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太*** 21-11-02 英文自我评价

Recently, the experts spoke highly of the award nominee writer, famous screenwriter Ba Longfeng's novel, "I love forever", they are from the novel's text features, the overall structure, characterization, ideological content, artistic appeal, , Enthusiastic

It is reported that the novel "Never Lost My Love" for the famous Maopi shortlisted writer, screenwriter Long-Feng 15 years ago, painstakingly created the youth love local inspirational From today's point of view, more like a writer's nostalgia for The book tells the story of China's western province of G province L (Gansu Lanzhou University) master's and girlfriend L large foreign graduate Kathly and love girlfriend Xu Fen between the love of disputes, magnificent artistic structure, rich in content, delicate strokes, the plot exceptionally moving, Art of the early life of the author, emotional The book is about 500,000 words, will be included in the Chinese Literature and History Publishing House "span novels library" grand launch, is expected in October 20XX to meet with

Love, affection, friendship, world collision, natural, human, moral, ethical blending; under the microscope anatomical villages and towns in the town of the town, Society, focus on burning youth passion

Manuscripts are polyphonic novels, the theme of rich: not only focus on telling pure love story, but also for the history of enterprises left a with the great development of the west, the novel shows the truth that "governing the poor must first rule the foolish". And inspire the world: "know how to solve a problem is one thing, there is sufficient human and material resources to actually solve this problem is one thing, there is often a process between the " The heroine's blood and tears of the words - "An era of morality, often provides some of the spirit of this era of crime", it is a lot of emotion,

"Never lose my love" in the figure of the real, vivid, clear, touching, Kai people mind, The hero of the multi-talented, inspirational strong, do not meet the real life and work The heroine beautiful and life experience, because of unbearable moral burden and loss of confidence in love, and ultimately do not marry the mentally makes the hero life punishment and return to the The real love of a human extinction!

According to Chinese history and literature publishing editor Xue Yuan Yuan introduction, the book text is highly mature, will be the return of realism literature masterpieces, but also a model of lyrical Both the "ordinary world" as the objective value of understanding, and "Young Werther's troubles" kind of strong It can be said, catching up with the "ordinary world" style, it is the national version of "Junior Werther's troubles"! Unique novel plot Plenty of vividness brought about by the great readability, contains a huge film adaptation

He is a member of Sh高度的评价英文版nxi Provincial Association for the Advancement of People's Literature and He is a member of Sh高度的评价英文版nxi Provincial Association for Democracy and People's Political Consultative He has a master's degree in film and TV He is a screenwriter, writer, Sh高度的评价英文版nxi Press and Publication Bureau of Radio and Television, Sh高度的评价英文版nxi Radio and Television, Chinese Literature and History Publishing House, Chinese Press, Xi'an Jiaotong University Press, Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology Publishing House and many other organizations contracted writers, "the second book reading recommended" top writers (With Ji Xianlin, Chen Zhongshi, Jia Pingwa, Zhang Chengzhi, Zhang Xianliang and other columns), "the fifth of the Sanqinshu month 30 kinds of books (the book)," National "), and the winner of" Five First Engineering Award "," Sh高度的评价英文版nxi Provincial Major Cultural Project "," Sh高度的评价英文版nxi Major Literary and Artistic Creation Project "and" China University Publishing House Best-selling Book Award ".Published in various types of text more than 280 million words, published four books, of which, "write diary weekly and epistolary" by Wang Meng, Liu Heng and other editor in chief of the set of books, "middle school students sports training" is "compilation" series China Daily "," China Daily "," China Daily "," China Daily "," China Daily "," China Journal "," Gansu Daily "," Xi'an Daily "," Ningbo Daily "," Lanzhou Daily "," Huashangbao "," Hong Kong Commercial Daily "," Time Business Daily "," Sanqin Metropolis Daily "," Lanzhou Morning News "and" Lanzhou Evening News ". .

Ba Longfeng masterpiece: novel "take the fork of love" "cloud cross the Qinling Mountains" (nominated for the ninth Mao Dun Literature Award, the summit of "the second book recommendation book" list, selected "Silk Road summer walking Chang'an - Northwest literature books recommended "," the fifth Sanqinshu month 30 books recommended ")" Falling earth "(adapted into 36 episodes)" Silk Road Love ", comment" language subjectivity perspective "The Long March on the Screen", "A Brief History of the Long March Movie and Its Criticism", "The Narrative Strategy Analysis of the Long March Movie", "On the Long March of the Long March" "The Analysis of the Theme of the Long March Movie" "The Baihua Literature" On the Visualization of the Film and Television Anthropology Works "The Inner Time: The Third Dimension of the Life Elves" "The Art of Narration - The Narrative Analysis of the Invisible Man""Love": "omnipresent disillusionment" "Lu Yao creation of traditional cultural psychology", the screenwriter of the film and television works "You are my scenery" "Mosuo sisters" "Changan Holiday" "Yun Wang Qinling" "Justice sword "Love Lombard" "Silk Road Love" and so Involved in the planning of the film and television drama has more than 200 (set), presided over the film and television movie "love invincible" "travel divorce" and so





















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