爱问知识人 爱问教育 医院库



不*** 22-06-16 英文自我评价

Looking back at 20__, this is a busy and a tough Overall contraction due to the financial environment, our company is also struggling in 20 __ years of operation, but the chairman under the correct leadership and the joint efforts of colleagues, we achieve benefit maximization, risk minimization, closely around the business management target, insist on compliance in accordance with the prudent management, moderate scale, credit control credit risk, further optimize the quality of credit assets and promote the development of the credit business This is a summary of my work for a

First, the business operation completes the situation

The company achieves total revenue of 10,000 yuan by 20__, of which the loan interest income is 10,000

Work measures and development

First, we will continue to optimize the quality of credit through

In the year of 20__, our company is developing the service attitude, taking the active passion and realizing customer In order to implement professional management on lending, credit established: loan procedures, review of loan management format, set up a more complete set of form of post-loan inspection work made the concrete operation At the same time, the company insists on the principle of studying on the side of the work, insisting on the knowledge of Friday afternoon, the meeting of Monday morning, and summarizing the work of the

We will improve the level of loan management in an all-round way with the premise of "norms"

Create a small loan management model for The company is to make the pilot of small rural loans, the key support of the farmer in huixian This year, in order to guard against credit risk, loan department set up electronic parameter management of credit files, establish archives information, strict appraisal appraisal, guarantee loans back on

Taking the "risk on" as the core, the comprehensive solution to the credit risk

According to the relevant requirements of chairman, we constantly dissolve the risk in the work, in combination with the practical situation of our company, to establish risk early warning mechanism, the end of every month for next month's loan, the establishment of early warning that weaves collection parameter, do it on time, timing, collection of loan principal and

One is to ask the loan officer to complete the loan and prevent the occurrence of illegal

Second, we will strictly implement the classification of loans, and carry out risk To carry out risk classification according to the principle of "monthly classification, real-time adjustment".

Third, the report of the credit report, the examination and the monitoring work of bad To take timely measures to detect bad loan signals and to give feedback to the chairman, and to issue the notice of the loan to the customer on a regular

Third, there are problems

Review for one year of work, although we made great efforts, but there are still a big gap with the requirement of the chairman, mainly displays in: one is the credit personnel quality remains to be further improved, the ideological understanding is not enough; Second, the quality of credit assets has yet to be

Fourth, the next work plan

Recognize the situation and plan for Due to the impact of the domestic financial environment, the financial industry is expected to face greater pressure in 20__, which will have an impact on credit Therefore, it is important to organize carefully to make sure that "three early days" will complete the

One is early We should fully recognize the strong development momentum of the industry and the serious situation of market competition, and carefully analyze the direction of the fund

Second, plan To further develop the spirit of continuous combat, seize the initiative of the work and organize the staff to study the CBRC document

Third, prepare Plan and plan for the next To ensure that there is pressure and confidence;

Four is to move Company staff manages concertedly, try to overcome thought lax, discipline, the phenomenon of slow, ensure that credit work steady, healthy and orderly conduct of next

Scientific development and overall consideration will further enhance the strength of credit

First, we will continue to increase our lending to agriculture, rural areas and To strengthen the service consciousness for the agriculture, actively promote farmers group lending, small credit loans, effectively solve the farmers loans difficult, firmly rooted in the rural, efforts to expand the microfinance market share of retail

Second, we will increase the cultivation of good customers and ensure credit On the basis of this year, according to the nature of industry, and the product of the market prospects, technical inputs, such as the actual situation, for next year's enterprise credit, loan structure reasonable adjustment, to ensure the normal The issuance of loans will reduce links and improve efficiency in the absence of risk and legal

Third, we will implement the system, strengthen accountability mechanisms, and comprehensively resolve the credit

First, emancipate the mind and actively explore and put new ideas into To avoid bad loans made by different borrowers or businesses,

Second, we will increase the level of ShouDai responsibilities, forbidden to risky lending, businesses and individuals at the same time to put an end to replay light receive ideas, strengthen post-loan inspection, discover the trend of loan risk, put an end to happen bad

We will strengthen the training of credit operations in combination with the classification of

The first is a monthly comprehensive loan class of five Led by the manager, lead the loan officer to investigate and analyze the loan clients, so that the credit personnel will continue to enrich their business knowledge in the actual

Second, we will implement the credit personnel meeting To strengthen the credit personnel political consciousness and professional quality training, constantly enhance the consciousness of the compliance management and due diligence, continuous learning advanced management experience, find out the gap of existence, In a word, I will work closely around the credit FuNong goal, to strengthen the construction of credit management system, outstanding for loan monitoring, effectively solve the credit risk assets, the work of the company credit to a new





















