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阎*** 23-02-24 英语作文


假期计划英语作文:a plan for the summer holiday

i have a happy holiday。 in the holiday。 i have do lots of thing。

first, i make a plan。 plan about everyday life and study。 my life have rule。

second, i according to plan execuition。 enable my holiday is very amplitude。

i watch tv, too。 i love english today。 because i like english very much。

sometimes i play the puter。 i can watch mtv and learn english on puter。

i have a good holiday。


The long summer vacation is coming to an end, and I have taken part in many activities besides study, the most interesting of which is "catching fish".

That day I came to the countryside, and my dad went to catch fish, we can see the bottom of the river a came to the river, through river water can see fish alive, I can't wait to the river, I catch fish and small dad game, I went to a fish, but how the grinch stole Christmas strange fish saw me and I catch it, it is a flash, I suddenly fell down to the, I flipped was determined to hold it and I went chasing up left a scratch, a scratch right indeed as expected but in the end it's all worthwhile I finally caught the fish, but again see oneself has become a drowned But I was happy to catch a I yelled at my little dad, "I caught a " "Just one," dad "I grabbed a bucket!" I ran over and saw that I had almost fainted!

I really happy today, although lost, but because no matter winning or losing, let me get a harvest, also had happiness, the person also is compared to catch fish, as long as you work hard, diligently will certainly have a


"Mom, watch me " eh, where does the sound come from? It turned out that my dream had come true and I was showing my swimming style with

This summer vacation, I came to Caiyuan swimming pool happily to learn how to It's a piece of cake for me to hold my If I hold my breath, I can float on the water for a Then I began to seriously study breathing, deep breathing, carefully bury my head in the water, spit bubbles like a small fish, then lift my head out of the water, open my mouth to breathe in, then bury my head in the water to spit bubbles, and practice over and over Coach Xu patiently and meticulously taught me the hand and kick He stretched his hands together, drew a circle to his armpit, and then drew back from his I modestly practiced in accordance with the order of "retracting, turning, kicking, and clamping". I tried to imitate the frog's hind I saw Qingshui split by me, leaving two long The coach tied an inflatable belt on my waist and took my hands to lead me to swim in deep As soon as he let go, I was as timid as a I was afraid that I would sink down and dare not It was like a vented ball and a crab dancing in the At this time, the coach said gently: "don't lose heart, overcome tension, everything is difficult at the beginning, failure is the mother of " I secretly determined: do not give up halfway, adhere to the After the coach's encouragement and careful guidance, coupled with my 15 days of persistence, repeated practice, "Kung Fu is worthy of those who want to", I finally learned to I can swim freely in the water like a happy fish, like a frog in the water, like a petrel flying in the

"As long as you work hard, you can grind an iron pestle into a needle!" I'm the best at I've got a new skill I am happy to sing, laughter reverberated in every corner of the pool for a long


It's getting hotter and hotter, and the pace of summer vacation is How I long to have a happy summer vacation full of freedom! So, my heart will quietly play a small abacus

First of all, I want to get rid of the big boss in the summer vacation - summer homework! Because as long as there is it, the whole summer vacation will be like spent in prison! So, according to the lessons of the previous three summers, I decided to compress them into a period of 16 days that was full of pain!

Of course, every parent who wants his son to become a dragon and his daughter to become a phoenix will surely let the children go to cram school, whether you like it or Well, at least ten At most, it depends on the I also hope to eliminate it!

To say, these are all unpleasant If there is a little episode in the middle, such as swimming or eating ice cream, it can be regarded as a good

However, because my birthday is spent in the summer vacation, so I'm going to have a party and have a big liberation! Buy a big birthday cake is a must, please some very good friends, and then crazy play, until tired down so far

When all the busy things are over, the rest is playing! My mother is going to take me to an English summer Every day there are many colorful activities, such as swimming, parachute jumping, jungle jumping, cycling and so

Of course, this holiday, I also want to learn from my grandparents and learn how to cook all kinds of delicious I also need to learn how to cook In this way, I won't have to go out and "forage" when my parents are away!

