爱问知识人 爱问教育 医院库



夏*** 21-11-30 高一英语

A  novel coronavirus epidemic caused by pneumonia in 20XX was enveloped in  People began to stay indoors and life became In this context, the  Ministry of Education issued a notice of "no suspension of classes", officially  opening up a new way of learning, online


Every  day in nail live group classes, I think this teaching method has become lively,  my interest in learning has also increased a Teachers teach each lesson to  us in the form of courseware in the live The knowledge framework of the  whole lesson becomes clear and clear, which is very conducive to our acceptance  and


Secondly,  this way has broken through the original teaching In school, there is only  one teacher for each subject, but in online teaching, many different teachers  are our teachers, so that we can fully understand the teaching styles and  characteristics of different teachers, and then we can know the teaching methods  we are interested


Moreover,  in online teaching, each teacher only needs to have one or two classes a day,  which makes the teachers have enough time to grade and write comments for the  students, so that the students can understand the shortcomings and highlights of  their own work, and then know which direction we can work


All  in all, we are interested in learning in this "If winter comes, will  spring be far behind?" I believe that as long as we carefully carry out online  learning and always maintain our confidence in learning, there will always be a  ray of sunshine, which will break through the haze of the epidemic and bring  warm When spring comes, we will get together on

