爱问知识人 爱问教育 医院库



隐*** 22-04-11 英文自我评价

A solid professional knowledge, with project management, project development, cost management of the rich Good at project operation, through cost estimates, design standards, project positioning and other aspects, to develop practical standards, and according to the characteristics of subordinate employees, the allocation of tasks to ensure the successful completion of each Good communication, knowledgeable, honest and kind, a good professionalism and team to manage and lead in challenging

With rich experience in project contract management, bidding management and cost She has rich experience in house work and can undertake the budget and final accounts of large and medium-sized in FIDIC, JCT and other contract models, with strong management, coordination, analysis and problem-solving capabilities, to coordinate the team to complete the task Work meticulous, patient, structured, honesty and justice, good at independent thinking, strong