This summer vacation, the more you think about it, the more beautiful it Do you admire me? Ha ha, let's plan together!


in this winter break,i have a plan to travel to reason i planned to travel to japan is because i saw many interesting facts about japan in the internet; like there are a lot of new technology there,the fuji mountain there,or japan disney land , i really like there i were to go there,i would make my agenda like this:first,go to tokyo to shop in malls,and go to disney land; then,go to osaka to go to spa,and shop in anime stores; finally,i would like to go to hokkaido to go skiing,and enjoy the i could have a good trip!


for i want to spend my holiday fully,so i plan to go on a trip,i want to go to hongkong for 2 weeks,because it is not only a shopping paradise but also

the heaven for

it’s very far away ,so i plan to go there by plane,it is the most convenient way to go there,

and i decided to stay there for 2 weeks ,while i can thoroughly to feel the local customs there

i also want to go taiwan,i want to go to a concert in xiaojudan,such as listen to a concert .


my winner vacation is coming soon .i am so happy i decide to make a winter vacation plan t, i will do my homework carefully second ,i am going to help my mother with ,i want to play with my best will also visit my grangparents with my parents will spend spring festival with think every day during my winter vacation will be

i am sure i will have a wonderful i can not


Everyone always has a good On Sundays, everybody does some things what he

Last Sunday, Jack had a relaxing He got up 6 o’ After breakfast, Jack played basketball with his They were very Then he played the guitar in the And he sang songs very Though it’s very relaxing for him, it also make very noisy for Maybe he should turn down the At noon, jack fed his pet cat He is Jack’s Jack always play with him on the At night, he watched TV on the At the some time, he ate many delicious So he really had a great

At the of day, jack thought if I always have a relaxing Sunday like I will become the happiest boy all over the


This July, I graduatedfrom primary I was enrolled to a good middle Therefore, I had ahappy and leisure summer In the middle of July, I attended to a It’s about There were twenty five students in the We alllike English very Together, we studied and There were manyactivities, team work or single We tried our best to put ourselvesinto this big Most of the time, we talked to each other in Ifwe really don’t know how to express in English, we could ask for Ourteachers were so great that they could help us a They were so active thatmake us acted as they I am happy to attend this



Today is sunny,but it's very my breakfast,I start doing my then I opened my computer,I wanted to chat with my friend on it's boring,we couldn't find out and topic to talk about so I closed the now what can I do?I thought the summer holiday is boring because I can't play with my classmates,so I would rather go to I saw the book on my bookshelf,oh,I can read book during the summer holiday,so I read the book until mum called me to have the think read book is very interesting,I can read book in the summer


We all know, summer holiday is a long Well how should we speng it? I have a good plan to spend my summer , I'm going to visit my

First, I'm going to visit my grandpa--ents for three

Then,I'm doing my homework, sounds "When you finish my home work, we are going to aquarium"my mother When I finish my homework,we are going to aquarium, and going to take many I 'am so weeks later I'm going to

This is my plan to speng my sommer How about you?


At college, i missed my parents a as the term was drawing to an end, i eagerly looked forward to going and i planned to do a thousand and one things during the above all, i wanted to help my mother with i also wished to read many hooks which my teachers had however, at home, my mother would never let me do she completely deprived me of sharing her as soon as i opened a book to read,she would sit down beside me and ask me about all kinds of things at the to please her,i told her one thing after another,and soon i forgot all about even when i was actually reading,she would, now and then,insist that i should eat an egg or drink a cup of when i left home at the end of the vacation, not a thing in my plan had been carried but i felt very i believed much more deeply than before in the old saying: home, sweet there’s no place like home!







The final exam is over and the summer vacation is In order to make the summer holiday meaningful, I have the following

1, At the school summer football team, I insisted on playing badminton, tennis, basketball, volleyball and cycling with my father every day to make my body better and

I will finish the homework assigned by the teacher and review the knowledge of the

3, if I was the exam, as a bonus, mom and dad took me to Beijing to play, see the beauty of the Great Wall, the imperial palace, tianan front teeth, the China millennium monument, water cube and other attractions, for students to share a lot of

This is my summer vacation


Summer arrived the childrens mood is very

Game is childrens favorite checkers gobang weiqi educational toys such as the aircraft a place on the desk of the The children really enjoyed ourselves playing a day also not Some boys just run to the outside to play also dont go home to eat point make body sweating if took a Also learning school supplies such as book card this this is on the desk of the children the children finish the homework carefully things to do in the day that day and never The children struggle to read a book their eyes to beat the small flame so strong so bright!

