爱问知识人 爱问教育 医院库



罗*** 22-07-12 英文自我评价

During this time, the company conducted a total of three internal audit and three management Improve the self-improvement mechanism to achieve continuous

First, the quality policy and the quality objectives of the implementation of various departments

The quality policy and quality target formulated and issued by the company and adhere to the customer focus of the concept of clear quality management company to carry out the guiding ideology and basic norms, reflects the quality of the system to improve the effectiveness of continuous The company's quality objectives are the quality of the customer's expectations and needs to further expand, that the pursuit of a high level, guaranteed to

After three years of operation, the quality system staff has been able to accurately understand the company's quality policy and quality objectives, and quality activities in the We carefully manage, track quality policy and the implementation of quality objectives, and timely correction of deviation from the quality of the So far, the company's quality objectives have been basically Contract compliance rate has reached 100%, customer satisfaction rate of 95% or more? .

In the initial stage of realizing the above quality policy and quality target, all departments and departments of the company have formulated the target decomposition evaluation form, and the comprehensive management department has carried out the assessment according to the completion of the The corresponding assessment form and the examination result are all

Document management and implementation

Over the past three years, according to the actual situation of the company, the system files to make the appropriate changes to make it more The administrative department to do a good job of company documents and records management, registration issued, responsible for the drafting of all documents and rules and regulations of the company, approved by the general manager, issued to various departments, from document preparation, review, approval, The implementation of control, so strict control of file storage to prevent loss and Departments strictly enforce the spirit of the document, all staff strictly abide by the rules and regulations formulated by the company, so that a clear division of labor, rewards and punishments

Third, the work of human resources management

In order to meet all the requirements of the company, we have strengthened the training of technical staff, department managers and all staff to meet the Specifically do the following:

1, in order to achieve the company's demand for talent and technical staff, we strengthen the company's technical staff, department managers and various types of personnel The company has formulated the company's human resources management system, standardized management of the company's employees, the technical titles of workers registered for the development of the company's annual training plan, the department developed their own responsibilities, respectively, the implementation of the training, integrated management

2, the organization of various departments to assess the effectiveness of Internal training to take written, oral and discussion forms, training, pass rate of 100%.

3, At present, the company's professional and technical personnel of the skill level can fully guarantee the demand for product quality control, and continuously improve the management of grass-roots technical personnel for the company's sustained and stable development to provide adequate technical and management

Fourth, the contract review control

Purchasing and Supply Department in the drafting of the procurement contract and before the signing of the contract, the company other functional departments, including the Ministry of Production, Technology, Finance and other departments to To analyze the possible risks in the purchased products, to minimize the contract risks, to improve the contract terms, to balance the rights and obligations of both parties, to ensure that the contract truly achieve the principles of fairness, fairness and good faith, and make it operational Strong features, and ultimately become the legal basis for binding both sides to ensure that the products in accordance with the contract of the quality, quantity, on schedule Contract Law Department and the relevant departments in accordance with the "quality manual" requirements seriously "tender / contract review record form"; To further ensure the achievement of the quality objectives, after the implementation of the contract, in accordance with the requirements of the quality management system tracking and management, regular communication with the parties to the contract to understand and grasp the problems in the contract implementation, faithfully fill out the " Opinions "; signed by the parties responsible person, to identify problems in a timely manner to the company leaders report and propose solutions to the leadership of the company to timely and accurate decision-making and The contract must be adjusted and changed in accordance with the provisions of the program in a timely manner to coordinate the parties to adjust and change, and strive to minimize economic losses, the contradiction in the bud, so that supervision and management and friendly cooperation to achieve the dual

Fifth, budget management

Ministry of Finance budget Koko through a year's system operation, accumulated work experience, so that the work level has been greatly Previous product pre-trial information is a few products using the same pre-trial information, and now the basic things in advance to prepare, staff information at any time to adjust, saving a lot of At the same time according to the requirements of different products targeted tissue materials, so that the work has been significantly





















