爱问知识人 爱问教育 医院库



云*** 21-12-04 导游词

Hello, every visitor. Welcome to beautiful Huangshan Mountain. At first, please allow me to introduce myself. I’m your tour guide Wang Ping from Anhui Travel Service. You can call me Xiao Wang or Guide Wang. I’m honored to lead you to visit today. If you have any demand or advice during this tour, please tell me immediately. I’ll do my best to help you. Next to me is our driver Master Gao. She is a highly experienced and responsible person, so you can rest assured on her bus. Again wish you a happy tour. You came here joyfully and you will have a satisfying trip.

How time flies. Our bus has arrived at the destination. Please take along your personal belongings and get off the bus following me. Be careful and keep safety. Now we are at the gate of Huangshan Mountain. Please look at this coloured decorated archway. The two words “黄山” look powerful and vigorous. They were the handwriting of Marshal Chen Yi. Do you know where does the name of Mount Huang come from? Yes, you are right. It was granted by Tang Ming Huang. Actually Huangshan Mountain was not named this in the first place. It was called Yishan Mountain “黟山”. The word yi “黟” is made up of “黑” which means black and “多” which means abundant. It was named so because the rock in Huangshan Mountain is black and abundant. According to legend, Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan, the ancestor of the Chinese nation had gathered medical herbs here, made pills of immortality, bathed in hot spring and finally attained the Tao and become an immortal. Tang Ming Huang Li Longji believed in this legend, so he changed the name from Yishan Mountain to Huangshan Mountain in the sixth year of Tianbao i.e. 747 A.D. and it has been used to this day.

As the saying goes, “Return from the five great mountains and then you won’t go to see other mountain; return from Huangshan Mountain and then you won’t go to see the five great mountains”. Is it so charming of Huangshan Mountain? If you have experienced the five wonders, you’ll have to admire her beauty. Does anyone know what the five wonders really are? You get it right. They are strangely-shaped pines, grotesque rock

formations, seas of clouds, hot springs and winter scenery. Well, everyone must want to see her beauty in haste after the introduction. Ok, please stand in line. The transportation of the scenic area is waiting for us.

We’ll take bus to Cloud Valley Temple, and get to Shixin Peak by cable car. I will accompany you to have a taste of the beautiful scenery. Please get on the bus in line. Don’t worry and keep safety. The beautiful scenery is right before your eyes and we’ll see it right away.

Here is Cloud Valley Temple. Please get off the bus following me. There is a singing hall. Anyone who wants to sing could come this way. We’ll assemble here in ten minutes and queue up for cable car. Now, ten minutes have passed. Everybody is here. We get on the cable car and now here is Shixin Peak. Please take your belongings and get off the car.

Shixin Peak is 1683 meters above sea level, ranking 35th in 36 main peaks of Huangshan Mountain and being the little brother of all the peaks. However, its charm is very remarkable, having both masculine and feminine characteristics, full of poetic beauty. Even the name of it is legendary. It is said that in ancient times, a man wandered here, feeling like coming into a picture. However, everything was just real. Only then did he believe the wonder of the beautiful scenery. So he wrote a Chinese couplet “岂有此理,说也不信,真正绝妙,到此方知” which means that he didn't believe the wonder of Huangshan Mountain until he saw Shixin peak. Since then the name Shixin Peak spread widely.

As the saying goes, you won’t see Huangshan Pine until in Shixin Peak. The pines in Shixin Peak are really grotesque. Next I will lead you to admire the grotesque Huangshan Pines.

Everybody, please watch carefully. Is this ancient pine like a man opening his arms? This is Greeting Pine with a hearty welcome for us. Look at this pine and you will find its five strong rootlets are exposing in the air, just like the firm claws of black dragon, having a dignified air. This is the Dragon Claw Pine. Over here is a Harp Pine. Legend has it that several immortals were drinking and playing the harp here, just amusing themselves. When they drank happily, they heard the sudden call of Heaven.

Therefore they returned to the Court of Heaven immediately. In a hurry they left the harp there. Then this harp turned into a pine, namely this Harp Pine before us. Having heard the story of the Harp Pine, we can have a look of this charming Black Tiger Pine. According to legend in the past a monk passed here and saw a black tiger lie on the top of a pine. In a second the black tiger disappeared without a trace and the pine was left.

So he named the pine Black Tiger Pine. Next we will see the Couple Pine with the reputation of being the spirit of the pine. This ancient pine symbolizes unswerving loyalty of love. The fences have been buckled tens of thousands of locks.

We can take photos here.

Well, I believe that everybody must be tired now. Have a good lunch and we will continue in the afternoon.





















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