爱问知识人 爱问教育 医院库




1.They will build (many new sport venues) for the Beijing Olympic Games.
2.Millions of people will watch the final match (on Tv).
3.(John) will carry the Canadian flag at the opening of the Olympic Games.
4.They will make all the flags( by hand).
5.Mrs Jones will take care of (your pet dog) while you are away on holiday.
6.The govement will spend (almost 100 million yuan) on this programme.

  • 2006-02-05 23:11:30
      1。They will build (many new sport venues) for the Beijing Olympic Games。
    What will be built for the Beijing Olympic Games。
       2。Millions of people will watch the final match (on Tv)。 How will the final match be watched by millions of people? 3。
      (John) will carry the Canadian flag at the opening of the Olympic Games。 By whom the Canadian flag will be carried at the opening of the Olympic Games? 4。
      They will make all the flags( by hand)。 How will all the flags be made by them? 5。Mrs Jones will take care of (your pet dog) while you are away on holiday。
       What will be taken care of by Mrs Jones while you are away on holiday? 6。The govement will spend (almost 100 million yuan) on this programme。
       How much money will be spent by the government on this programme? 。


    2006-02-05 23:11:30

  • 外语学习 相关知识

  • 教育培训
  • 教育考试


最新问答 推荐信息 热门专题 热点推荐
  • 1-20
  • 21-40
  • 41-60
  • 61-80
  • 81-100
  • 101-120
  • 121-140
  • 141-160
  • 161-180
  • 181-200
  • 1-20
  • 21-40
  • 41-60
  • 61-80
  • 81-100
  • 101-120
  • 121-140
  • 141-160
  • 161-180
  • 181-200
  • 1-20
  • 21-40
  • 41-60
  • 61-80
  • 81-100
  • 101-120
  • 121-140
  • 141-160
  • 161-180
  • 181-200
  • 1-20
  • 21-40
  • 41-60
  • 61-80
  • 81-100
  • 101-120
  • 121-140
  • 141-160
  • 161-180
  • 181-200


  • 1-20
  • 21-40
  • 41-60
  • 61-80
  • 81-100
  • 101-120
  • 121-140
  • 141-160
  • 161-180
  • 181-200
帮助 意见

