爱问知识人 爱问教育 医院库



刘*** 22-06-16 高三英语

科目 英语

年级 高一


标题 Healthy Eating (健康饮食)

章节 第十五单元



Healthy Eating (健康饮食)




Ⅰ. 四会单词和词组:

pain , in (the) future , be rich in , contain , fat ( n . ) , soft drink , score , scores of , discuss , discussion , at the end ( of )

三会单词和词组: examine , ripe , advise , patient , energy , weight , put on weight , westerner , cause , unhealthy , lose weight , suggestion

Ⅱ. 交际英语:



What can I do for you ? / What was the matter ? / What\'s the trouble ?

Does it hurt here ? / It\'s nothing serious . / Let me examine you . / Take this medicine three times a day . / And I advise you not to do …

Drink plenty of water and have a good rest . / You\'d better have a good rest . / You\'ll be well soon .

Show me your tongue . / Stick out your tongue . / Did you cough much ? / Fortunately , you only have the flu (流感) . / You\'ll have to be hospitalized (住院) .

How long have you been like this ? / Well , let\'s see . Open your mouth and say “ah ”. / Keep warm and don\'t catch cold .


I\'ve got a pain ( cough , headache , toothache ) . / I don\'t feel well . / There\'s something wrong with … . / This place hurts . / I feel a great pain here . / I feel dizzy (头晕) . / I took some medicine last night , but they didn\'t help . / Doctor , please give me an examination .

I\'ve had my temperature taken . I indeed have a fever . / I was hot and cold by turns .

I don\'t feel well , doctor . / I hope it won\'t last long . / I don\'t feel like eating anything .

I have a sore throat ( 喉咙痛) and my chest hurts . / It started bothering me yesterday afternoon . / I feel hot and feverish . / I\'m aching all over .

I\'ve been losing sleep . / My whole body feels weak . / I\'ve lost my voice . / My ears are ringing , and my cheeks burning . / I feel a pain in my left leg .

Ⅲ. 语法重点:进一步学习提出建议和忠告的句型。

I advise you (not) to do … / you\'d better (not) do … / I suggest that you (should) do … / Why not do … / Why don\'t you do …

It\'s better to be absolutely sure , even if it does take a bit more time and trouble .

Well , if I were you , I would spend about four days sightseeing in Beijing and two or three days in Shanghai for shopping .

Let me give you a bit of advice , if you don\'t mind . Stop smoking or at least cut down on it . Watch your diet and …

How / What about doing some shopping here ?

I think we\'d better send for a doctor .

Well , if you go on the way you have , you\'re only going to make things harder for yourself . Yes , I suppose so . / Yes , I certainly will . / That\'s a good idea . / Yes , but don\'t you think … ?



contain 作及物动词是“包含;包括;能容纳,能装入”

Sea water contains salt .

This auditorium will contain 3,000 people .

〖点拨〗(1) contain 和 include 虽然都有“包含”的意思,但 contain 可用于表示包含所含之物的全部或部分,而 include 则只是包含一部分。试对比:

The parcel contained a dictionary . 那包裹里装的是一本字典。

The parcel included a dictionary . 那包裹里也包括了一本字典。

The tour includes a visit to Paris . 这次旅行包括游览巴黎。

The basket contains a variety of fruits . 这篮子装有各种水果。

(2) including 可以作介词连接介词短语。试比较:

Many women were waiting to buy that kind of cloth , including my mother .

Many women were waiting to buy that kind of cloth , my mother included .

可以这样说,include 着重“被包含者只是整体中的一部分”。contain 着重“内有”。

advise 作及物动词是“忠告、劝告、建议”

The doctor advised a soft diet . 医生建议进软食。

〖点拨〗(1) advise + doing

He advised getting plenty of sleep and eating good meals .

(2) advise sb to do 建议某人干……。advise sb not to do sth = advise sb against doing 建议某人不要干

The teacher advised us not to read carelessly . = The teacher advised us against careless reading .

