is a building architect must be an important ability. Good plan directly with the application of the building, the economy, the three basic elements of beauty linked. Over the past year, I participated in most of the company's project plan design, Guihu Garden, Yiran Habitat, bamboo Yun Court and other graphic design, I follow the design team leaders access to information, field trips, Humbly ask, the successful completion of the established task. During this period, by the leadership of the trust, I also independently completed the garrison area hostel, a Shuangpin villas and department stores, bamboo Yun Court 1,2 # floor flat elevation design. In the layout of the planar column network, I first arranged according to their own ideas about the structure of the column network, and then ask the structure of my colleagues to help check whether reasonable, invisible, I enhanced the concept of structure, enrich the expertise. In the process of independent design, I found a lot of shortcomings, especially the grasp of the program is still the lack of basic theoretical understanding, which are in the future work must be the first to strengthen.


英文备课是上课成功的前提与关键。掌握好 备教材、备教法、备学法、备教案 几个步骤,可以为英语课打下坚实基础,提高英语课堂教学水平。做好教学工作,今天第一范文网小编给大家带来了英文一学期的总结,希望对大家有所帮助。
























1. 在课堂上,认真授课,运用实物教具、简笔画,情景教学、手势语言等方法来启发、教育学生。教学生做游戏、唱英语歌等来激发学生的学习兴趣。鼓励学生大胆质疑,注重以学生为主体、教师为导的教学方法,充分调动学生的学习积极性。学生有疑难和不懂读的地方,我总是不厌其烦地讲解、分析、带读,力争让他们学了就懂,懂了会用。

2. 在批改作业方面。学生的作业总是按第一范文网时及时地批改,并详细地做好批注,对普遍性错误,在全班重复讲解、分析。针对个别学生的作业还采取面批方法,一一地分析讲解、帮助学生解决疑难习题,大大提高了教学质量。

3. 在听力方面。为提高学生的听力水平,常让学生听英语歌曲及英语会话的录音磁带,还让学生表演对话,背书。




























首先 帮助后进生找到优、缺点,以发扬优点,克服缺点。其次以平常的心态对待:后进生也是孩子,厌恶、责骂只能适得其反,他们应该享有同其它学生同样的平等和,也应该在稍有一点进步时得到老师的肯定。
























