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I was going to die in Antar...


I was going to die in Antar...

I was going to die in Antarctica, I was certain. A picture of my frost-covered body, pale and lifeless, filled my mind as I glanced around. In all directions spreads the empty wilderness of Antarctica, the only feature being the division between snow and sky. I sadly stared at my team, who were rapidly disappearing from my sight.
It happened in the year 2009 when I was head of an adventure attempting to reach the South Pole. The team was made up of ordinary women from all around the world—from Jamaica, India, Singapore and Cyprus—many of whom had never seen snow, or spent a night in a tent, before we set off. Our aim was to be the most international all-female team to reach the South Pole.
By the time I realized that my sledge was firmly stuck, the team were already a long way ahead of me. I called out to Era, my teammate from Brunei, who was next in line. Getting no response, I called again, but my shouts were carried away in the opposite direction by the wind. I had stood and watched the line for a while as it marched away from me, confident that at any moment one of my teammates would look behind her. Seconds passed. Nothing. I was gradually being left alone.
I pushed my sledge again, my strength suddenly increased when I thought of a cold, lonely death. This time the sledge moved a little. I kicked at the ice with my ski-pole and boot, desperately trying to break the sledge free and pushed again. The sledge shot forward, knocking me off balance. I struggled to my feet and set off after the team.
I caught up just as they realized I wasn't there. As we continued, my panic slowly faded. I found myself laughing to myself as I noticed Reena checking behind her every few paces. In fact for the whole of the rest of the day each member of the team glanced over her shoulder every few minutes. They were not going to risk losing me again.
【小题1】What can we know from the first paragraph?
A.The author's poor physical condition.
B.The wonderful sights of Antarctica.
C.The rough natural conditions of Antarctica.
D.The author's regret of being left alone.
【小题2】What's the main idea of the second paragraph?
A.Brief introduction about the adventure.
B.How the author became the team leader.
C.The process of selecting the team members.
D.Complete information about the team members.
【小题3】What made it possible for the author to get her sledge out of the ice?
A.The shouts of her teammates.
B.The strong desire to live on.
C.A sudden change in wind direction.
D.The natural beauty ahead in Antarctica.
【小题4】Why did the team form the habit of looking behind?
A.Because they were expecting their team leader's arrival.
B.Because their team leader demanded them to do so.
C.Because they were afraid there might be danger coming from behind.
D.Because they wanted to make sure their team leader was following.



    2019-01-06 01:44:01
  •   【答案】【小题1】C
    【答案解析】试题分析: 本文是一篇记叙文。作者和来自牙买加、印度,新加坡和塞浦路斯等国家的女子组成了一个南极探险队,作者是队长。
    【小题1】C细节理解题。根据第一段第二行In all directions spreads the empty wilderness of Antarctica, the only feature being the division between snow and sky。
    【小题3】B细节理解题。根据第四段第一行my strength suddenly increased when I thought of a cold, lonely death。 This time the sledge moved a little。
       I kicked at the ice with my ski-pole and boot, desperately trying to break the sledge free and pushed again.描述可知作者突然想到不能在寒冷孤独中死去,所以她活下去的强烈欲望使她充满了力量。
    【小题4】D细节理解题。根据最后一段第二行In fact for the whole of the rest of the day each member of the team glanced over her shoulder every few minutes。
       They were not going to risk losing me again。描述可知团队的每个成员时不时的回头看是因为他们想确保他们的队长即作者能够跟着队伍。故选D。


    2019-01-06 01:44:01


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