爱问知识人 爱问教育 医院库




第三篇 The Child Witness 
Going to court can be frightening, especially if you are a child. You may have to stand up in the witness (证人) box, and swear (发誓) to tell the truth and answer questions is front of a crowd of adults. It would be even more frightening if you were the victim of a crime and you had to sit in the same courtroom (法庭) as the person accused of attacking you, for instance. 
So the law in Britain has made it easier for children to act as witnesses. Children are allowed to tell what they know, from another room in the same courthouse. This way they do not have to face all those people in the courtroom. 
It works on a closed-circuit (闭路的) television link, which means that the TV only operates inside the court. The child witness sits in a room with a social worker in front of a TV camera. Everyone in the courtroom can see the child on a TV screen, but the child can only see the judge and the lawyers who will ask him or her questions. The system has been so successful that is will be extended to more courts this year. 
Another way to make it easy for a child to act a witness is to set up a screen is the court room around the witness box so that the child cannot see the defendant (被告). 
Information given by children can be very important to a court trial (审判), but before 1988 the law did not really recognizes that children told the truth. It stated that anything a child said in court had to be supported by other evidence in the case. 

11. A child witness, if he were the victim of the crime, would be frightened most by ____________. 
○ lthequestionshehadtoanswer○ ecrowdofadultshehadtoface○ ejudgeandthelawyers○ epersonaccusedofattackinghim
12. The most important point of the new system that made things easier for a child witness is that ______________. 
○A. he does not see the defendant 
○B. he speaks in front of a TV camera 
○C. he is in another room is the same courthouse 
○D. everyone in the courtroom can see the child 

13. What does the author think of the new system according to the third paragraph? 
○A. Not very good. 
○B. Very successful. 
○C. Just an experiment. 
○D. Hardly acceptable. 

14. Has the law always recognized the importance of children's information in court? 
○A. No. 
○B. Yes. 
○C. Not until 1988. 
○D. Before 1988, yes. 

15. The word 'case' in the last paragraph means __________. 
○A. a particular situation 
○B. a particular incident 
○ rial○D. a box 

  • 2006-02-17 12:25:50
       epersonaccusedofattackinghim12。 A。 he does not see the defendant rysuccessful tuntil198815。 B。 a particular incident。


    2006-02-17 12:25:50


    2006-02-17 11:44:07
  •   11。D(P1:It would be even more frightening if you were the victim of a crime and you had to sit in the same courtroom (法庭) as the person accused of attacking you, for instance。
       ) 12。A (p2) 13。B So the law in Britain has made it easier;Information given by children can be very important to a court trial  14。
      C Information given by children can be very important to a court trial (审判), but before 1988 the law did not really recognizes that children told the truth。
       15。C。(案件 整篇在说证人 选一个相关的)。


    2006-02-17 11:44:07

  • 2006-02-17 11:40:55
  • 1儿童证人,特别是罪案的见证人,最害怕的是被被告袭击  D
    2新系统最重要的是儿童见不到被告.                   A
    3作者认为新系统是成功的                            B
    4法庭在88年以后才认可儿童在法庭的陈述              C
    5在审理中                                          C


    2006-02-17 11:40:55


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