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H*** 21-12-07 英文自我评价

Under the guidance of the staff of the Baiyin District Teaching and Research Office, under the strong support of the school leaders, after two years of active, earnest and in-depth exploration and research by the research group members and teachers, the study focused on the sustainable development of students And life-long development ", development and construction of life, open the composition teaching system and evaluation For the school teaching to provide valuable, can learn from the promotion of teaching experience in

In the light of the current practice of composition teaching in primary schools in our city and the need of composition teaching in our school, the author puts forward the subject of "situational experience in primary school composition teaching". Compared with traditional writing teaching, situational experience Style composition teaching more emphasis on the subjective experience of students, students focus on the process of writing thinking and value orientation, in a word, it is concerned about the whole process of Situational composition teaching as a development of writing teaching strategies, has a very important research As the subject closely linked to the actual teaching of basic education, so its research content is specific and clear, research objectives are reasonable and The research group members are influential leaders and backbone of our school, they have some experience in scientific research, with strong research Combined with the selection of a reasonable, scientific and effective research path and methods, the team's team spirit and the overall strength to play In the course of the study, we have used research methods such as survey statistics, data review, research and case analysis, so that the subject research has achieved some valuable results both in theory and practice: the research makes the teachers change and update the concept of education , Improve the level of scientific research, improve the ability of writing teaching and teaching effectiveness; to make students interest in learning and learning has been greatly improved, cognitive ability to obtain a rapid development; created with a certain feature, concerned about the experience of writing Teaching mode; writing research papers, to promote the teaching and research related to the

First, the main conclusions and perspectives:

1, Constructed the teaching model of situational experience writing:

(1) to organize activities to create an atmosphere, to induce students

(2) to activate the prototype, generate representation, wake up the students

(3) to express the truth, publicity personality, the experience of students

(4) to experience in the exchange, the personal experience into spoken language and written

2, the formation of the context of experience writing teaching steps and methods:

(1) to establish the

(2) sentiment

(3) exchanges and

(4) the idea of

(5) reflection

The paper summarizes the evaluation methods of contextual composition Contextual composition teaching as a development of composition teaching strategies, evaluation is multi-latitude,

(1) Diversification of the evaluation

(2) multi-level evaluation of the main

(3) a variety of forms of

In the past two or three years, we have achieved the following major results:

1, the research process to improve the overall quality of Through the years of research work, under the leadership of the Task Force, the quality of all the teachers of our school has been an overall increase, from 20XX to date, students have more than 40 people won the district, city, provincial, national Teachers in the provincial and municipal journals published more than 10 papers, many papers in the provincial and municipal organizations in the award-winning paper

2, the research group in the research process has accumulated a lot of experience, a timely Research papers and related achievements become valuable experience Which provides a good demonstration and reference for the development of writing teaching in our

Thirdly, it constructs the teaching model of situational experience writing, puts forward the basic principles that should be followed in instructional design, and the basic pattern of classroom

4, Constructs the evaluation system of the teaching of situational experience composition in our school, which greatly improves the enthusiasm and creativity of the students' It also provides a more scientific way for teachers to carry out writing teaching

Third, the main characteristics of experimental research methods and innovation:

1, leadership attention

School principals and administrators to participate in research, they are both leaders and researchers, both in research and guidance management, this research itself is a kind of demonstration and guidance; Moderator also regularly organize members of the study group to master teaching and research The basic grasp of scientific theory, timely attention to understand the dynamic and direction of research topics; also from time to time to ask the instructors and frontline experts to guide research and practice work; many initiatives to effectively ensure that the research work according to the established direction and objectives

2, experts lead

Over the past two years, we always work under the guidance of the task force, the relevant teaching and research experts to our school topics pointed out the direction of research, grasp the research topics, clear the subject The second step: to develop research programs, in practice, modify and improve the program; The third step: the collection of cases, to carry out (1), to enhance the quality of the study; Contrast, summary results, find To develop the three requirements: First, to promote the development of teachers themselves, to seize the opportunity, and strive to improve; the second is to communicate with each other, the subject research as a platform for teachers to demonstrate teaching, so that teachers learn from each other on this platform, learn from each other , Mutual promotion and common Third, timely reflection, timely

3, the subject research as the main axis of teaching and research

Schools will be the subject as a priority, written into the work plan of the school, the leadership personally grasp the requirements, heavy

Research out of the research team members of the small circle, forming a full participation in the research So that the research into the classroom teaching, teaching practice in the analysis of cause and effect, sum up the Highlight the "problem that is the subject" to explore the basic methods of The implementation of the "problem that is the subject" concept, full participation in the research, to solve practical problems in classroom teaching: all the teachers of the subject research according to the "six" requirements, that is, from teaching practice to find a problem as a research topic - - Studying a set of theoretical articles related to the topic - Choosing teaching content and designing a topic - Exploring a subject above the teaching and research group - Recording a set of teaching cases related to the topic - Writing a topic Research measures, the research into the daily classroom teaching, and the formation of a strong

4, the case as the carrier, explore the teaching mode

In the course of the research, we mainly take the case as the carrier to carry on the Through one by one case study, to discover our problems in the research, but also to find in the research process has practical, operable things, so that the subject research done a "small start, explore the common, found Rule, form model "of the research

Third, the academic value of the application of self-evaluation:

Some of the conclusions drawn from the research have good representation and Has a certain theoretical and practical significance, with a large promotional Such as the preliminary construction of the project based on the network environment classroom teaching mode, with strong operability, practicality, easy to





















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