爱问知识人 爱问教育 医院库



我*** 21-12-05 英文自我评价

For many years working in large and medium-sized enterprises in the market, the planning department, I accumulated a wealth of work experience, did not give up the professional knowledge of mechanical design and grasp the market dynamics under the premise of the overall market planning and implementation have in-depth study , And selected the marketing and management of undergraduate As the saying goes, "Chollima often and horses are not often", you see my resume at the same time, that is, I strive to become your company a "Maxima" time!

I am open-minded and ambitious, especially in literature writing and singing, I have a good interpersonal relationship, I have a strong ability to accept new

The requirements of the 21st century for talent is also a multifaceted constant upgrade, I as a new generation of young people I will use the tenacity of confidence to face with hard pragmatic attitude to

I can work hard with the spirit of hard future of society is in constant development I will continue to learn in practice and constantly improve their ability to use their own solid professional and technical to meet the social responsibility given to
