爱问知识人 爱问教育 医院库



王*** 23-03-24 英语口语


Describe a situation you showed something new to younger people/a younger [New]

You should say:

when it happened

where it happened

what you showed to the younger people/person

and explain whether the younger people understood

Describe a time your friend did something successful and made you [New]

You should say:

who this friend was

what the success was

how your friend celebrated this success

and explain why you were proud of your friend’s

Describe a time you had to change your plan [New]

You should say:

when it happened

what you had planned to do

what made you change your plan

and explain how you felt when changing the

Describe an experience you lost something but you found it in the [New]

You should say:

when it happened

what was lost

how you found it

and explain how you felt after finding


“You must forgive He was never loved as a Or as an ”




“I can see why she’s She’s very You can’t wait to take her to court to get rid of her!”




“You drink, you gamble, you have different women here practically every You’re the best role model a gay could Yeah, they should put your face on ”




“They blanked That’s like an awesomely powerful thing to do in civilised It’s like, it’s the Mafia send each other fish through the ”





“Why do you even have a phone if you're not gonna pick it up?”




“Oh,you think you're so Well,let me jus tell you, while I do not currently have a scathing retort, you check your e-mail periodically for a ”




“Anderson, don't talk out You lower the IQ of the whole ”




“I’m a silly "


转换句型:You are a silly goose!(你个二货!)适用范围和对象极其广泛



Part 2 事件类话题

A time you attended a party

A happy event happened

A time when someone gave you money as a

Something you complained but were pleased with the

A time you found information on the

A period of history you want to know more [New]

Something you do regularly that can help you in your studies or [New]

One thing you want to do but haven’t got enough time to [New]

A time when you received a good/bad [New]

One day [New]

A situation you showed something new to younger people/a younger [New]

A time your friend did something successful and made you [New]

A time you had to change your plan [New]

An experience you lost something but you found it in the [New]

A Party

Version A→Describe a time you attended a family

You should say:

when you attended the party

who attended the party

what people did in the party

and explain how you felt in the family

Version B→Describe one of the most impressive parties you

You should say:

when was the party

what kinds of party it was

what did you do in the party

and explain why you felt impressed in the

Describe a happy event that happened

You should say:

when something happened

where something happened

what you did

and explain why you felt


Well, just last weekend my plans were ruined by the The weekends are usually when I’ll travel back home and visit with my parents and family, so that was my plan for last I’d arranged my schedule and made sure I didn’t have any studying or other things pending… I’d worked during the week to free up the weekend so I could relax and spend two days back

But on Friday afternoon the weather started to change look ominous and by Friday evening, when I had planned to leave for home, there was an incredible storm which The rain was torrential with a wind that was gusting and a lot of roads were reported as being flooded… and traffic stopped in various places in the

I called home and spoke with my mother and she told me that it was the same there and that I shouldn’t travel in such bad weather because I might get I was a bit sad, but the weather was so bad nobody really wanted to go out at In fact the journey from the university back to my apartment was The traffic was terrible and by the time I arrived I was completely soaked because of the rain, so I had to admit that travelling all the way home would not have been a smart

I waited for a couple of hours to see if things would change, but it didn’t, so eventually I gave up on the idea and started to think what I could do I decided to phone a couple of friends and see if they wanted to do something together, and so we got together on Saturday and we spent the day together and in the evening we went to see a movie and then went to a restaurant for a The weather still wasn’t great, but it was at least possible to go out without getting absolutely soaked On Sunday, I decided to have a lazy day, you know… just reading, relaxing, and then another friend came to visit me in the evening and so we chatted for a while and then watched a movie in the



ruin 毁灭,破坏(说天气打乱了我的计划用这个词语气很强烈)

arrange my schedule 安排我的行程

pending 即将发生的(while waiting for something, or until something happens)

free up 腾出时间 (=make available)

ominous /ˈɒmɪnəs/ 不祥的 (making you feel that something bad is going to happen)

leave for 动身去

torrential /təˈrɛnʃ(ə)l/ (雨)倾盆的

a torrential downpour一场倾盆大雨

horrendous /hɒˈrɛndəs/ 可怕的,惊人的

soaked 湿透的 (=extremely wet )



The heart is seen in


The older the


The worse luck now, the better another


Thoughts are free from


Time tries all


Use legs and have


So many men, so many


Some thing is learned every time a book is


Strike while the iron is


The car will find its way round the hill when it gets



在Part 2中,地点类是必考的一个部分。地点类考题在每次考试虽然比重不是最大的,但是专家建议考生们在备考过程中必须要认真准备这一类话题。

出题逻辑:围绕5个“W”和一个 “H”



通过观察所有地点类题型,不难发现,所有题目的出题逻辑都是围绕5个“W”和一个 “H”展开的。他们分别是Where, When, Who, What (see, do), Why and 。