对比:The teacher advised our reading carefully . (动名词复合结构)

(3) advise that + 主语 + (should) do

She advised that he spend his holidays in Heinan .

对比:(误)Sharon suggested me to ask Dr Yang for help .

(对)Sharon advised me to ask Dr Yang for help .

(对)Sharon suggested / advised that I should ask Dr Yang for help .

(对)Sharon suggested / advised my asking Dr Yang for help .

(对)I was advised to ask Dr Yang for help by Sharon .

(4) advice 是不可数名词,表达“一条建议”用:a piece / bit / word of advice 。

score (比赛的) 得分;(单复数相同)二十

The score at the end of the game was 5 to 4 against the visiting team . 比赛结果为 5 比 4 , 客队败北。

What\'s the score now ? 现在比分是多少 ?

〖点拨〗(1) scores of 许多,大批

The exhibition has scores of visitors every day .

(2) score 前有数词时,score 用单数,其后的 of 常省略。但在代词或者起定语作用的指示代词及物主掉次前的 of 不能省略。

Three score of them are League members .

Three score of those eggs are his .

She has two score (of) eggs . (这种情况下不用 of )

discuss 作及物动词是“讨论,议论”。名词形式是 discussion 。

I\'ve something of great importance to discuss with you .

After careful discussion the two parties reached an agreement on this matter .

〖点拨〗(1) discuss 后直接接名词、疑问词 + to do ,不接 about / on 。但discussion 后可以接about 。

(错)We have discussed about the problem .

(对)We have discussed the problem .

(对)We have had a discussion about the problem .

(2) discuss sth with sb 和某人讨论……

We will discuss the changes of our school with them later .

(3) discuss freely 自由讨论,discuss fully / thoroughly 充分讨论,discuss keenly 激烈讨论,under discussion 在讨论中,have a long discussion about / on sth 对……进行长时间的讨论, a heated / hot discussion 热烈的讨论。 suggestion 建议

Your suggestion is very helpful .

〖点拨〗(1) 含有suggestion 的主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句、定语从句中主句谓语用 should 型虚拟式。

We agree to his suggestion that the book (should) be published once more .

(2) suggestion 的搭配有:make a helpful / timely suggestion 作出有益(适时)的建议。act on / at one\'s suggestion = act on / at the suggestion of sb 按照某人的建议做。

(3) suggestion , advice 和 opinion

advice 多指根据自己的学识和经验提出来的供人参考的意见。suggestion 指为改进工作、解决问题而提出的建议,比 advice 委婉。opinion 是日常用语,指对某事的观点、想法。另外,advice 是不可数名词。

Advice is seldom welcome . (谚语) 忠言逆耳。

In our opinion , these trees must be cut down at once .

We have decided to pay more attention to their suggestions .


at the doctor\'s 在诊所

At the doctor\'s you can have your eyesight tested .

visit a doctor = see a doctor 看医生,看病,就诊

He had to visit a doctor because of his heart trouble .

a piece of bread 一块面包

a bit 有点儿(修饰形容词)

These apples are a bit green . 这些苹果有些生。

have a good rest 好好休息一下

in four hours\' time 四小时后,四小时内

Take two pills now and two more in fours\' time .

They will arrive in two hours\' time .

a diet of 一种……的食物

Every person needs water and a diet of healthy foods .

8 . different kinds of 不同种类的

There are different kinds of moon cakes on Mid-Autumn Day .

Different kinds of book ( = Different kinds of books = Books of different kinds ) are on show in the book fair .

in calories 以卡来计算

The energy is measured in calories . 这种能量以卡来计算。

be asleep 睡者(强调状态)。fall asleep 睡着(强调动作)

burn up 烧掉,烧毁;消耗掉。

While you are walking , your body is burning up 100 calories an hour .

If the satellite returns to the earth too fast , it burns up on the way .

