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    2017-07-01 15:02:24
  •   1。 Don't focus too much on grammar
      Suregrammar is important, without it your sentences will look weird andnative speakers may not even understand you。
         当然语法也很重要,没有了语法,你的句子读起来会很奇怪,甚至法国人会不明白你的意思。   But,you shouldn't obsess with grammar。   然而你不用过分在意语法。   Mostmistakes won't prevent people from understanding you, and nobody willblame you for making a few grammatical mistakes。
         人们还是能理解你说的话即使语法存在大部分错误,并且没有人会因为一些语法上的错误而责怪你。   Infact, as a native French speaker, I sometimes make mistakes too。   Andthat's okay。
         实际上,作为土生土长的法国人,我有时也会犯语法错误,不过这没关系。   Thisdoesn't mean that you should completely forget about grammar。   Instead,you should simply learn grammar when there is something specific youdon't understand in a sentence。
         并不是说你可以完全忽略语法,相反,当你遇到特别的不理解的句子时更应该学习语法。   Learninggrammar as you stumble upon grammatical constructions you don'tunderstand make it much easier to learn and understand grammar。
         Ina language full of exceptions like French, learning rules by heart isnot worth it。   学习语法是让你不明白的语法结构变得简单易懂。像法语这样充满不规则语法的语言,死记硬背规则是浪费时间的。
         Ifyou do that, you will quickly get bored, remember nothing and end upcursing the crazy people who created French grammar。
         如果这么学法语,很快你就会厌烦,什么也没记住,最终会去咒骂编写法语语法的那群疯子。   1。 Beselective when you learn vocabulary   有选择性地学习词汇   Yourschool teacher is going to hate me for saying this but。
      。。   Manywords are useless。   你的老师会讨厌我这么说,但是……不得不提的是,很多词汇是用不到的。   A lot oflanguage courses and phrase books teach you sentences such as Monaéroglisseur est plein d'anguilles (My hovercraft is full of eels)。
         许多语言课程和短语书会教你这句话:Monaéroglisseur est plein d'anguilles(我的气垫船装满了鳝鱼)。   Someother use sentences that sound extremely old-fashioned or way tooformal for daily life。
         其他一些日常生活中使用的句子听起来要么极其老式要么又太正式。   Thesesentences won't bring you much, because you will most likely neveruse them。   这些句子不会真正让你受益,因为很大可能不会用到。
         Ifyou are a complete beginner, it's worth checking out lists of themost common French words。 These are words French people use everyday。
         倘若你是初学者,值得看看最常用的法语词汇表。   1。 Learnsentences, not words   学习句型,而不是单词   Learningindividual words is not only difficult, it's also extremelyineffective。
         Why?   逐个学习单词不仅困难而且效率很低,原因何在呢?   Because,we memorize more easily when we create associations。   Whenyou learn a word, the only thing you memorize is the word and itsmeaning。
         因为当我们把单词进行关联时更容易记住。当你学习一个单词时,只是记住这个单词及其意思。   So,even if you memorize it, you won't know how to use it once the timeto speak has come。
         Whereasif you learn sentences, you will immediately know how to use thewords you learn。   Youwill also learn expressions at the same time and sound much morenatural。


    2017-07-01 15:02:24




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