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急。求一篇英语作文。题目是 学会放松。多少词都行


急。求一篇英语作文。题目是 学会放松。多少词都行




    2018-11-06 01:41:26
  •   学会放松 
    Learn to relax
    The crescent moon hung in the sky, a few a few little stars behind it。 I sit on the grass, habitual counting the grass on the ground。
       The wind singing, brushed my finger, and my forehead hair, give me a no pressure comfort, suddenly I forget the cruel reality ""。
       The scenery description and presents a pleasant scene
    Near the senior high school entrance examination, do a more complex test, in the words into Chinese characters and to the digital wandering, in the classroom to the cafeteria to dormitory in a hurry, I think of lying in bed motionless, any time the diligent man running。
      我坐在教室最后一组最后一个座位,有一种“结庐在人境,而无车马喧”的感觉。窗外的杜鹃花开得越来越盛了,大概在我放暑假时就会开满了吧!风儿,吹进教室,轻轻地抚摸着我的发肤。闭上眼睛,任思绪奔放,风中带着新鲜的泥土味儿,那是家乡的泥土味啊!我孩提时的那些发小,我祖屋前的那颗柳树,我家门前的那条小河……你们都还好吗? 安适地享受闲情
    Sitting in the middle of the classroom, looking at the students anxiety and look forward to the eyes, really have the kind of want to escape。
       Can't! Sit in the last group of the last seat boys riding horse flies away, I first come, first served quickly occupied the seat。
       Here, in the mathematics teacher's eyes is not a good place, in my opinion, this is a "golden throne", when tired, you can rely on him for the vertical air conditioning, can have a look of the basin of Rhododendron opposite the building window flower, although each is gone, the heart can be always happy with a light I sit in a classroom in the last group of the last seat, there is a "Jielu people in the territory, and no noise of chariots and horsemen。
      "。 The cuckoo flower more Sheng, probably in my summer vacation will be full! The wind, blowing into the classroom, gently stroking my hair skin。
       Close your eyes, let your thoughts and flowing, the wind with fresh soil taste, it is the hometown of the earthy flavor! The hair of my childhood, the tree in front of my father, my home in front of the river。
      。。。。。 Are you ok? Comfortable enjoyment of leisure
    Jingle bell, the bell brought me back to reality, let me return to their own space, this is not much, if any happiness!
    Oh, learn to relax is another realm。


    2018-11-06 01:41:26


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