I hope everyone had a full happy in the long holiday with learn more


The summer vacation is here, and the students are very Now I will introduce to you how my summer vacation was

When I started to do my homework during the summer vacation, I was always afraid that I would not finish As a result, on July 15th, I was almost After a few days, the rest of the homework was finished, and there were only two essays I didn't write until August Next week, my parents are going to take me to play for two I am very Summer is almost over and I really wish it would be

The summer vacation is almost over, and I have something to worry

It's just that I haven't written an essay The school will start soon, when will I write? In ancient times, people often said: The young and the strong do not work hard, and the boss is We want us to cherish time, but if I am different, I will waste I am I hope this shortcoming can be I hope you can support me a lot!

Today is the first day of my learning to Before that, I prepared some necessary things for swimming, such as swimming caps, swimming trunks, swimming goggles, , and I was excited for several days, looking forward to today's

When I came to the swimming pool of Baolihao Fitness Center, I saw that the water was clear and clear, and it could be used as a I was in a group with three other children, who, like me, came to study on the first Our main task today is to practice holding and Yutian, I have never been in contact with water, so at first I was afraid to hold my breath because of the water, but when I saw everyone else's head sinking, I mustered up the courage to sink my head, but it took less than six seconds to come out, and the other students It took me about 30 seconds to hold It seems that I have to do my

When I got home, my mother told me that I have to be determined to do Since I have gone to learn, I must learn If some movements are not in place, I must find a way to practice I think what my mother said makes a lot of sense, so I practiced holding my breath in the washbasin at It lasted for more than 20 seconds at It seems that as long as I work hard, I can do If there is a will, things will come true !


《我的暑假 My Summer Holiday》

Summer holiday is am going to do many things that I want to For exampie,first I will jion a soccer club,because I like playing the summer holiday, I want to practice more to improve my I will go to my grandma's house,because I miss her very want to stay with her for several I will help my mother do some She was really tired when I was go to Except for taking care of me, she also has to Therefore, I want to help her in the will you do on Summer Holiday?






















