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    2014-03-17 11:13:18
  •   reason[5ri:zn]n。理由, 原因, 动机, 理智, 前提vt。说服, 推论, 辩论vi。推论, 劝说, 思考reasonrea。sonAHD:[r¶z…n] D。J。[6ri8z*n]K。K。[6riz*n]n。(名词)The basis or motive for an action, a decision, or a conviction。
      See Usage Note at because See Usage Note at why 原因:某行动、决定或判决基础或动机参见 because参见 whyA declaration made to explain or justify an action, a decision, or a conviction:理由:解释或证明某行动、决定或判决说明:inquired about her reason for leaving。
      询问离开理由An underlying fact or cause that provides logical sense for a premise or an occurrence:充分理由:给前提或事件提供逻辑判断力基本事实或原因:There is reason to believe that the accused did not commit this crime。
      有充分理由相信被告没有犯项罪行The capacity for logical, rational, and analytic thought; intelligence。理智理性:进行逻辑推理、理性思维或分析判断能力;智力Good judgment; sound sense。
      判断力:良好判断力;靠理智A normal mental state; sanity:正常神态:正常精神状态;神志清楚:He has lost his reason。已神志清了Logic A premise, usually the minor premise, of an argument。
      【逻辑学】 前提:某论证前提常指小前提v。(动词)rea。soned,rea。son。ing,rea。sons v。intr。(及物动词)To use the faculty of reason; think logically。推论:运用推理判断能力;作逻辑思考To talk or argue logically and persuasively。
      辩论:逻辑严密且有说服力地谈论或辩论Obsolete To engage in conversation or discussion。【废语】 商谈:参与某谈或讨论v。tr。(及物动词)To determine or conclude by logical thinking:推断:用逻辑思维来决定或推论:reasoned out a solution to the problem。
      分析推断出解决问题办法To persuade or dissuade (someone) with reasons。说服:用理由来劝告或说服(某人)做或做某事by reason ofBecause of。因in reasonWith good sense or justification; reasonably。
      合乎情理地:具有良好情理或证明;合情合理地within reasonWithin the bounds of good sense or practicality。合理地:良好情理和现实范围之内地with reasonWith good cause; justifiably。
      正当地:有充足理由地;正当地Middle English 古英语 from Old French raison 源自 古法语 raison from Latin rati½} rati½n- 源自 拉丁语 rati½} rati½n- from ratus [past participle of] r¶rº [to consider, think] * see ar- 源自 ratus [] r¶rº过去分词 [考虑思考] *参见 ar- reasonern。
      (名词)reason,intuition,understanding,judgmentThese nouns refer to the intellectual faculty by means of which human beings seek or attain knowledge or truth。
      些名词都指人类通过追求或获取知识或真理方式而得智力 Reason is the power to think rationally and logically and to draw inferences: Reason 指通过理性且逻辑地思考并作出推理能力: the rationalist whose reason is not sufficient to teach him those limitations of the powers of conscious reason (Friedrich August von Hayek)。
       理性主义者理智足告诉们有意识理性力量有些缺陷 (弗雷德里希·奥古斯特·冯·海因克) Mere reason is insufficient to convince us of its [the Christian religion's] veracity (David Hume)。
      仅仅理性还足使我们信服 真实性 (大卫·休漠) Intuition is perception or comprehension, as of truths or facts,without the use of the rational process: Intuition 对诸真理或事实洞察力或理解力而牵扯理性过程: Because of their age-long training in human relations—for that is what feminine intuition really is—women have a special contribution to make to any group enterprise (Margaret Mead)。
      因们人际关系多年磨炼-而正女性直觉所-女人们对任何群体事业都做出了自己特殊贡献 (玛格丽特·米德) Understanding is the faculty by which one understands,often together with the comprehension resulting from its exercise: Understanding 某人理解认知能力常带有从运用获得理解力之意: So long as the human heart is strong and the human reason weak, Royalty will be strong because it appeals to diffused feeling, and Republics weak because they appeal to the understanding (Walter Bagehot)。
       只要人情感力量强大而理性虚弱王权政体会强大因要散布情感而共和政体便会虚弱因需要理解 (瓦尔特·白哲诗) The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding (Louis D。
       Brandeis)。对自由大危险潜藏于热情、善意没有良好理解力人们隐伏侵蚀 (路易斯·D·布兰代斯) Judgment is the ability to assess situations or circumstances and draw sound conclusions: Judgment 对形势或环境估计并作出正确结论能力: my salad days,/When I was green in judgment (Shakespeare)。
       我青春年少时期/时我判断力还稚嫩 (莎士比亚) At twenty years of age, the will reigns;at thirty, the wit;and at forty, the judgment (Benjamin Franklin)。
      See also Synonyms at cause ,mind ,think 二十岁时候主导意志;三十岁时智慧;四十岁时则判断力 (本杰明·富兰克林)参见同义词 cause,mind,think。


    2014-03-17 11:13:18

  • 2014-03-17 09:00:09
  • 理由,借口,谢谢


    2014-03-17 09:00:09

  • 2014-03-17 00:01:27
  • n.	理由;原因;理性;理智
    vt.& vi.	推理,思考;争辩;辩论;向…解释


    2014-03-17 00:01:27


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