爱问知识人 爱问教育 医院库







    2018-10-26 01:35:50
  •   这是小沈阳的介绍,以及他经典的台词的英文版,楼主整合一下,直接复制到ppt上就ok。
    Personal information
    Stage name: small Shenyang [1]
    Original name: Shen crane (due to year of birth for the chicken, the crane has a crane standing among chickens meaning)
    Formerly known as: Shenyang
    Myself: Yang Tsai
    English name: Xiao Shenyang (small loss样儿~ ~)
    Gender: Male
    Date of birth: May 7, 1981 (lunar calendar fourth day in April)
    Height: 174cm
    Weight: 60kg
    Body type: thin
    Occupation: Actor二人转
    Blood type: AB type
    Constellation: Taurus
    Home: Tieling City, Liaoning Province, to open up the original Manchu fertilizer to rural
    Graduation School:开原市Liaoning Province on behalf of the Zhuang fertilizer to rural primary schools
    Family members: parents, brother
    Life motto: take someone else's way, no way to let others; to wear someone else's shoes, let him go
    [Demeanor on stage]
    Style arena
    ! ^ _ ^
    Do not just want to, should not pay less。
       Not to rush, we must quit impatient。
    求回报not to the natural account。 Do not worry, that calm will not get mad。
    To speak good things have to be fair。 To do that, not to blind fabricated。
    We must tunnel in order to step by step。
      走就走the right path, good有好报。
    Personality: charming romantic, sophisticated stable, humorous, lively and lovely, cheerful person, the feelings of single-minded, understanding, honest and frank, filial
    The catch phrase: Why? Hao 。
      。。。。。 Oh my妈呀,妈呀deviation啦, pia ~ pia ~'s
    Idol: Genghis Khan
    Favorite activities: folk art, sing K, watch movies, play games, sing二人转
    Enjoy food: vegetarian
    Favorite singers: Andy Lau Sun Nan刀郎Xu Wei Chang
    Circle of Friends: Bai, SONG Dan-dan, Cui true, Zhang Yu Hyun, Ni Ping, Andy Lau, Liu Qian,霍建华, such as Zhang, imp,郭德纲, Fan Fu days。
    Favorite movie: Feng Xiaogang film
    Personal introduction: Hill does not turn the water transfer, water, people do not switch to switch,风风火火二人转, to see where fate of fate, the fate to a never-ending line led by fate, I am "To play for the song crazy obsessed with" small Shenyang are also 。
    Master: Zhao Benshan
    Wife and children: Shen Chunyang (ie small Shenyang partner) have one daughter, 4-year-old ocean
    Marry Date: June 2004
    Industry: Television / Entertainment / Sports
    Hobbies: singing二人转with the master study, Internet to "try" guest, smoking
    Fans Name: Shenyang 【small mining fly Shen Yang】 fans corporation, sunshine。


    2018-10-26 01:35:50




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  • 1-20
  • 21-40
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