她是我的朋友读后感范文 《无题》阅读练习题及答案 高三关于幸福的议论文 文明家庭事迹材料 自考公司理财复习题 小学语文四年级文学常识总结归纳 亲情周倡议书参考(优质7篇) 电子实习报告总结书 《雨的四季》阅读答案 《丑小鸭》读书笔记 养花读后感 高一地理复习提纲 小学四年级暑假数学除法计算题与练习题 春晓古诗(精选19篇) 会计专业实习报告总结3000字 认识长方形和正方形说课稿(实用8篇) 关于保护环境的英语作文 小学一年级英语句子 48句 二年级语文上册期中测试题 怀念一种声音阅读答案 名人传读书笔记 一枚扣花阅读答案 感恩父母高一作文800字 动物找家教案(优质17篇) 2022清明节的高分作文1 狮子王观后感范文500字 高三英语学习方法技巧 小学四年级作文:家乡的桥 高考二轮复习物理高分技巧 2022年高考满分作文 有关考试的作文 认识分米和毫米教学反思(推荐19篇) 初中迎接考试国旗下讲话(热门5篇) 庐山的云雾教学反思(精品15篇) 小学一年级语文阅读练习题 高中地理学习知识口诀记忆及技巧(汇编4篇) 我懂得了____为题目作文(甄选8篇) 敌成语(精选3篇) 有关大学英语作文 读书真好600字精彩作文 一年语文上册期中试卷(精编3篇) 随机事件教学反思(精选7篇) 实用的家庭教育心得体会范文 我喜欢的天气作文 四年级关于家乡优秀作文 高中英语语法大全 慈母情深读后感范文 初中红楼梦读书心得题300字 统计与概率教案(必备6篇) 嘉峪关作文 高效的高一语文学习方法整理 我的同桌500字5年级 英语考研学习计划 我的笔记本作文 2022年孔乙己续写范文500字 认识数字5课件(通用7篇) 期末考试班主任寄语(集合5篇) 大学生寒假社会实践心得体会 托福听力阅读答案(汇总6篇) 有关电视台实习工作总结 4年上应用题练习 不一样的教师节 图书馆实践心得体会范文 本学期学习计划(集合18篇) 劳动话题的小学生作文 初二期中考试作文 导数知识点(必备10篇) 一元一次不等式说课稿(汇集18篇) 大学生英语实习日记范文 迎新年诗歌朗诵稿(汇集10篇) 高三数学学习方法 文科学习方法经验分享 六年级作文《我的爷爷》 初二政治核心知识点整大全与政治答题方法 人教版七年级上册生物复习提纲 褒义的成语大全(集合8篇) 2022高考物理知识点总结 感动校园人物事迹材料 成语教学反思(热门15篇) 十六年前的回忆说课稿(集合10篇) 制取氧气教学反思(集锦6篇) 绿野仙踪读书心得范文300字 同桌冤家读书笔记 论如何实现数学教学目标 关于判断训练题参考 赚钱的句子(精品10篇) 关于大度的名言(必备5篇) 花钟读后感范文 高考英语作文万能句子汇集 企业军训800字心得体会 有关中考作文 出淤泥而不染话题作文初中范文_出淤泥而不染作文 纽科门 化合价练习 关于考试失利的作文 罗马法的高一历史必修一知识点 中秋灯谜简单(热门14篇) 淡泊名利的议论文(精编6篇) 四年级查理九世读书心得感悟范文300字 逻辑练习题(汇编4篇) 尊严读后感500字范文 小学生文明礼仪常规 2022高中化学方程式大全 劳动实践课心得体会 2022幼儿教师实习报告范文 农村教师事迹材料 高三英语听力怎么提高 三年级日记大全 物流管理专业大学生求职信 天界晓钟 人教版六年级上册语文期末考试拼音练习题 三年级下册语文第7单元检测试题 关于中考满分作文 关于寒假社会实践心得体会 小学二年级语文上册第八单元试题 《万历十五年》读书笔记 相约春天500字小学作文 高二英语知识点总结 卖火柴的小女孩读书笔记 怎样学好数学的方法总结 《难忘的泼水节》读后感500字范文 茶杯与茶壶阅读答案 我会交朋友教案(汇集4篇) 大学转专业申请书范文 野姜花阅读答案(优质6篇) 二十四节气 高考物理全国卷复习指导 龙应台目送读书笔记 大学军训自我鉴定2022范文 松鼠优秀教学设计(精编20篇) 蟋蟀的住宅习题(集合5篇) 知识产权试题及答案 部编版八年级语文上册第六单元知识点 有关安全知识作文300字 读冰心《繁星春水》有感范文 高考语文如何写好作文不离题 七年级历史1至10课复习资料 学风建设主题班会教案(精选9篇) 班主任对班干部的评语(汇集8篇) 药厂实习报告范文 厦门高二物理知识点 初三英语作优秀文范文 表里的生物教案(集合17篇) 高考英语必备的知识点大全 高二历史必修三知识点 中秋节制作灯笼教案(精编3篇) 学习方法的演讲稿 没有一种草不是花朵阅读答案 小学三年级语文学习方法指导 高一政治理解知识的复习方法 中考感想作文300字 读书阅读答案现代文 科学课教案(热门20篇) 关于感恩古诗(实用3篇) 高三作文以慢慢来为话题800字 长江话题作文范文 临近期末考试作文 小学五年级语文测试题两套 生活经典格言 冀教版六年级语文知识点 仿写诗歌乡愁(优质8篇) 海底世界优秀教学设计(精编12篇) 学生优秀共青团员事迹材料 名著红楼梦读书心得感悟范文 油菜花教案(精品18篇) 选择的议论文高三800字 教师节的礼物 八年级三角形测试题 小学五年级作文:期末考试 响应单位办公禁烟倡议书文章参考素材(精选4篇) 尊老爱幼故事(汇编3篇) 我健康我快乐主题班会(实用8篇) 初中数学解题方法大 晒幸福的句子(汇集5篇) 高考科目顺序及时间内容 会计专业大学生实习心得 浮生六记读书心得范文 大学生军训700字作文 高一政治必背知识点人教版 精彩的生活700字高分作文 剑桥商务英语BEC中级最后一个月复习方案(精编4篇) 正能量励志名言 小学四年级作文:我家的春节 安全知识竞赛开幕式讲话稿 年级下册数学知识点(精编19篇) 四年级查理九世读后感范文300字 安全知识作文 大学英语作文 寒假社会实践心得体会 关于端午节谜语(精选3篇) 关于考试的周记作文 读书的高一作文800字范文 期末考试作文 庆祝教师节 保险公司人生格言精选 交通安全知识歌谣的顺口溜(精选150句) 田间劳动实践心得体会 养花说课稿(汇总5篇) 中考议论文阅读及答案整理 春的消息教案(推荐10篇)