The house burned up before the firemen got there .

as much as 像……那样多;多达;到达……的程度。as much as 用于不可数的物体,而 as many as 则用于可数的物体。该结构还可以变化为:as much + 不可数名词 + as 或者 as many + 可数名词 + as 的形式。

Here is a bottle of ink . You may use as much as you need .

The average distance of the sun from the earth is as much as 150 million kilometres .


You should rest as much as possible .

In the countries of Black Africa , there are as many as 700 languages .

When working there , she could earn as much as 500 dollars a week .

He is strong enough to carry as much as 200 jin .

be considered (to be ) + 名词或者形容词“被认为是……”

be rich in 含有大量的;充满

This kind of fish is rich in vitamins A and D .

A large stretch of land rich in coal is called a coal field .

注意其反义词组是:be low in 含量低。be high in 含有大量的……

too much 过于多的(修饰不可数名词、作主语、作宾语、作表语)。而much too修饰形容词和副词。

She gets up much too early , because she has too much work to do every day .

16 . take exercise 运动;锻炼

You need to take more exercise if you want to keep healthy .

She ate too much and did not take any exercise .

put on weight 增加体重;发胖。lose weight 减少体重。

Too many sweets and not enough exercise will make you put on weight .

To the great joy of her , she has lost much weight .

in the form of 以……的形式

He made the suggestion in the form of a question .

All sounds travel in the forms of waves .

Water exists in the form of ice , snow , steam ,

one person in ten = one-tenth = one person out of ten 十分之一的人

注意区别:ten to one 十有八九,有可能

by the age of 在……岁前;不超过……岁。by 在这里相当于 before 。

She had had three children by the age of 35 .

He had been in the army for two years by the age of 18 .

注意:at the age of 在……岁时。试对比:

She married at the age of 30 .

She had been married by the age of 30 .

put … in order 把……按照顺序排列好

22 . value for money 合算,花钱值得

23 . scores of 几十的,大量的,许多的(修饰可数名词)

24 . value of money 合算,花钱值得

25 . lose weight 减少体重

26 . die from heart illnesses 死于各类心脏疾病




Even when + 从句

Even when you are asleep , you are using energy . 甚至在你睡觉时,你也在消耗能量。

〖明晰〗even 作为副词放在由when引起的时间状语从句的前面起加强语气的作用。

Even when it is in August , the weather there is very cold .

Even when he was taking a holiday he was worried about his work .

2 . 主语 + be considered + to be + 主语补足语

The Chinese diet is considered to be the healthiest in the world . 中国饮食被认为是世界上最健康的饮食。

〖明晰〗consider 做“认为”时可以带不定式的复合结构,即:主语 + consider + 宾语 + 不定式(主要是 to be 做宾语补足语)。如果将宾语变为主语,则 consider 用被动语态,原来作宾补的不定式便变成为主语补足语。注意:to be 常常被省略后成为:consider + 宾语 + 名词(或者形容词)。

He considered the task to be the most difficult one . → The task was considered to be the most difficult one by him .

We all consider his suggestion to be reasonable . → His suggestion is considered to be reasonable .

We consider this (to be) a useful book . → We consider this book useful .


1 . When playing football or basketball , you might be using 400 calories an hour . 踢足球或者打篮球时,你每小时可能要消耗 400 卡能量。

〖释疑〗连词 when , while 引起的时间状语从句,如果从句中的主语与主句中的主语是同一人或物时,则可以省略主谓语,变成“When / while + ing”这中结构。

While he was doing the experiment , he noticed something strange . = While doing the experiment , he noticed something strange .

2 . In some parts of Britain , one person in ten , by the age of thirty , has no teeth left . 在英国有些地方,十分之一的人年方三十,牙齿就掉光了。

〖释疑〗 one person in ten 即 one person in ten persons 的省略,其意思为“十个中有一个人”。与 one person in ten 类似的结构有:one person out of ten , one out of ten persons 。但是,ten to one 是“十有八九,很可能”。

Two teachers in ten are against this plan .

Three out of four people (= Three fourths of the people ) went there to have a look .

It will rain tonight ten to one .





















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