作为 Where这个元素,其实可以提前做好充分准备,只要懂得灵活运用表示方位词汇就好,考生只要根据不同话题套用固定句型就可以了。


When和Who主要是介绍建筑建造的年代和到访的人群,基本做个简单回答就可以了,类似It was established/ built/ finished in 一个年代就好。在说When时,还可以结合How often you visit this place? 一起回答。


在说What这个问题时,要从what you can see?和 what you can do?两方面考虑。说一个建筑里能看见什么,无非是它造型,大小,装潢(interior design, 是不是exquisite, 有没有一些glass curtain walls, 和chandelier, 墙上可能还挂着很多的oil paintings)和布局(layout), 几层楼,, 然后可以列举一系列甜点名称;并着重介绍某个best seller。


Why?为什么喜欢是要重点交代一点,这时可以综合所有你曾经去过的咖啡店优点来个头脑风暴。 也许你喜欢原因可能是这个咖啡店的饮料,或是早餐, 也许店家是位制作咖啡的专家:因为每杯手工调制的咖啡上都会有很漂亮……都是喜欢的原因。

口语Part 2话题中地点类话题其实是较为固定的,从08年至今出现过的地点类相关话题大致是一样的,所以同学们根据机经题库中现有的话题以及所在考点三个月内出现的相关考题进行准备和复习,在考试中必定能轻松应对地点类话题。


Describe a time when someone gave you money as

You should say:

who gave the money to you

when it happened

what you did with the money

and explain how you felt after receiving the

Describe something you complained but were pleased with the

You should say:

when it happened

what you did

why you complained about the thing

and explain why you were pleased with the

Describe a time you looked for information from the

You should say:

when it happened

what you were trying to find

how much information you found

and explain how you felt after finding the

Describe a period in history that you want to know 【New】

You should say:

what period of history it was

how you know it

what happened during the period

and explain why you want to know more about


Describe something you do regularly that help you in your 【New】

You should say:

what it is

how did you find it

how often you usually do it

and explain why you think this can help your

Describe something you want to 【New】

Version A→Describe one thing you want to finish but haven’t got enough time to

You should say:

what it is

what you have already done

why you haven’t got enough time to do it

and explain how you feel about

Version B→Describe a situation you wanted to do something but you didn’t have

You should say:

when it happened

what you wanted to do

why you didn’t have time to do it

and explain how you felt when you didn’t have time to do

Describe a time when you received a good/bad service ( from a shop, restaurant) 【New】

You should say:

when you received the service

where you received the service

what services you received

and explain why you think this was a good/bad

A Day Off 【New】

Version A→Describe what you would do if you had a day off, free from work or

You should say:

where you would go

what you would do there

who you would go with

and explain how yo think you would feel at the end of this

Version B→Describe a free day you

You should say:

when it happened

how you spent the whole day

who you spent the free day with

and explain how you felt after having a free day


Describe a situation you showed something new to younger people/a younger [New]

You should say:

when it happened

where it happened

what you showed to the younger people/person

and explain whether the younger people understood

Describe a time your friend did something successful and made you [New]

You should say:

who this friend was

what the success was

how your friend celebrated this success

and explain why you were proud of your friend’s

Describe a time you had to change your plan [New]

You should say:

when it happened

what you had planned to do

what made you change your plan

and explain how you felt when changing the

Describe an experience you lost something but you found it in the [New]

You should say:

when it happened

what was lost

how you found it

and explain how you felt after finding


Describe an activity you do when you are alone in your free

You should say:

what the activity is

how often do you do it

how did you know it

and explain why you do this activity when you are

Describe a good law in your

You should say:

what law it is

where you got to know this law

who are affected the most by the law

and explain why it is a good

Describe a film or TV program that makes you

You should say:

what it is

when you first knew it

how often do you watch it

and explain why it makes you

Describe a big successful family

You should say:

what the family business is about

when did you first know it

who are the customers

and explain why the business has grown


Describe a language you would like to learn (except for English).

