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    2017-07-20 10:26:28
  •   雅思口语考试Part1话题拓展方式基本有四种,分别是时间对比、分类讨论、看情况而定以及举例说明。
    "时间对比"即指通过对过去和现在(现在和将来)的情况分别描述,运用转折,顺接等连接方式,将之对比从而对话题进行拓展。通常运用于一些客观事实的陈述问题中,例如最基本的accommodation的话题中,what kind of housing do u live in?
      这个问题,除了常规的细节性添加进行描述之外,也可以用时间对比进行回答:well, we used to live in a house in the countryside before moving to a smaller flat in a block building downtown five years ago, it's more convenient to my school and the workplace of my parents, while sometimes I still miss the time when I played in the fields with all the other kids in the village。
         这样还可以展示时态语法的准确性,以及对比转折的连接关系。   "分类讨论"即指对同一事物的对象进行分类举例,运用转折,顺接等连接方式,通常依据年龄、性别、身份背景、教育程度、贫富状况、地区和性格等划分,描述其不同情况或者偏好,从而对话题进行拓展。
         要适用于问题对象广泛的问题,这个在几乎所有话题中都有涉及,随意取一个music的话题来作为例子说明。   what kind of music is the most popular in your country?理想的回答方式可以将"people in your country"进行分类:well, pop and rock music are extremely wild-spread among the young generation for it's more exciting and easier to follow, while the senior citizens normally prefer something more traditional and less tensional like folk music or local opera。
         "视情况而定"即指通过对于事物的一般情况和状态的描述之后,运用转折,顺接等连接方式,再举一个特殊情形的特例将之对比从而对话题进行拓展。   主要是用于个人喜好的表达类的问题上,典型的有clothes话题中what kind/type of clothes do you mostly choose to wear?的问题,可以考虑不同场合或者季节下的不同选择,"Well, normally I wear something casual like most of people of my age do, which makes us look alive and feels comfortable。
       However, it's quite necessary to make a more careful choice under certain special occasions, such as doing a public speech, or attending a important event。
      "   "举例说明"即指在表述完事物观点并陈述理由后,运用举例和顺接等连接方式,再举一个与之相关的事实例证从而对话题进行拓展。   更多的可以用在个人观点阐述表达的问题中,这类问题通常比较难,有点类似于第三部分的问题,主要形式是问及事物的importance, 比如Is it important to have public parks in the city?   可以参考的回答是:   "As far as I'm concerned, it's definitely essential to have public places like parks for the citizens as a place for exercise or social activities, especially for the elderly。
       Take my grandparents as an example, they go to the community park almost everyday, and several times a day, normally in the mornings and later in the evenings after dinner, they do not only take exercise like Taiqi or square dancing, but also hang out there with old friends in the neighborhood for a casual talk, and my grandpa plays chess there in the wonderful daytime。
      "   由此可见,不同方法适用于不同类型的问题,当然一个问题也不至局限于一种方法进行回答,只要灵活应用,对很多问题都可以组织出很丰富的答案来,最关键还是要加强练习,提高流利度和正确率。 。


    2017-07-20 10:26:28


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