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P*** 22-07-29 英文自我评价

Tagore is to introduce the West to the Indian culture and the introduction of Western culture to India's influential Born in May 7, 1861 Bengal Bengal in West Bengal, August 7, 1941 died in the same Families belong to businessmen and landlords, Brahman His grandfather Devangat Tagore and his father, Dean Ranath Tagore, were social activists supporting social Tagore went to Oriental College, Normal School and Bangladesh College, but did not complete the formal His knowledge from the father and brother and the tutor of the ear, as well as their own efforts as

He started poetry from the age of 13, 14-year-old published a patriotic poem "dedicated to the Hindu " In 1878, he went to England to study abroad, initially studying law, then transferred to the University of London to study English literature, study of Western In 1880 returned to China, specializing in literary In 1884, left the city to the village to manage the ancestral In 1901, in Bangladesh Boll Puer near Santi Nick Tan founded the school, 1905 after the national liberation movement into the climax, Bangladesh and all the people of India are opposed to the Bangladesh division decision, the formation of vigorous anti-imperialist patriotic Tagore went to Calcutta to join the movement, outraged, wrote a large number of patriotic But soon disagreed with the other leaders of the movement, he disagreed with the burning of British goods, abusive British "direct action", and advocated more "constructive" work, such as to rural areas to develop industry, eliminate poverty and In 1907 he withdrew from the movement back to Santi Nick Tan, had lived in seclusion, buried In 1913, he was the English version of "Gitanjali" won the Nobel Prize in Literature, hence the world famous literary University of Kolkata awarded him a The British government sealed him as a After the outbreak of the First World War, he has more than 10 times across the ocean, visit dozens of countries and regions, spread peace and friendship, cultural In 1919, the Amritsar massacre occurred, the British army shot and killed more than 1,000 Indian civilians, Tagore statement to give up the title of jazz, to In 1930, he visited the Soviet Union, wrote the "Russian Letters".

He condemned the Italian fascist aggression against Support the Government of the Spanish Republic against Fascist head After the outbreak of the Second World War, he wrote an article denouncing Hitler's He has always been concerned about the fate of world politics and people and supports the just cause of Many critics say the poet is a "human child". Because they are innocent, In many modern poets, Tagore is a "child's " His poem is like the innocent angel's face; looking at him, he "feels the meaning of everything", feels peace, feels comfort, and knows the "Tagore's philosophy" says that the popularity of Tagore's writings attracts the interest of people all over the world, half in his idealistic idealism and half in the solemnity and beauty of his literary 's literary activity begins Very

At the age of fourteen, he began to write the Later, he and his friends gradually translated into many kinds of English, poems have "gardeners set", "new moon", "fruit collection" "birds", "Gitanjali", "love gift"And" Qi Road "; script:" sacrifice and other "," post office "," the dark room of the king "," spring "; Essays:" students "," personality " : "My memories", "hungry stone and other", "family and the world" and so In Bengali, according to the Indians, his poems are more beautiful than the English ones: he is the first of our saints: the one who does not reject life, but who speaks the life itself, that is why we love him The

His poems contain profound religious and philosophical For Tagore, his poem is his gift to God, and he himself is the suitor of His poems in India enjoy epic He himself was seen by many Hindus as a Participated in the leadership of the Indian Renaissance, in addition to poetry outside Tagore also wrote novels, essays, travels, drama and more than 2,000

His prose content is mainly social, political and educational, his poetry, in addition to its religious content, the most important is the description of nature and In Tagore's poetry, life itself and its multiplicity are reasons for At the same time, his expression of love is one of the contents of his

His main works are poetry "Gitanjali", the novel "two acres of land" "shipwreck" and so In 1913 the work "Gitanjali - hungry stone" won the Nobel Prize in Reason for winning: "Because of his most sensitive, fresh and beautiful poem; this poem out of the superb skills, and because he himself expressed in English, his poetic thought has become a part of Western "

Tagore made several trips, which led him to understand the many different cultures and the differences between His description of oriental and western culture is by far one of the finest of these

Tagore's life is in India in the British colonial era The destruction of the motherland, national humiliation, the tragic life of the colonial people, are deeply imprinted in Tagore's soul, the idea of patriotism in the beginning of his works in the strong Although he was born in wealthy families, living in a complex society, but his love and hate is clear, creative thinking is clear, and always keep up with the pace of the At the height of the national independence movement, he wrote to the British Governor to protest colonial rule and to chant his own patriotic He has also resolutely abandoned the title and privilege granted by the British The Indian people respected him and loved him, calling him a poet, the conscience of India and the soul of