个人求职简历编写要注意的原则 大学毕业生自我鉴定 个人简历范文 医学生的一分钟自我介绍 培训的自我鉴定 会计师事务所实习鉴定 做自我介绍用英语怎么说 幼师自我鉴定 本科毕业生自我鉴定300字 2020最新小升初面试英文自我介绍范文 体育教育专业自荐信范文 大学团支书的自我鉴定范文 经济类求职信 幼儿园园长岗位职责 有深度的自我介绍 2022企业员工转正自我鉴定书 有关学生自我鉴定 求职面试英文自我介绍 研究生的毕业登记表自我鉴定范文 第一季度工作中自我评价 大学生企业实践面试自我介绍范文 六级英语求职信 英语教师求职信 房产销售应聘自我介绍 托班下学期个人总结(汇编8篇) 高级程序员求职信 服务员工作职责 经贸日语专业自荐信 有关于环卫工人的自我鉴定模板 高三毕业自我鉴定 员工转正个人自我鉴定 2022护士简历制作范文 医护人员自我评价 关于银行实习个人的自我鉴定怎么写 邮政储蓄银行面试自我介绍范文 大学新生如何自我介绍 学生求职信 优秀会计人员的求职信5封 关于金融专业求职信 电子信息工程自荐信范文 会计专业自荐信 新教师自我鉴定范文750字 2021银行应聘自我介绍 个人简单的自我介绍 员工自我鉴定 大学生求职信范文 关于计算机求职信模板 银行招聘面试三分钟自我介绍范文 自我介绍简历范文 优秀的小升初自我介绍 实用的面试时简短的自我介绍 2022校园招聘会简历模板 不合格品管理制度(集合10篇) 英语求职自荐信范文 教师简短自我评价 音乐室总结(热门8篇) 在职教师自荐信 2022请人民评议 预备党员转正意见范文总结 大学生的毕业自我评价 新员工自我鉴定范文 2022毕业生鉴定表个人自我鉴定 关于会计专业的自荐信 学生会竞选自我介绍演讲稿 面试英文自我介绍范文 应届毕业大学生的自我鉴定 学年研究生鉴定表自我鉴定 中专生的自我鉴定范文 大学生学年度考核表自我鉴定 工艺技术员自我鉴定范文 行政助理自我评价 一学期学生的自我评价 学生高中毕业的自我鉴定200字 护士的自我介绍 关于实习自我鉴定 应届生面试的自我介绍 自我鉴定模板精选 供电局转正自我鉴定 泌尿外科实习自我鉴定范文 运维优秀员工自荐书范文 学生见习实习自我鉴定范本 酒店前台领班岗位职责 医学毕业生就业推荐表的自我鉴定 毕业研究生就业推荐表自我评价 机电一体化自荐信 自我评价200字 2022校聘教师辞职信 关于幼师自我鉴定模板 关于个人简历的疑惑 大学生简短的自我评价 100字的自我评价小学生 志愿者面试自我介绍范文 酒店前台接待岗位职责 场所环境卫生管理制度(合集8篇) 护士自我评价 幼师大专毕业自我鉴定 房地产销售自我评价 如何写党员思想汇报总结呢 门卫岗位说明书(集锦3篇) 关于工作的自我评价 学生自我评价 教师成长自我评价 对优秀银行员工的评价 暑假实习自我鉴定 自我介绍_三年级作文_小学作文 实习自我鉴定范文 公司运营副总岗位职责(汇集4篇) 总结会结束语(合集18篇) 团员考核表自我鉴定 应聘销售员求职信范文 篮球比赛总结报告(热门4篇) 面试高铁乘务员自我介绍 推荐信对求职有什么用 关于幼儿园老师自我介绍 毕业生登记表自我鉴定 机电专业的自荐信 2022幼儿园教师年度评价 师范学院毕业生自荐信范文 医生岗位职责 最常见的面试题目回答攻略 员工辞职信 新司机求职的自我介绍 学校安全工作评价模板 大学生应注意的那些职场礼仪 会计专业的简单求职信范文600字 企业岗位职责大全(推荐7篇) 艺术设计专业的就业自荐信 护理高等学校毕业生自我鉴定500字 公司求职自荐信范文 关于优秀大学生自荐信400字 会计类毕业生求职自荐信 面试应聘自我介绍最佳模板 关于工作个人鉴定的范文 八年级语文工作自我评价 工业设计专业学生自荐信 员工转正自我评价范文 2022面试自我介绍两分钟 在校大学生自我鉴定1000字 教师岗位的求职信 体育教师应聘自我介绍范文 护士实习自我鉴定 学校食品安全制度(合集16篇) 个人自我评价简短 会计毕业生个人自我鉴定 教师求职面试自我介绍范文 毕业自我鉴定1300字 试用期转正自我鉴定 中专三年的自我鉴定范文 教师招聘面试的自我介绍范文 入党积极分子团员评议 安全检查总结怎么写(必备6篇) 基建管理人员的岗位职责 前台助理岗位职责(精编7篇) 财务管理自荐信范文 大学生毕业自荐书 幼师毕业生求职信范文 函授自我鉴定 真实应聘自我介绍 入团自我评价 客服试用期工作自我评价 英文优秀的简历自我评价 酒店管理个人应聘简历 仓库管理员转正申请书(汇集3篇) 行政求职信 大学生自我鉴定 实用的学生求职信范文 药店店员的工作职责 关于专升本的自我鉴定 驾驶员的英文自我评价 2020教师实习自我鉴定范文 小学教师教育的自我鉴定范文 汽修自荐书范文 工人宿舍管理制度(汇集4篇) 主持人大赛一分钟自我介绍 应急预案记录(通用5篇) 最新学期自我鉴定范文200字 2022大学教师转正自我鉴定 工作自我鉴定 医学生求职的自荐信500字 机械工程师面试自我介绍 医生实习自我鉴定800字 高三毕业自我鉴定800字 中专毕业学生的个人自我鉴定 毕业生自我鉴定范文 个人求职自荐书 大学班长自我鉴定 幼儿教师辞职信 最新师范生教育实习自我鉴定范文 关于学生自荐信怎么写 电子工程专业毕业生自荐书 项目实施经理岗位职责 师范生应聘自我介绍 应聘销售自我介绍 试用期转正工作鉴定900字参考 初中毕业生登记表的自我鉴定范文 有关于酒店前台实习自我鉴定 高中毕业生登记表学年自我鉴定 社会实践活动自我鉴定 IT经理岗位职责(必备20篇) 面试采购人员的优秀自我介绍