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在迪金森对Charles Wadsworth的爱情道路上,布满了荆棘,困难重重。一方面,因为Charles Wadsworth是在上帝面前已经发誓爱他的妻子一生一世的神父,宗教和世俗都不允许,迪金森与Charles Wadsworth之间发生任何爱情故事,世人也不理解,不尊重这段感情;另一方面,Charles Wadsworth到旧金山任职,两人相距很远,对于深陷在爱情之中的迪金森来说,那是多么痛苦的事情。但是,迪金森 这个爱情理想主义者,即便受再多的苦,哪怕象耶稣被钉在十字架上一样,也要克服所有的困难去追求她的爱情。 迪 金森借这首诗,把她无畏困难,追求爱情的信念展现出来。

  • 2007-06-13 18:05:13
      There were a lot of difficulties ,which were just like thistles and thorns ,in the process of Dickinson's falling in love with Charles Wadsworth 。
      On the one hand ,it was because Charles Wadsworth was a priest who had vowed to God that he would love his wife all his life that neither religion nor common customs permitted Dickinson to fall in love with Charles Wadsworth and that the earthen didn't understand or esteem the feelings 。
      On the other hand ,because Charles Wadsworth went to take office in San Francisco ,he left Dickinson 。How painful it was for Dickinson who landed herself in the love 。
      But an idealist of love was Dickinson who would overcome all difficulties to aspire after love even if she suffered much more pain just like Jesus's being nailed on the Cross 。
       Dickinson spread out her belief to pursue love without fearing difficulties through this poem 。 Though Dickinson treated love as her life ,her life of feelings was full of frustrations ,twists and turns 。
      Her love had always accompanied pain 。She neither complained nor sighed woefully 。She had gratitude for ,thirsted for and looked forward to love instead 。
      The language of a poem was a kind of external symbol 。Every feeling of Dickinson's love could become a sort of subject matter of excellent work and each of her past experiences could be the motive force for her to write poems 。
      Dickinson had composed pieces of immortal paeans of the soul and love with her love 。


    2007-06-13 18:05:13


    2007-06-13 16:14:19
  •   In Dickinson Charles or used to buy needed items right on the road of love, full of thorns, difficult。 On one hand, Charles or used to buy needed items because of the vow before God has loved his wife for life priest , religious and secular are not allowed。
       Dickinson or used to buy needed items between Charles and any love story, the people of the world do not understand, This lack of respect for the feelings; the other hand, or used to buy needed items to the San Francisco Charles representation, They are far apart, the love for deep among the Dickinson, which is how painful things。
       However, Dickinson love the idealists, even by the more bitter, even as Jesus was crucified, have to overcome all difficulties to pursue her love。
       Dickinson through this poem, her fearless difficulties, the pursuit of love and faith demonstrated。 问题补充部分: Dickinson will love as their life, but her love life is full of bumps and twists and turns She always love and pain and Everlasting Health。
       She had no complaint, no lamented, Thanksgiving or even adopt a new, still eager to pursue, and yearn for love。 Poetry is the language of the feelings of an external symbols。
       Dickinson love of each feelings can become famous paintings of subjects, each experienced the love poetry can become creative impetus。
       Dickinson used her love of music to write a love lasts forever, immortalized the soul of the culture。 。


    2007-06-13 16:14:19

  • 2007-06-13 15:25:01
  •   On the way of love between Dedgison and Charles Wadsworth,there are a lot of bramble,and through hardly。One side,Charles Wadsworth is a priest who was swearing to the gad that he will love his wife forever,it is never permit by religion and common customs,also the love story between Dedgison and Charles Wadsworth,wasnot understand by eathling,and they disrespected the heart。
      On the other hand,Charles Wadsworth hold a post at San Francisco,it was far away from them。It was very painful thing toDedgson who up to the chin love。
      but,like ther idealist of love,even if she suffered many more,tacked onthe Latin cross,she would look for her love also。Degdison set out her faith of aspiring after love deponded on the poetry。


    2007-06-13 15:25:01


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