Development of Thought and Artistic Achievement

Tagore was born in the era of rapid change, by the traditional philosophy of India and the impact of Western But the most basic and most core part of his world view is the Indian tradition of pantheism, that is, "Brahman". In the "colorful set", he first proposed "the god of life" devotion to God is in harmony with the love of life, the nation and the But this also makes his poetry also cast a strong In addition, he advocated the spiritual civilization of the East, but does not deny the Western material All these make his thoughts full of contradictions and performance in the His thoughts and creative development, can be divided into three stages: ① young until 1910 years ago, he actively participated in anti-British political activities, sing a national hero, to promote patriotism, to promote national unity in ② reclusive life until 1919, once again active in the national movement, patriotic passion slightly subsided, strong political content of the poem was replaced by a mysterious poetry, but also by the Western symbolism, aestheticism, poetry, Love and ③ From the 1919 Amritsar tragedy until his death, he began to care about politics, and actively into the national liberation struggle, the content of the work is full of political passion, vision is also open, and the world and human beings are very concerned It can be said that the creation of Tagore's life both "Bodhisattva ci Mei", but also "King Kong " His poems by the Indian classical literature, Western poetry and the impact of Bangladesh folk lyric poetry, mostly without rhyme, not carving

His novels by the influence of Western novels, but also innovation, especially the poetic integration into them, the formation of a unique

Rabindranath Tagore Indian Bengali poet, writer, artist, social Born in Kolkata, a richly educated family, the father is a famous religious reformer and social activist, six brothers are also dedicated to the social reform and the Rabindranath Tagore retired from the formal school education, family education and assiduously spent his youth, 1878 to study English law, then transferred to the University of London to study English literature, study of Western

Tagore childhood that emerge poem, his patriotic poem "to the Hindu temple" (1875) published, only 14 years In 1880, 19-year-old Tagore has become a professional From 1881 to 1885, he published lyric poems "Twilight" (1882), "Morning Song" (1883), as well as drama and novels and other These early injuries are characterized by more fantasy than reality, full of

The famous poem "Two acres of land" (1894) published, marking the Tagore from the religious mysticism to the profound (1890) is his first mature work, the famous poem "two acres of land" (1894) The poems of this period include the "Golden Sailboat" (1894), the "Fantastic Collection" (1896), the 5th Lyric Collection and the "Epic Anthology" (1900). In addition, he also created more than 60 short stories, including "Su Pak" (1893), "Mo Mahmaya" (1892), "the last alive, or dead? "(18

92) was included in the world of outstanding short stories masterpiece of the

In 1901, Tagore set up a school for the transformation of society, engaged in children's education In 1912, the school became an international university for Asian cultural As the British in Bangladesh to implement the policy of splitting, India in 1905 set off the first national liberation movement climax, Tagore actively involved in the movement and created many patriotic This period is the most brilliant period of his He published eight Bengali poetry collections and eight English poems, including "Gitanjali" for the poet to win a worldwide This period of important poems are "gardeners set" (1913), "new moon" (1915), "birds" (1916) and so In 1910, Tagore has published the epic novel "Gora" and the symbol of the play "King" and so

In 1919, India set off a second national liberation movement climax, to seek national liberation path, he traveled five continents, delivered many famous This period of outstanding achievements is the political lyrics, were collected in "Africa" (1937), "Edge set" (1938), "Birthday" (1941) and other

Tagore has created more than 50 poems, 12 novels, more than 100 short stories, more than 20 kinds of drama, there are a lot of literature, philosophy, politics and travel books, and so In addition, he is a very accomplished musicians and painters, has created more than 2,000 songs and more than 1,500 paintings, of which the song "the will of the people" has been designated as the national

In more than 60 years of artistic career, he inherited the fine traditions of classical and folk literature, absorbed the rich nutrition of European romanticism and realistic literature, reached the level of perfection in the creation, and achieved brilliant achievements and become a generation of cultural In 1913, "because of his most sensitive, fresh and beautiful poem; this poem with superb skills, and by his own expression in English, so that his poetic thought has been a part of Western literature" Won the Nobel Prize in The British government sealed him as a



姓名:目前所在:顺德区年  龄:37户口所在:韶关国  籍:中国婚姻状况:已婚民  族:汉族培训认证:未参加身  高:160cm诚信徽章:未申请体  重:55kg人才测评:未测评我的特长:求职意向人才


















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