爱问知识人 爱问教育 医院库







    2017-07-10 15:08:23
  •   Decide which of the choices given below would correctly complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks。 Mark the correct choice for each blank on hour answer sheet。
       Since 1895 the National Trust has worked for the preservation of places of historic interest and natural beauty in England, Wales and Northern Ireland Today the Trust —— (26)______ is not a government department but a charity depending on the (27)____ support of the public and its own members- is the largest landowner and conservation society in Britain。
       Wherever you go, you are close to land that is protected and (28)___ by the National Trust。 Over 350 miles of (29)____ land, lakes and forests in one area of natural beauty (30)_______; prehistoric and Roman ruins; moorlands and farmland, woods and islands; lengths of (31)_____ waterways; even seventeen whole villages——all are open to the public at all times subject only (32)_____ the needs of farming, forestry and the protection of wildlife。
       But the Trusts protection(33)_____ further than this。 It has in its possession a hundred gardens and (34)_____ two hundred historic buildings which it opens to paying visitors。
       Castles and churches, houses of (35)_____ or historic importance, mills, gardens and parks (36)_____ to the Trust by their former owners。
       Many houses retain their (37)______ contents of fine furniture, pictures , and other treasures accumulated over (38)____, and often the donor himself continues to live in part of the house as a (39)____ of the National Trust。
       The walking-sticks in the hall, the flowers, silver-framed photographs, books an papers in the rooms are signs that the house is still loved and (40)_____ and that visitors are welcomed as private individuals just as much as tourists。
          26。 A) it B) which C) this D) whether it 27。 A) deliberate B) compulsory C) spontaneous D) voluntary 28。 A) maintained B) watched C) renewed D) unused 29。
       A) unused B) undeveloped C) unwanted D) unspoilt 30。 A) besides B) nearby C) alone D) beyond 31。 A) interior B) inland C) inside D) inner 32。
       A) by B) at C) to D) on 33。 A) develops B) extends C) enlarges D) prolongs 34。 A) some B) nearby C) on average D) more 35。
       A) architectural B) archetype C) architecture D) archaeology 36。 A) are giving B) have given C) been given D) have been given 37。
       A) primitive B) initial C) elementary D) original 38。 A) times B) generations C) years D) age groups 39。 A) resident B) dweller C) tenant D) housekeeper 40。
       A) lived in B) kept over C) resided with D) taken up    Part Ⅴ GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY   The are twenty-five sentences in is section。
       Beneath each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D。 Choose one word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence。
       Mark you answer on you answer sheet。    41。 We were all taken ____ by the news of the Chairman's resignation。 A) about B) apart C) aback D) aside    42。
       My _______ to his proposal was not quite what he expected。 A) feeling B) conduct C) outlook D) reaction    43。
       Rickets can result from a diet _____ in vitamin D。 A) short B) deficient C) short D) deficient    44。 Peter clearly had no ______ of doing any work, although it was only a week till the exam。
       A) desire B) ambition C) willingness D) intention    45。 Sports are a good ______ for a young boy's energy。 A) overflow B) exit C) outlet D) exhaust    46。
       Visitors are _______ to beware of pickpockets。 A) commanded B) informed C) notified D) advised    47。 It was nearly an hour before the sleeping pill took _____。
       A) influence B) effect C) force D) action    48。 Tom read it through quick so as to get the ____ of it before setting down to a thorough study。
       A) detail B) run C) gist D) core    49。 As it turned out to be a small house party, we ____ so formally。 A) need not have dressed up B) must not have dressed up C) did not need to dress up D) must not dress up    50。
       We threw water over the woman to bring her_____。 A) up B) back C) round D) over 。


    2017-07-10 15:08:23


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