员工工作转正自我鉴定 关于大学生毕业登记表自我鉴定范文 会计和出纳的岗位职责(实用19篇) 幼儿园师德自我评价范文 软件开发工程师求职简历自我评价 销售店长自我介绍 研究生毕业个人求职自荐信 车辆安全管理总结(热门3篇) 2021学生自我评价 面试时简短的自我介绍 应聘银行自我评价 企划部岗位职责 护士个人鉴定参考范文 支教面试自我介绍 有关中专毕业生自我鉴定范文 农村自荐信 个人求职自我介绍范文 财务科岗位职责 关于写面试自我介绍范文 销售口述自我介绍 音乐生自我介绍 工程专业自我介绍 应聘银行岗位面试自我介绍范文 教师学期自我评价 日记自我介绍 小学生自我介绍作文 土木实习鉴定表自我鉴定 大专生求职的自我介绍 最新计算机专业自我鉴定 大学生实习面试自我介绍模板 优秀应聘面试自我介绍 个人简历自我介绍 一分钟的英语自我介绍 2021幼儿园实习自我鉴定 银行见习自我鉴定 自主招生面试自我介绍模板 应届毕业生自我鉴定 英语自我介绍作文 有关物流专业求职信 员工试用期转正自我鉴定通用500字 会计个人实习自我鉴定 采购部部门职能(精编7篇) 个人鉴定500字大学生大二 医学生护理的求职自荐信 中专面试的自我介绍范文 毕业生自我鉴定 社团自我介绍 业余本科大学毕业生登记表的自我鉴定范文 关于面试的自我介绍 2022简历求职信 大专职校学生毕业自我鉴定 电子商务专业个人简历模板 学校考勤制度(热门6篇) 大学生综合素质优秀自我评价范文 本科函授毕业生自我鉴定 大学生的个人自我鉴定范文 计算机专业大学生毕业自我鉴定800字 2021年实习自我鉴定 一分钟英语自我介绍面试 讲师面试自我介绍模板 教师师德师风自我评价 实习自我鉴定 医学生实习自我鉴定 中学生自我评价范文 幼儿园老师自我介绍 销售人员的求职信 找工作自荐信模板素材 旅游管理的求职信 关于酒店求职信 教师自我介绍 社团自我介绍 财务个人简历的自我评价 医院实习生自我鉴定通用 会计岗位面试自我介绍范文3分钟 药店人员自我鉴定范文 最简洁的辞职信范文 管理专业求职信 学生高三综合素质自我评价 2022专科毕业在校大学生自我鉴定 师范毕业生登记表里的自我鉴定 物业公司保安制度(通用7篇) 关于大学毕业生求职自我介绍一分钟 大专大三毕业2022自我鉴定800字 大学新生的自我介绍 护士专业面试自我介绍范文 2022年个性自我介绍简短 大学教师应聘自我介绍范文 文秘工作人员自我鉴定模板 车间实习自我鉴定 学生自我评价要怎么写 应聘采购的自我介绍范文 毕业生自我鉴定 最新大学自我鉴定 毕业生登记表自我鉴定 数控专业学习生活的自我鉴定 大学生职场礼仪与沟通 2022公司年度自我评价 单位工作自我鉴定示例 自我介绍高中作文 保安个人辞职信范例 房地产辞职申请书范文 团员自我评议表2022 求职的自我介绍 设计师求职信 转正审批表的自我鉴定 自我介绍面试学生会生活部 电大毕业生自我鉴定700字模板 销售主管面试自我介绍范文 大一新生女生自我介绍范文 应届设计专业求职自荐信参考范文素材大全 教师个人职业规划_教师职业发展计划 自我介绍范文初中生女 2021年小学老师师德的自我评价 毕业生专业求职信范文锦集 大学单招面试自我介绍 防灾救灾应急预案(甄选7篇) 文员个人自我鉴定范文 实习护士自我鉴定 关于保险求职信 精选学员自我鉴定范文 自我鉴定毕业生登记表800字 转正自我鉴定 2022管培生求职信模板 留学自荐信 2021高校求职信范文 年度考核表个人评价 高一学期自我评价200字 铁路毕业生登记表自我鉴定 饭店的辞职信范文 面试出纳人员的自我介绍模板 应聘会计的英文自我介绍范文 门卫岗位说明书(集锦3篇) 商贸公司年终总结(通用20篇) 物业副总经理岗位职责(甄选3篇) 应届大学生就业推荐表自我鉴定 建筑施工企业岗位职责(汇总3篇) 求职的简历 外企应聘英语自我介绍范文 毕业生英文求职信 求职面试英文自我介绍 电子商务个人简历自我评价 2022幼师自我评价简历简短 护理毕业生自我鉴定范文 2022教师年度自我评价 最新医德医风自我评价 大四自我鉴定 应届毕业生就业的自我鉴定 初中生毕业生登记表里的自我鉴定 机械工程师工作总结范文 求职幼师的自我介绍 学生自我评价教育评价 办公室主任岗位职责 一分钟中文自我介绍 期末自我评价范文之一 高中生综合素质的自我评价范文500字 实习自我鉴定 的高中毕业生自我鉴定怎么写 2021研究生自荐信 实习自我鉴定 初中毕业生自我鉴定300字 网络教育毕业生登记表自我鉴定 护士一分钟的自我介绍 实用毕业生求职信 护士工作自我鉴定 求职简历中的自我评价怎么写 项目实施经理岗位职责 党员个人自我总结范文 员工考核鉴定表自我鉴定 医学专业大学生的毕业自我鉴定 关于入职的自我介绍300字 护理毕业生登记表的自我鉴定范文 日语专业自荐信 法学函授专业毕业生自我鉴定 大学学年自我鉴定 2022年儿科医师自我鉴定 非师范教师求职自荐信 村官工作自我鉴定范文 店长岗位职责说明书(精选12篇) 主持人 大赛自我介绍 大四自我鉴定 高一开学自我介绍 如何写护士实习鉴定呢 工程专业自荐信模板 关于保险专业求职信范文 部门员工岗位职责 推优自我鉴定怎么写 行政人事部主管岗位职责(精选4篇) 护士辞职信 研究生个人自我鉴定 高中教师教学工作的个人自我鉴定 2020女生的自我介绍范文 面试时简短的自我介绍 医学毕业生的自我鉴定 毕业生就业推荐表自我评价200字 毕业生实习鉴定 实习自我鉴定 大一期末简短自我评价 教师师德表现自我评价范文 中学开学自我介绍 个人工作自我鉴定