爱问知识人 爱问教育 医院库



突*** 21-11-15 英语

Hello, everybody, this is Ellie speaking, I am so happy to be here 。 Today, I”d like to talk about my general experience during my three university life which is so important for me , cause I have learn so many different friends through the nation and so many various reasons from everyone around me and happened to me as well !

The more you lean you more you understand

You will receive a body simply, if you are always living in a small group。 So , I advice people around me to walk around when it is possible 。 To be frank, my study life with the junior and senior middle school was simple and boring, yet , it is true that I had got quite a few normal sense and relevant knowledge from the great sum of books during the six years, and I think I was most happy without any anxious ,too, although the study work load was heavy。 However, never mind , that was one of the components of my life, I thanks to it and so glad to experience it !

Perhaps , this is the very begging part for me to enter into college study, from then on , I would be faced with a new world ! There , I met lots of new things and people and created many special ideas I never thought of before! So , I say , this EllieTan cannot be caught up by that EllieTan three years ago!

There is never enough time, unless you are serving it。 Well, this was quite a different world for me , I had to deal with everything on my own, yet, please take a look at other people , they were so familiar with everything and got rid of trouble easily and quickly。 I realized that a new challenge was waiting for me 。 But in fact, I was glad to be confronted with it 。 I liked the new environment of this sort, I knew it was time I should grow up from then on。

On the side of my new life , academic association , student union and different kinds of activities around me everyday , things like that 。 Furthermore, on the other hand , college library, self—access study room, it is never associated with my life before, even I never thought of it would be one of my important life in the campus。 But the truth is quite different in the reality opposite with your illusion。 Is that right!

Yes, I admit that I had "wasted" a lot of time on the relevant activities within the association and student union, and I didn”t know the exciting and foundation of the self—access room , what was more, I even laughed at my dormitory mates frequently visiting there。 But this is life that it”s easy to do the things you have thought of incredible ever before。 It is me , too!

But , I”d like to explain that although it wasted most of my private time with various sorts activities in my first year in the college , yet it is valuable you”ll find in the later, this is the thing we call "experience" which you would find profitable in the future。

When you cease to dream you cease to live。

How time flies! One year passed, but I never feel empty with my campus life cause I have received the things I” d like to get。 Yes, in my plan, that it is the high time I should concentrate on my academic courses seriously!

And it is the ordinary situation for people that when they experience to some degree, they want to plunge into another stage。 I have recognized the interest of my own that I am more outstanding with my English speaking, all the time, I focus on its practice most and spend much more time in the practice of it without consciousness。 And I have developed the habit that every day I would woke up at 6 o”clock and practiced one hour oral English by the lake in the campus before going to have classes at 8 o”clock in the morning。 Under this point , I have also laughed at by others ,too, but I never feel influenced cause it is my interest in and my habit which have been developed for many years。 Therefore , I won”t give up!

These days , when you interview any jobs , the interviewer must ask you the question without any changes that whether you have got the CET—4 certificate。 Don”t feel confused that”s true, cause somebody think you are not able to express between English and Chinese or you are not in position to go on any business involved with English at all without the certificate。 General speaking, CET—4 is the base you should take along bascally。 But I wonder usually whether it is the truth。 However, in my own opinion , I am not for this saying , to some degree! What a pity, however, I cannot change everything。

So, under this situation, I have to join the group of student who are always paying visits to the library and self—access room。 But things are so interesting and special when you contact it。 I like studying there from then on 。 perhaps you will feel alone when you just have to stay in front in the table reading textbooks one by one and the lighting is so dime, but soon you will discover that it is enjoyable to staying in the self—access room the whole night where the room is so spacious and the lighting is good enough, however, another essential factor will be that the other students sitting around you play quite am important role , for they make you have the power to stay up which is the essential motivation on the study road 。 Yes, that the key point , study in the self—access room , you are able to get a sort of quiet and happy study atmosphere, meanwhile , the normal competition, too, cause you won”t feel sleepy in the sight of hard word from others staying behind you 。

As time goes by, I have developed another habit reading books in the self—access room and getting more relevant knowledge in the library buildings。 I don”t know whether it was my progress I have made during the process, but I am sure the success of my CET—4 cannot depart with the time I spent on the self—access room in the library every night, and later , the CET—6, too。

Perhaps you won”t image that I have made many good friends there as well who are the good student always connected with the library。 However, it seems that they are boring keeping the books the whole day, don”t forget, they are ordinary people just like us。 When you have a talk with them , you can get a warm welcome, a further communication can be developed。 I always think this is a piece of good work , cause what is the significance without communication among people。 One thing we should understand , different people have different ideas and experience , then, the more you talk with others the more life knowledge you can get 。 This world is changing all the time, you are unaware of the matter happen to you in the next second。 Just like a normal saying " the road to success is a course of preparing for it " , I agree with it so much!

This is june in 20xx which is special month for me , on the one hand, for the 20xx German Football World Cup is coming , the whole globalization is crazy for it, and I an a football fan at any rate。 Yes, I like football。 And on the other hand , for I am going to graduate form my college formally。 Three years , no matter happy or unhappy cases, I still insist on it and believe in it that is rewarding。 So many incredible things happened to me , all of them are challenging and rewarding! And I would like to praise myself that "Ellie, good job!"

Finally, I have to express it once more that "thanks to my parents my teachers and my college and the alumna , alumnus know or not , cause all of your support and I have learnt so many form you! Thanks to the college library and self—access room and the campus ,too, for I get so many happiness inside you!"

Well, thank you for your time listening to me !





















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