You should say:

what the language is

where you would like to learn it

how you would learn it

and explain why you would learn the

Describe a game you enjoyed during

You should say:

who you played the game with

when you usually played the game

where you played the game

and explain why you enjoyed the

Describe an interesting/an impressive talk or

You should say:

where you heard the talk/lecture

what the talk/lecture was about

who made the talk/lecture

and explain why you think it was an interesting

A Decision You’ve

Version A→Describe a big decision you’ve

You should say:

what it is

who made you decide to do

and explain what influence it might have on

Version B→Describe a decision made by

You should say:

what the decision is

who helped you make the decision

and explain what influence it might have on


Describe an outdoor activity you [New]

You should say:

what it is

where you do it

when you first learned to do it

and explain how you feel about the

A Piece of Good News 【New】

Version A→Describe a piece of good news you

You should say:

what this news was

when you received this news

who gave you this news

and explain why you think this was good news

Version B→Describe some good news you got from TV or the

You should say:

when you got the news

where you got the news

what the news was about

and explain why you think it was good

Describe a subject you didn’t like before but are interested in 【New】

You should say:

what the subject is

when you first studied it

why you didn’t like it

and explain why you are interested in it


Describe a job that one of your grandparents 【New】

You should say:

what the job is/was

what he/she needed to do

how long he/she did the job

and explain if you would like to do the same job as

Describe an activity that makes you [New]

You should say:

what it is

when you first learn to do it

how often do you do it

and explain why it makes you

Describe a sport you’re able to do after learning it once [New]

You should say:

what it is

when you learned it

how hard it was

and explain why you learned it once



A Prize You Won

Describe a prize you won in the

You should say:

what prize it was

when you won it

how you won it

and explain how you felt after you won the

Part 3

How do people achieve success at school?

How would you define the expression, "success at school"?


I have attended many competitions in different phases of my life and have won some prizes from those competitions as One such contest that I would like to talk about was the Cycling competition that I participated in my

I was then a student of college and around 15 years One day I noticed an advertisement in our local newspaper that an inter-college cycling competition would held on next The entry fee would be $20 and the prizes would be given to the first three I had a passion on cycling and I that’s why I thought to participate

On the day of the contest I went to the starting point and registered my name in the I took my bicycle and wore my cycling I noticed there were around 30 competitors and I was asked to stand at my start With the sound of the whistle I start I had very less intension of winning prized but I simply did concentrate on The total distance was around 5 miles and that required some energy and After I finished the racing, I was really surprised to hear that I won the third I found that some of my classmates were shouting because I was one of the three prize

I felt really happy and proud that I did well in this Actually I never took my cycling habit seriously and after I did well in that competition, I started participating in other cycling competitions as

Similar Cue Card topics:

Your ability to talk about this Cue Card Topic would enable you to talk about the following Cue Card Topics as well:

Describe a competition you took part in

Describe a competitive exam you

Describe a game contest you were present

Describe a prize you

How do you think successful students at school are rewarded?

How do you think successful students at school should be rewarded?

How are (employed) people's salaries determined?

In your opinion, how should people's salaries be determined?





