护理毕业生登记表的自我鉴定 工商管理自我鉴定模板 个人的简历 自我介绍三年级作文 毕业生自我鉴定 大学新生军训自我鉴定范文 转学后自我介绍作文 体育组工作自我评价 会计求职信参考 在药店工作人员的自我鉴定模板 有关师德自我评价 成本主管的个人简历 初中毕业生的自我评价 毕业自我鉴定范文300字【 中学生自我鉴定 2019实习自我鉴定 2022护士转正自我鉴定书怎么写 毕业生实习内容及自我鉴定 大学生社会实践活动自我鉴定 招待所服务员自我鉴定 专业毕业生自我鉴定范文 幼儿园小女孩的自我介绍 2022年大学毕业自我鉴定范文总结 关于求职自我评价 学校健康管理制度(精选16篇) 财务部会计岗位职责 2022年公务员个人自我鉴定 教师自我评价简历范文 2022医学生的个人求职自荐信范文 播音主持自我介绍范文 学生自我评价600字 技术类自我介绍范文 专业求职自荐信 有关专科生毕业自我鉴定范文 实用的大学自我介绍模板 销售工作自我鉴定参考模板 卫生消毒管理制度(通用13篇) 秘书英语求职信 2022个人工作报告总结范文 研究生自我鉴定 军训自我鉴定范文500字左右 员工个人工作自我评价800字 幼儿保育员师德表现自我评价 医务人员自我鉴定范文 名师培训心得体会(集合15篇) 小学教师自我评价 行政人事转正自我鉴定 试用期员工考核表(汇总12篇) 2022学年大学生就业推荐表自我鉴定 关于课教师的工作自我鉴定范文 艺术教育专业个人简历 函授学习自我鉴定 大学生面试求职信 厨师岗位职责 大学开学自我介绍女生简单大方 师范生面试自我介绍范文 大学5分钟的英语自我介绍 公司新人的自我介绍例文 大学的自我介绍范文 2022自荐信范文 最新毕业实习自我鉴定 关于大学自我鉴定范文 4s店销售工作计划素材模板 小学生的自我介绍作文400字 2022幼儿园教师自我评价 营销专业毕业生求职简历自我评价 体育老师自我评价 建筑工程求职信 单位介绍信 法学专业英语自我介绍 面试优秀自我介绍三分钟 大学生求职的自荐信600字 学校食堂工作人员岗位职责 【精选】学生的一分钟自我介绍 工程实习自我鉴定范文 实习生自我鉴定 员工岗位职责怎么写(甄选11篇) 土木工程求职信 自考本科自我鉴定 教师辞职信范文 毕业生推荐表自我鉴定 2022年个人简历自荐信范文 高一学生综合素质自我评价 中专生自我鉴定 文员求职自我评价的范文 应聘银行的自我评价 商务英语专业求职信 小学教师年终工作总结800字 求职信自我介绍 关于毕业生自我鉴定 自我评价400字大学生 毕业生实习自我鉴定 个人自荐书模板集 药学专业实习个人的自我鉴定 2020年银行试用期自我鉴定 自主招生自荐信例文 通信工程师的自我评价 实习自我鉴定 家长行为规范(推荐8篇) 会计专业实习自我鉴定范文 护士自荐信 相亲个人自我介绍 安全岗位工作自我鉴定模板 燃气锅炉安全管理制度(通用4篇) 高中自我鉴定 最新会计专业毕业生的自我鉴定 会计辞职信范文 中医求职简历范文 大学生幽默自我介绍 研究生毕业自我鉴定 大学新生自我介绍模板 会计岗位自我介绍500字 关于个人鉴定范文300字 简历模板个人范文大全 关于函授毕业生自我鉴定模板 新员工实习转正自我鉴定 工程班长岗位职责(精选6篇) 大学生自我介绍模板 公司新进员工试用期考核自我鉴定 大学毕业生推荐表自我评价200字 关于幼儿园小班个人评价 广告学专业自荐书 大专毕业档案自我鉴定 教育培训机构培训计划(优选6篇) 半年总结英文自我评价 编辑求职信 2022疫情期间毕业生个人自我鉴定怎么写 美德少年自我介绍 高校应届生毕业自我鉴定 面试时简短的自我介绍 中专毕业生求职自荐信 关于银行面试的自我介绍 行政月总结(热门18篇) 本科应届毕业生自荐信 关于电子商务求职信 应聘网络管理员简历 机电一体化毕业的自我鉴定 期末自我评价 会计毕业生求职自荐信范文模板 应届大学生的自我鉴定范文 2022年一报告两评议情况报告 营销专业自荐书 高中生学期自我评价 公共区域管理制度(热门15篇) 关于实习教师的自我鉴定 酒店管理自荐书 简短精辟的教师入职自我介绍 关于自我鉴定 六年级老师个人年终工作总结优秀范文 建筑工程求职信模板 毕业生求职的自我介绍 大专护理自我鉴定 最新高中个人鉴定范文 毕业生离校登记自我鉴定 行政文员面试的自我介绍 自我工作评价怎么写 护士面试自我介绍 关于自考本科毕业自我鉴定范文 预备党员个人评价意见 行政管理自我鉴定范文 教师工作自我鉴定1000字左右 初入大学自我评价 高中生的自我评价范文 函授生自我鉴定范文 大学生就业能力研究论文(优选4篇) 编导应聘个人自我介绍 安全工作会议记录范文(通用19篇) 成教毕业生登记表自我鉴定 应聘学生会的自我介绍范文 组长的岗位职责(必备17篇) 英文应聘自我介绍 护士年度末自我评价 大学生学期自我评价 食堂卫生制度管理(合集20篇) QC的个人简历 毕业生如何写自荐信 银行面试自我介绍2分钟 毕业生求职自我介绍模板 职高自我鉴定 实习报告自我评价 护士个人辞职信 动物科学专业自荐书 工作转正自我评价 2022事业单位定级自我鉴定 酒店管理专业面试自我介绍 抽烟管理制度(优选3篇) 法学毕业生自我鉴定 高中毕业生登记表自我鉴定 考研面试技巧 门诊导医转正自我鉴定范文 公司内部升职自荐书 酒吧员工制度(通用6篇) 大学生自我介绍范文 大三毕业生自我鉴定 电商售后客服岗位职责(精编4篇) 招商经理简历 幼儿园实习生自我鉴定范文 最新自学考试自我鉴定范文 大学生鉴定表自我鉴定 毕业生专业求职信