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高分 求一篇关于团结协作的英语演讲稿


高分 求一篇关于团结协作的英语演讲稿




    2018-05-01 13:59:28
  •   Unite students 
    Students, when you sit bright and spacious classroom and we learn in class together, when you and your friends are playing, along with activities, work together, when you and your partners to address the learning difficulties encountered in life Do you feel the share of sincere friendship between the students, unity brings happy?

    Unity of the students, and students were sincere exchanges are good quality and psychological health of specific performance。
       The future demand for talents is the overall quality of various aspects, especially the sense of human cooperation is particularly important to create awareness that cooperation and solidarity between students from small and friendly contacts。
    Students around us, do you often feel that success stories do? Yes, class, we carry out cooperative learning group, the Young Pioneers activities hand in hand twinning activities, these are not a manifestation of solidarity and cooperation of the good you? However, we also easily see that in a class, we often find there are so few students, usually students always love and bumps, and the students Nao Yixian today, tomorrow, and that students do not speak。
       Often hope that all can follow their wishes, so it is easy to generate conflict with the students。 Therefore, they have no friends in the classmates。
       In fact, a class is a big family, brothers and sisters between the students with each other to mutual concern and courtesy, have different views to each consultation。
       Able to listen to others is a person's good quality, with an open mind to learn from others, many discovered the advantages of others, which is a basis for unity of the students do a good job。
       People live in friendship is a very pleasant thing。 Unfortunately, even such a simple way, it is not being accepted by all around us。
       Vegetables every day to see playing time, those who jump the queue of people, peace of mind, face worthy of。 Such people do not know love; others rest, study or work, without regard to chase slapstick, loud noise, do not put ourselves to consider the interference caused to others their own, so people do not know love; slightly not smooth , mouth scolded, do not consider these filthy language to bring people around embarrassment, so people do not know love; regardless of the object, regardless of occasions, to take human weaknesses for the sake of these people, without exception, do not know love 。
       These acts are all hurt the friendship between the students, are polluting our beautiful environment to live together。 Students, only a few minutes to talk about love。
       Pay love, experience love, will be with us for life。 Better to start from the front, no queue, no noise, no swearing, do not laugh at people, love of Oasis to nourish our minds it! Students, solidarity, mutual cooperation, not only the conditions for survival and development of people, but also the development of modern society, people's demands。
       With the rapid development of science and technology, only by a person "behind closed doors" type of creation has not, which is more necessary for people to learn to work with others, and coexistence。
       A game, a squadron activities, a cleaning, once the invention, a creation, can not do without you and I, his work together。
       Good collaboration, the quality of the completion of the higher efficiency, contrary to otherwise。 In fact, we develop from childhood to cooperate with the consciousness and habits will be good at uniting people in order to become a good at understanding other people, good at communication and cooperation between people。
       Fellow students, let us start right now!
    Dear teachers,
    Chinese traditional virtues of Chinese people for thousands of years of our history, culture, social ethics concisely made, that the Chinese people for thousands of brilliant history and culture of the important part。
       It requires us to attach importance to self-cultivation, while a strong sense of social responsibility and entrepreneurial spirit。
    "Till death do us part, wax torch ashes until dry tears," This is my favorite motto。 Teachers, like candles, light the light of the students with knowledge of the soul, until the end of life。
       Chinese people since ancient times the fine tradition of respect for teachers。
    Said pupil showing reverence for his master of this idiom story, it tells the time of the Song Dynasty, there is a very knowledgeable man named Yang Shi。
       Although he has 40 years of age, and still respect the teachers。 Once, he went to teacher's house。 Little disturbance to the teacher nap, he stood outside the door against the wind, so the teacher told him to go, the outside has a one-foot thick snow。
       If then we are Young, we might have been unbearable cold。
    As the new great Chinese leader Mao Zedong made a good example, but also left us with his brother's wife。
       Mao Zedong and the Chinese people's great leader, but always respect their teachers。 In 1959, Mao returned home after an absence of 32 years, - Shaoshan, please Shaoshan old people eat。
       Mao personally took the teacher to the principal toast to him to express their respect for teachers。
    Moreover, Mao youth listening to Mr。
       Xu Teli's class。 When Xu Teli 60 birthday, he also specifically wrote a letter to the Venerable Xu congratulations。 The letter said: "You are my husband 20 years ago, you are still my husband, or my future husband will。
    Yes, we should take action and written history of the sequel, this will be worthy of their hard training our teachers, worthy of our great times。

    Unity, cooperation

    Painting "Two donkeys grazing" painting of two donkeys, tethered by a rope, and they have a bunch of grass on both sides。
       They go back to eat their own side of the grass, but not long enough rope, the direction of the two donkeys eating less than their pile of grass。
       On reflection, they work together to eat grass eat the other side of the trash。 They can see a common interest to collaborate, if they only see each other for their own immediate interests, who can not eat grass。
    Autumn Warring States Period, Zhao best known generals pretty straightforward to set numerous heroic exploits, the high position。
       Lin Hsiang-ju was a eunuch Zhao side hanger, is recommended for the completion of delivery and the state of Qin's bi 15 do the task of the city。
       Qin Guoqiang was great, we all know, not get sent, and Qin's bi city, do not send fear to offend the state of Qin, Lin Hsiang-ju take national interests and honor, wisdom and courage to risk their lives to go Zhao finished wall, be appreciated and Feng Shang Zhao。
       Qin Zhao soon meet the two monarch in Dianchi Lake, Lin Hsiang-ju has hit the big time as to find the country to save face。
       Qing Zhao him the last, official position on the Lian Po。 Get the lead out of the Lin Hsiang-ju dissatisfaction felt in the battlefield for Zhao hard, scored numerous major contributions toward the city, Lin Hsiang-ju paying lip service to the word bigger than their own merit, far from convinced。
       Lian Po Lin Hsiang-ju that he has opinions on everything patience, others say he is afraid of pretty straightforward, he said: "I am not afraid of the King of Qin, is enough to be afraid of cheap general? Are not invade the state of Qin, as will the State of Zhao effective phase, once We do not and will weaken the power of Zhao, Qin took the opportunity to invasion of how to do? power struggle, whether I am right for the nation, will phase in the common interest! "remark reached the ears of Lian Po, Lian Po is also the body righteous person, active abject apology。
       Phase and the stories will be spread so far。 If the two struggle for power, only their own interests, countries are likely to die, therefore, not to mention both their own interests, so that unity and cooperation with all they will eat the "grass。
    When I was a little heard of goats cross the river on the fable。 Write the two lambs in a single-plank bridge can only take one person meets the middle, they fell into the river with each other to the last。
       As long as there have been a sheep willing to collaborate, two sheep can cross the river。 But they only see their immediate interests, not the spirit of unity and cooperation, ultimately, is not "grass" to eat, just sit in the "hungry" dead。
    Results collaboration is not just a solution to the problem, it is a moral quality。 It reflects the people's wisdom is indispensable in social life。
    In social life, between people like to have an invisible line of string together all the people。 If there is no spirit of unity and cooperation, nothing could be done。
       Students and teachers to collaborate, workers and managers to collaborate 。。。 。。。
    All in all, in one long winding road of life, and ultimately encounter rough, then need to unite and cooperate with others to eat you can ride out the storm in front of "grass。


    2018-05-01 13:59:28




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