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  • 2009-04-01 08:20:06
    Once I talked about ancient Chinese poetry with a foreign friend, who has stayed in china for years and loves Chinese literature。
       I asked: “Do you have any idea about Li Bai?” ”Of course! It’s such a well-known name in China。” “You got it。” “Good for my family’s laundry。
      ” “What, washing clothes at your home? Do you really mean Li Bai?” “Sure, Libai detergent。” 。

    2009-04-01 08:20:06


    2009-04-04 02:26:40
  •   把ling的版本再拿来改一改,纯属娱乐
    From foreign land, here comes a knowing peer, 
    for many years in China was his stay。 
    In Chinese peoms, which history held so dear, 
    from head to heel, in full his time he gave。
       of ancient poetry, once we come to chat。 "The great Li Bai, you know about?" I ask。 "and how can someone not! such famous lad" "Correct!" "and I got one for laundry task" "oh great, my Caesar's Ghost! it cannot be!" "in action betters Philippino maids! but why in all should that much shock'd you be?" "Li Bai and laundry work together lay!" "The nation's best, Li bai the laundry dust, for hand and skin it cares, a houshold must!" to十月: knowing peer很简单,就是知道很多东西的朋友 for many years in China was his stay这句话要和上一行接起来, he is knowing peer for he has a "stay" in china lasting many years long he is a knowing peer。
       for what? for[(many years in China)was his stay] in full his time he gave? 就是he gave his time in full, or, he gave all his time, from head to heel, to chinese poems(上一行) i came to realize是一种用法,但不是原味用法,是用了come这个动作进行的比喻 today we come to celebrate 很常见吧? 翻译的诗局限与内容,要弄成某一韵律时必然要作这样那样的补贴,所以很多时候局限于译者能力看起来用词方面比较粗糙,这点我承认。
       但真的只有"高手"才有"权利"作诗吗?你中学学中文时候没学做过诗吗?那时候你的中文功底怎样? 我初中上ESL的时候老师就让我做过诗,你觉得我那时候的英文水平怎样?思想有多深刻? 诗这玩意,本来就不是什么高深的东西,自己给它设那么高的尺码干嘛 写作本身就是一个实践过程。
      我也不是文学青年,这些是纯属娱乐。 "诗这玩意,本来就不是什么高深的东西,自己给它设那么高的尺码干嘛 ”这种心态本身就是错的。一盘美味珍馐,你非要把它搞成一盘狼籍端给客人,是你的错还是客人的错? 我要说的是,你这种心态就是错的。这是典型的中国古代书生的心理:诗词是高深的,典雅的,不是凡夫俗子可及的。
       美味佳肴,非得是国家特级厨师才能作出来吗?非得在红木八仙桌上用象牙筷子吃吗? 某个深巷里的小店的无名厨师做的不错,难道就不能给别人在复合板桌子上用一次性筷子吃,怕别人吃了低估了这道菜的美味?低估了中国菜的情调? 婴儿还没学会走路就要跑步,跌个鼻青脸肿又如何?下一次走路肯定会更稳当。
      就像下棋,一个低段和高段平下,肯定输,但棋力肯定长了。只要能从中学到东西,何妨? 怕跌跤,就别学走路。


    2009-04-04 02:26:40

  • 2009-04-02 16:43:52
  • x***

    2009-04-02 16:43:52

  • 2009-03-31 18:57:27
  •   1。英语代词能直接显示出其属性,所以尽量少用。比如him, it,其实已经表达出2人说的不是一个东西,就露馅了。
    2。Li Bai--李白  Libai--立白
    3。立白洗衣粉在国内广告-------“立白,不伤手的洗衣粉”,所以最后我生造一个“Libai washing powder, hand-skin-saving”
    One day I talked about Chinese ancient poetry with a foreign friend, who has lived in china for several years and loves the Chinese literature very much。
      I asked,"Do you know Li Bai? "Sure! Such a household name in China!" he cried with pride。"And in my house, we do wash clothes with Libai, very useful!" he added。
      "What? Li Bai doing the washing in your house? "Yeah, Libai washing powder, hand-skin-saving!" 。


    2009-03-31 18:57:27

  • 2009-03-31 18:30:25
  •   I have a foreign friend who lives in China for many years。He is very fond of the Chinese literature。 One day we were talking about the ancient poetry of china 。
       I asked him, "Do you know Li Bai? ", he answered " of course,It is the detergent we use in our family, it is very good"。
      ”“No, It is not Li Bai clothing detergent, It is the name of a famour poet -- Li Bai” 在实际的英语中,不可能有把libai当成人在他家洗衣服,所以我去掉了那一段。


    2009-03-31 18:30:25

  • 2009-03-31 13:30:30
  •   From foreign land a friend,
    been lingering in China for not short。
    In chinese literature things,
    head to heel he reveled。
       Over ancient poetry, we one day talked。 "The great Li po,you know about?" "How can I don't!So well famed!" "Oh my dear dude!You got it。
      " "Have one in my bathroom cupboard! Handle the laundry work, better than a Philippino maid!" "Great Caesar's Ghost! Li po do you the laundry work!" "In what universe would you be shocked? Li po detergent powder, To do the washing, it's incumbent!"。


    2009-03-31 13:30:30

  • 2009-03-31 13:08:41
  •   A foreign friend of mine who has lived in China for quite a few years is very fond of Chinese literature。  One day, as we discussed ancient peotry, I asked him if he knew about Bai Li。
       He answered: "You bet! As famous as is in China。" "Definitely!" "And we use it to do laundry in our family。 Very useful。
      " "Pardon me。 Does Bai Li do laundry in your family?" "Yeah, the Buh-leach laundry powder。" 不知道能不能扯得上,见笑了。。。 另: 以下为 alexpenqi 的答案修改而成,只为一笑。
       From the foreign land comes a friend, Who for years in China has stayed。 In Chinese literature where history precipitated, Head to heel he himself absorbed。
       Over ancient poetry we one day discussed。 "The great Li Bai, you know about?" I asked。
       "How can I not! So well famed!" "Correct!" "Got one doing laundry work, Better than a Philippino maid!" "Great Caesar's Ghost! Li Bai does you the laundry work!" "In what universe would you be shocked? The Libai laundry powder, Hand-skin-saving, simply incumbent!" Muahahaha~~~。


    2009-03-31 13:08:41

  • 2009-03-31 12:34:40
  • 我也来凑热闹
    I have a foreign friend who has been living in China for many years.He is very fond of  Chinese literature.One day we talked about the ancient poetry . I asked him, "Do you know Li Bai? "he said, " You bet! very famous in China!""Right." "And in our family , It's very usefulto do the washing.”“Ah! Is Li Bai doing the washing in your family?”“Yeah,Liby washing powder.” 


    2009-03-31 12:34:40


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