班主任工作经验交流心得体会 白鹿原上奏响一支老腔阅读答案(通用3篇) 高考英语基础写作技巧 难忘师恩500字小学作文 2022小升初英语复习资料 军训生活学生感悟总结 高中物理考点整理归纳 关于励志的名言警句 认识钟表的教学设计(优选16篇) 假设应用题及答案 高考满分作文 三字经读书笔记 读古诗词心得体会(必备6篇) 班主任对班干部的评语(汇编6篇) 奋发向上崇德向善读书笔记1000字 高中数学知识点总结 科学实验教学计划(汇总15篇) 小兔子美术教案(优质8篇) 寒假大学生社会实践心得体会范文 致快乐的青春550字八年级作文 我的同学三年级作文 高二化学重难点化学反应与能量变化 关于环境的英语作文 南山区 神奇的笔记本作文 鲸公开课教学设计(实用7篇) 明朝那些事读书心得体会范文 最后一分钟读后感范文 谈谈科技发展与社会生活普通话考试说话范文 《寄小读者》读书笔记 考试来了作文400字 暑假实践报告 春天来了三年级作文 爱找东西的男孩读后感800字范文 成大事者必有静气阅读答案 高中物理分子的热运动教案设计 关于历史故事的成语详解 高考必备物理知识点 大学军训学生感想体会 励志故事演讲稿300(汇编6篇) 描写清明节扫墓见闻的小学生作文怎么写 垃圾分类人人有责建议书500字 高中细胞的组成知识点总结 zcs的教案(合集19篇) 我们的田野音乐教案(精选3篇) 短小故事(精品10篇) 初一数学课堂知识点 高老头读后感高一800字 2021年马来西亚留学签证 中考满分作文600字 大学生社会实践的心得体会 走过教师节 摩擦力教案设计(热门4篇) 蓝鲸的眼睛读书笔记 小学区三好学生主要事迹材料 小升初语文考试必出词语 高考克服偏科的三大方法 高考状元英语学习方法 数学考试 整数四则混合运算教案(精选8篇) 高三冲刺高考语文作文题目预测 期中考试作文400字 蒲公英阅读答案(精编15篇) 祖国,我终于回来读后感 高二了语文30多分怎么办,快速提升成绩的方法为 古诗词欣赏(集合16篇) 会计实习自我鉴定表 八年级阅读《昆虫记》有感范文800字 我的校园故事征文(集锦15篇) 英语作文演讲稿(推荐18篇) 儿童童话故事大全(精选10篇) 食品安全知识科普宣传教育工作方案 《爱的教育》读书笔记范文 古诗春晓教学设计(精选9篇) 高中英语重要短语知识总结 读书笔记作文300字 有关朋友的名言(集合15篇) 高三语文必背课文古文古诗与答题技巧 长城为话题的小学三年级作文 害怕考试作文 怎么学好初一英语 小鹿斑比读后感范文300字 五四精神传承有我_五四精神传承优秀作文 第二学期家庭教育工作总结 描写春天景色的句子(通用20篇) 边城读书笔记范文 高考每月大事:家长关心的6大问题,全国教育大会回应了 大学生军训心得体会600字 高二英语可接双宾语的常用动词 作文议论文800字高一范文 小学四年级英语复习计划j 病人阅读答案(集合5篇) 幼儿科学教案(通用18篇) 春节的由来和传说故事(热门19篇) 在中期考试的时候作文 健康《我爱洗手》教案(集锦9篇) 美育云端课堂观后感心得体会 父亲的菜园读后感 《丁香结》阅读答案 语文活动课教学设计(精选14篇) 心中有盏红绿灯作文初中优秀范文 人教版太阳教学设计(精选15篇) 会计从业考试真题及答案 高二英语阅读能力提升方法 励志小故事300字(精编20篇) 激励销售人员的句子(精品3篇) 高二下学期学习计划 走在乡间的小路上550字九年级作文 丑小鸭读后感范文500字 高三作文800字议论文 四年级上册语文课文(1-5课) 毕业实习报告例文 新生军训方案范文 四年级上册语文课文知识点 西游记读书笔记 麦琪的礼物教学设计(精品4篇) 逻辑练习题(精编4篇) 议论文三要素(优选3篇) 六年级珍惜时间作文大全 一年级数学北师大版知识点总结 初中军训有感300字 考试前作文 2022高考作文人物素材 高中政治文化发展的知识点 高一物理学习方法及建议 钢铁是怎样炼成的高一读后感2022 高中数学有效的学习方法 参观博物馆实践心得体会 春天话题作文800字 漂亮的衣服教案(热门17篇) 英语学习资料 难忘的考试 开开心心上学去教学设计(精品5篇) 《名人传》读书笔记500字范文 期末考试没考好检讨书(通用18篇) 天游峰扫路人阅读答案(优选4篇) 关于考试风波作文 三年级作文我的家 故乡恋情教学反思(合集3篇) 撑伞的女孩阅读答案 2022年高考数学知识要点归纳 垃圾分类从我做起教案(优选15篇) 适合毕业朗诵的诗歌(必备15篇) 2022高中物理交变电流教案 高中物理学习方法 煤气安全教案(集锦20篇) 关于勤学励志的名言 小学四年级作文:友谊之桥 2020年清明节的谚语 高中生军训感言范文 2022年河南的高考英语作文题目预测及范文 高中必修一政治重点知识点 教师节印象 平行四边形的认识教学反思(甄选15篇) 巨人的花园续写500字范文 中国古代历史故事简介 古筝教学计划范文(推荐6篇) 高中语文学习方法 初三化学的学习方法与复习方法 阅读征文范文(热门6篇) 高中英语语法考点总结 除数是两位数的口算除法教学反思(汇集4篇) 旋转课件(集合13篇) 写日记范文(合集18篇) 品格故事(热门4篇) 查理九世读书心得感悟300字 计算机专业实习日志 我的军训生活初中作文范文2022 初中生物实验报告 白色湖之冬的阅读题答案 心理健康课教学反思(汇总6篇) 有关感恩的中考满分作文500字 安全知识作文 《名人传》读书笔记范文 初二物理知识点归纳 销售小故事大道理(合集16篇) 开学第一课主题班会活动记录(合集9篇) 找次品的教学设计(精编17篇) aoe的教学设计(优质16篇) 耐久跑教案(精品7篇) 有关以考试的作文300字 高二数学的复习方法有哪些 稻盛和夫的名言(实用5篇) 六年级作文:美丽的校园 学生爱情故事(实用7篇) 优秀的六年级英语作文 赞美父爱的句子(精品18篇) 人教版八年级语文下册常考知识点 四季优秀教案(实用18篇) 综合素质答案(精选4篇) 教师节的礼物 幼儿园安全知识顺口溜 定语从句语法知识点 偶戏教学反思(汇总3篇) 江西中考可能出现的作文 积极向上的人生格言 麦克白读后感范文 蚯蚓教学设计(实用9篇) 《围城》读书笔记 描写人物外貌成语(汇集4篇)